/* Typographic control for fitting text and elements */ // Float an element, like a box, to the top of bottom of a page (print only) .float-top#{$edition-suffix} { float: top; } .float-bottom#{$edition-suffix} { float: bottom; } .float-top#{$edition-suffix} + p, .float-bottom#{$edition-suffix} + p { text-indent: $line-height-default; // If a paragraph would normally be flush left after an element, but that element is floated away, it should get its indent back. } // These classes control letter-spacing (tracking), usually to save widows and orphans. @for $i from 1 through 100 { $add-space: $i * 0.001em; .tighten-#{$i}#{$edition-suffix} { letter-spacing: $letter-spacing-text - $add-space; font-style: inherit; background-color: $highlight-tightened; } .loosen-#{$i}#{$edition-suffix} { letter-spacing: $letter-spacing-text + $add-space; font-style: inherit; background-color: $highlight-loosened; } } // These classes set the height of any element relative to the $line-height-default. // Especially useful for controlling the height of images to retain a baseline grid. // $line-height-default should be set in a non-relative unit, like points, // otherwise you'll get exponential differences in height. @for $i from 1 through 100 { $height: $i * $line-height-default; .height-#{$i}#{$edition-suffix} { height: $height; } }