package org.embulk.decoder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import mockit.Mocked; import mockit.NonStrictExpectations; import mockit.Verifications; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveEntry; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveException; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveOutputStream; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveStreamFactory; import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorException; import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorOutputStream; import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorStreamFactory; import org.apache.commons.compress.utils.IOUtils; import org.embulk.config.Config; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDefault; import org.embulk.config.ConfigSource; import org.embulk.config.DataSource; import org.embulk.config.TaskSource; import org.embulk.spi.Buffer; import org.embulk.spi.BufferAllocator; import org.embulk.spi.DecoderPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.FileInput; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; public class TestCommonsCompressDecoderPlugin { private static final String DEFAULT_FORMAT_CONFIG = "\"\""; @Mocked CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask task; @Mocked TaskSource taskSource; @Test public void testPluginTask() throws Exception { Method method = CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class.getMethod("getFormat"); Config config = method.getAnnotation(Config.class); ConfigDefault configDefault = method.getAnnotation(ConfigDefault.class); Assert.assertEquals("Verify the config name.", "format", config.value()); Assert.assertEquals("Verify the default config value.", DEFAULT_FORMAT_CONFIG, configDefault.value()); } @Test public void testTransaction(@Mocked final ConfigSource config, @Mocked final DecoderPlugin.Control control) { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ config.loadConfig(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.dump(); result = taskSource; }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); plugin.transaction(config, control); new Verifications() {{; }}; } @Test public void testOpen(@Mocked final FileInput input) { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); Assert.assertNotNull("Verify a value is returned.",, input)); } // sample_0 contains only a directory. @Test public void testOpenForNoFile(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = "tar"; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer("sample_0.tar"); task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); Assert.assertFalse("Verify there is no file.", archiveFileInput.nextFile()); archiveFileInput.close(); new Verifications() {{ input.nextFile(); times = 2; input.close(); times = 1; }}; } // sample_1.tar contains 1 csv file. @Test public void testOpenForOneFile(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = "tar"; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer("sample_1.tar"); task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo"); new Verifications() {{ input.nextFile(); times = 2; input.close(); times = 1; }}; } // input.nextFile() returns true // (1st) // (2nd) @Test public void testOpenForTwoFiles(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = "tar"; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer("samples.tar"); task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo", "2,bar"); new Verifications() {{ input.nextFile(); times = 2; input.close(); times = 1; }}; } // input.nextFile() returns true // (1st) // (2nd) // input.nextFile() returns true // (3rd) // (4th) @Test public void testOpenForFourFiles(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = "zip"; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = true; result = false; // two files. input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer(""); result = getResourceAsBuffer(""); task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo", "2,bar", "1,foo", "2,bar"); new Verifications() {{ input.nextFile(); times = 3; input.close(); times = 1; }}; } @Test public void testOpenArchiveFormatAutoDetect(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = ""; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer("sample_1.tar"); task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo"); new Verifications() {{ input.nextFile(); times = 2; input.close(); times = 1; }}; } @Test(expected=RuntimeException.class) public void testOpenAutoDetectFailed(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = ""; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer("sample_1.csv"); // This is not an archive. task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); archiveFileInput.nextFile(); } @Test(expected=RuntimeException.class) public void testOpenExplicitConfigFailed(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = "tar"; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer(""); // This is not tar file. task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); archiveFileInput.nextFile(); } @Test public void testOpenForGeneratedArchives() throws Exception { String[] testFormats = new String[]{ ArchiveStreamFactory.AR, // ArchiveStreamFactory.ARJ, // ArchiveException: Archiver: arj not found. ArchiveStreamFactory.CPIO, // ArchiveStreamFactory.DUMP, // ArchiveException: Archiver: dump not found. ArchiveStreamFactory.JAR, // ArchiveStreamFactory.SEVEN_Z, // StreamingNotSupportedException: The 7z doesn't support streaming. ArchiveStreamFactory.TAR, ArchiveStreamFactory.ZIP, }; for (String format : testFormats) { TaskSource mockTaskSource = new MockTaskSource(format); FileInput mockInput = new MockFileInput( getInputStreamAsBuffer( getArchiveInputStream(format, "sample_1.csv", "sample_2.csv"))); CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, mockInput); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo", "2,bar"); } } @Test public void testOpenForGeneratedCompression() throws Exception { String[] testFormats = new String[]{ CompressorStreamFactory.BZIP2, CompressorStreamFactory.DEFLATE, CompressorStreamFactory.GZIP, // CompressorStreamFactory.LZMA, // CompressorException: Compressor: lzma not found. // CompressorStreamFactory.PACK200, // Failed to generate compressed file. // CompressorStreamFactory.SNAPPY_FRAMED, // CompressorException: Compressor: snappy-framed not found. // CompressorStreamFactory.SNAPPY_RAW, // CompressorException: Compressor: snappy-raw not found. // CompressorStreamFactory.XZ, // ClassNotFoundException: org.tukaani.xz.FilterOptions // CompressorStreamFactory.Z, // CompressorException: Compressor: z not found. }; for (String format : testFormats) { TaskSource mockTaskSource = new MockTaskSource(format); FileInput mockInput = new MockFileInput( getInputStreamAsBuffer( getCompressorInputStream(format, "sample_1.csv"))); CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, mockInput); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo"); } } @Test public void testOpenForTGZFormat(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = "tgz"; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer("samples.tgz"); task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo", "2,bar"); new Verifications() {{ input.nextFile(); times = 2; input.close(); times = 1; }}; } @Test public void testOpenForTarGZFormat(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = "tar.gz"; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer("samples.tar.gz"); task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo", "2,bar"); new Verifications() {{ input.nextFile(); times = 2; input.close(); times = 1; }}; } // NOTE: This may generate a warn relates to log4j...I am not sure why it is generated. @Test public void testOpenForTarBZ2Format(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = "tar.bz2"; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer("samples.tar.bz2"); task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo", "2,bar"); new Verifications() {{ input.nextFile(); times = 2; input.close(); times = 1; }}; } // This works well. So, uncompress for tar.Z looks to work. @Test public void testOpenForTarZFormat(@Mocked final FileInput input) throws Exception { new NonStrictExpectations() {{ taskSource.loadTask(CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class); result = task; task.getFormat(); result = "tar.Z"; input.nextFile(); result = true; result = false; input.poll(); result = getResourceAsBuffer("samples.tar.Z"); task.getBufferAllocator(); result = newBufferAllocator(); }}; CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin plugin = new CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin(); FileInput archiveFileInput =, input); verifyContents(archiveFileInput, "1,foo", "2,bar"); new Verifications() {{ input.nextFile(); times = 2; input.close(); times = 1; }}; } private Buffer getInputStreamAsBuffer(InputStream in) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buff = new byte[1024]; int len =; while (len != -1) { bout.write(buff, 0, len); len =; } in.close(); return Buffer.wrap(bout.toByteArray()); } private Buffer getResourceAsBuffer(String resource) throws IOException { return getInputStreamAsBuffer(getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource)); } private String readFileInput(FileInput input) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Buffer buffer = input.poll(); while (buffer != null) { bout.write(buffer.array(), buffer.offset(), buffer.limit()); buffer = input.poll(); } return bout.toString().trim(); } private void verifyContents(FileInput input, String ...contents) throws IOException { for (String expected : contents) { Assert.assertTrue("Verify a file can be read.", input.nextFile()); String text = readFileInput(input); Assert.assertEquals("Verify a file read correctly. text:" + text, expected, text); } Assert.assertFalse("Verify there is no file.", input.nextFile()); input.close(); } private InputStream getArchiveInputStream(String format, String ...resourceFiles) throws ArchiveException, URISyntaxException, IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ArchiveStreamFactory factory = new ArchiveStreamFactory(); ArchiveOutputStream aout = factory.createArchiveOutputStream(format, bout); for (String resource : resourceFiles) { File f = new File(getClass().getResource(resource).toURI()); ArchiveEntry entry = aout.createArchiveEntry(f, resource); aout.putArchiveEntry(entry); IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(f),aout); aout.closeArchiveEntry(); } aout.finish(); aout.close(); return new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()); } private InputStream getCompressorInputStream(String format, String resource) throws CompressorException, URISyntaxException, IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); CompressorStreamFactory factory = new CompressorStreamFactory(); CompressorOutputStream aout = factory.createCompressorOutputStream(format, bout); File f = new File(getClass().getResource(resource).toURI()); IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(f), aout); aout.close(); return new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()); } private BufferAllocator newBufferAllocator() { return new MockBufferAllocator(); } private class MockTaskSource implements TaskSource { private final String format; MockTaskSource(String format) { this.format = format; } @Override public E get(Class arg0, String arg1) { return null; } @Override public E get(Class arg0, String arg1, E arg2) { return null; } @Override public List getAttributeNames() { return null; } @Override public Iterable> getAttributes() { return null; } @Override public ObjectNode getObjectNode() { return null; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } @Override public TaskSource deepCopy() { return null; } @Override public TaskSource getNested(String arg0) { return null; } @Override public TaskSource getNestedOrSetEmpty(String arg0) { return null; } @Override public T loadTask(Class clazz) { if (CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask.class.equals(clazz)) { return clazz.cast(new MockPluginTask(format)); } return null; } @Override public TaskSource merge(DataSource arg0) { return null; } @Override public TaskSource set(String arg0, Object arg1) { return null; } @Override public TaskSource setAll(DataSource arg0) { return null; } @Override public TaskSource setNested(String arg0, DataSource arg1) { return null; } public boolean has(String arg0) { return false; } public TaskSource getNestedOrGetEmpty(String arg0) { return null; } @Override public TaskSource remove(String arg0) { return null; } } private class MockPluginTask implements CommonsCompressDecoderPlugin.PluginTask { private final String format; MockPluginTask(String format) { this.format = format; } @Override public TaskSource dump() { return null; } @Override public void validate() { } @Override public String getFormat() { return format; } @Override public BufferAllocator getBufferAllocator() { return newBufferAllocator(); } } private class MockFileInput implements FileInput { Buffer buffer; MockFileInput(Buffer buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; } @Override public void close() { } @Override public boolean nextFile() { return buffer != null; } @Override public Buffer poll() { if (buffer != null) { Buffer ret = buffer; buffer = null; return ret; } else { return null; } } } private class MockBufferAllocator implements BufferAllocator { @Override public Buffer allocate() { return allocate(8192); } @Override public Buffer allocate(int size) { return Buffer.allocate(size); } } }