module ForestLiana class OperatorValueParser def self.parse(value) operator = nil value_comparison = nil if value.first == '!' && value[1] != '*' operator = '!=' value_comparison = value[1..-1] elsif value.first == '>' operator = '>' value_comparison = value[1..-1] elsif value.first == '<' operator = '<' value_comparison = value[1..-1] elsif value[0] == '!' && value[1] == '*' && value[-1] == '*' operator = 'NOT LIKE' value = value.delete('!') value_comparison = value.gsub('*', '%') elsif value[0] == '*' || value[-1] == '*' operator = 'LIKE' value_comparison = value.gsub('*', '%') elsif value === '$present' operator = 'IS NOT NULL' value_comparison = nil elsif value === '$blank' operator = 'IS NULL' value_comparison = nil else operator = '=' value_comparison = value end [operator, value_comparison] end def self.get_condition(field, operator, value, resource, timezone) field_name = self.get_field_name(field, resource) if self.is_belongs_to(field) fieldSplit = field.split(':') association = fieldSplit.first.to_sym field = fieldSplit.last resource_association = resource.reflect_on_association(association) if resource_association.nil? raise"Association '#{association.to_s}' not found") end resource = resource.reflect_on_association(association).klass end "#{field_name} #{self.get_condition_end(field, operator, value, resource, timezone)}" end def self.get_condition_end(field, operator, value, resource, timezone) operator_date_interval_parser = OperatorDateIntervalParser .new(value, timezone) if operator_date_interval_parser.is_interval_date_value() filter = operator_date_interval_parser.get_interval_date_filter() filter else # NOTICE: Set the integer value instead of a string if "enum" type # NOTICE: Rails 3 do not have a defined_enums method if resource.respond_to?(:defined_enums) && resource.defined_enums.has_key?(field) value = resource.defined_enums[field][value] end if value "#{operator} #{self.format_value(resource, field, value)}" else operator end end end def self.get_field_name(field, resource) if self.is_belongs_to(field) association = self.get_association_name_for_condition(resource, field) "#{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name(association)}." + "#{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name(field.split(':')[1])}" else "#{resource.quoted_table_name}." + "#{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name(field)}" end end def self.format_value(resource, field, value) columns = resource.columns field_name = field column_found = columns.find { |column| == field_name } if column_found.nil? raise"Field '#{field_name}' not found") end if column_found.type == :boolean ForestLiana::AdapterHelper.cast_boolean(value) else "'#{value}'" end end def self.is_belongs_to(field) field.split(':').size >= 2 end def self.get_has_one_condition(resource, field, value, timezone) field, subfield = field.split(':') association = resource.reflect_on_association(field.to_sym) return nil if association.blank? operator, value = OperatorValueParser.parse(value) filter = OperatorValueParser .get_condition_end(subfield, operator, value, association.klass, timezone) association_name_for_condition = self.get_association_name_for_condition(resource, field) association_name_for_condition ? "#{association_name_for_condition}.#{subfield} #{filter}" : nil end def self.get_association_name_for_condition(resource, field) field, subfield = field.split(':') association = resource.reflect_on_association(field.to_sym) return nil if association.blank? tables_associated_to_relations_name = ForestLiana::QueryHelper.get_tables_associated_to_relations_name(resource) association_name = association_name_pluralized = association_name.pluralize if [association_name, association_name_pluralized].include? association.table_name # NOTICE: Default case. When the belongsTo association name and the referenced table name # are identical. association_name_for_condition = association.table_name else # NOTICE: When the the belongsTo association name and the referenced table name are not # identical. Format with the ActiveRecord query generator style. relations_on_this_table = tables_associated_to_relations_name[association.table_name] has_several_associations_to_the_table_and_is_not_first_one = !relations_on_this_table.nil? && relations_on_this_table.size > 1 && relations_on_this_table.find_index( > 0 if has_several_associations_to_the_table_and_is_not_first_one association_name_for_condition = "#{association_name_pluralized}_#{resource.table_name}" else association_name_for_condition = association.table_name end end end end end