require 'spec_helper' Dir[File.expand_path('../../../features/support/factories.rb', __FILE__)].each {|f| require f} describe User do context "Roles" do context "add_role" do it "raises Exception when Role object is passed" do user = Factory(:user) lambda{ user.add_role(}.should raise_exception end it "adds a Role to the User when role not yet assigned to User" do user = Factory(:user) lambda { user.add_role(:new_role) }.should change(user.roles, :count).by(1) user.roles.collect(&:title).should include("NewRole") end it "does not add a Role to the User when this Role is already assigned to User" do user = Factory(:refinery_user) lambda { user.add_role(:refinery) }.should_not change(user.roles, :count).by(1) user.roles.collect(&:title).should include("Refinery") end end context "has_role" do it "raises Exception when Role object is passed" do user = Factory(:user) lambda{ user.has_role?(}.should raise_exception end it "returns the true if user has Role" do user = Factory(:refinery_user) user.has_role?(:refinery).should be_true end it "returns false if user hasn't the Role" do user = Factory(:refinery_user) user.has_role?(:refinery_fail).should be_false end end describe "role association" do it "have a roles attribute" do Factory(:user).should respond_to(:roles) end end end context "validations" do # email and password validations are done by including devises validatable # module so those validations are not tested here before(:each) do @attr = { :username => "RefineryCMS", :email => "", :password => "123456", :password_confirmation => "123456" } end it "requires username" do => "")).should_not be_valid end it "rejects duplicate usernames" do User.create!(@attr) => "")).should_not be_valid end end describe ".find_for_database_authentication" do it "finds user either by username or email" do user = Factory(:user) User.find_for_database_authentication(:login => user.username).should == user User.find_for_database_authentication(:login => == user end end describe "#can_delete?" do before(:each) do @user = Factory(:refinery_user) @user_not_persisted = @super_user = Factory(:refinery_user) @super_user.add_role(:superuser) end context "won't allow to delete" do it "not persisted user record" do @user.can_delete?(@user_not_persisted).should be_false end it "user with superuser role" do @user.can_delete?(@super_user).should be_false end it "if user count with refinery role <= 1" do Role[:refinery].users.delete(@user) @super_user.can_delete?(@user).should be_false end it "user himself" do @user.can_delete?(@user).should be_false end end context "allow to delete" do it "if all conditions return true" do @super_user.can_delete?(@user).should be_true end end end describe "#plugins=" do it "assigns plugins to user" do user = Factory(:user) plugin_list = ["refinery_one", "refinery_two", "refinery_three"] user.plugins = plugin_list user.plugins.collect { |p| }.should == plugin_list end end describe "#authorized_plugins" do it "returns array of user and always allowd plugins" do user = Factory(:user) ["refinery_one", "refinery_two", "refinery_three"].each_with_index do |name, index| user.plugins.create!(:name => name, :position => index) end user.authorized_plugins.should == user.plugins.collect { |p| } | Refinery::Plugins.always_allowed.names end end describe "plugins association" do before(:each) do @user = Factory(:user) @plugin_list = ["refinery_one", "refinery_two", "refinery_three"] @user.plugins = @plugin_list end it "have a plugins attribute" do @user.should respond_to(:plugins) end it "returns plugins in ASC order" do @user.plugins[0].name.should == @plugin_list[0] @user.plugins[1].name.should == @plugin_list[1] @user.plugins[2].name.should == @plugin_list[2] end it "deletes associated plugins" do @user.destroy UserPlugin.find_by_user_id( be_nil end end end