RSpec.describe Sixword::CLI do TestWarnings = def warn_once(label, message) unless TestWarnings.include?(label) warn message TestWarnings << label end end if RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' && JRUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.7') RunningJruby17 = true else RunningJruby17 = false end # hack around jruby9 warnings on travis if RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' && ENV['TRAVIS'] && JRUBY_VERSION.start_with?('9.0') RunningTravisJruby9 = true SixwordOutputPrefix = "jruby: warning: unknown property jruby.cext.enabled\n" * 2 else RunningTravisJruby9 = false end # Run a command with input and validate the expected output and exit status. def run(cmd, input_string, expected_output, expected_exitstatus=0) output = nil if RunningJruby17 warn_once('jruby17', 'test warning: skipping unsupported popen option :err') opts = {} else opts = {err: [:child, :out]} end IO.popen(cmd, 'r+', opts) do |p| p.write(input_string) p.close_write output = end if expected_output.is_a?(Regexp) expect(output).to match(expected_output) else expect(output).to eq(expected_output) end expect($?.exited?).to eq(true) unless RunningJruby17 expect($?.exitstatus).to eq(expected_exitstatus) end SixwordExecutable = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../bin/sixword' def run_sixword(opts, input_string, expected_output, expected_exitstatus=0) # hack around IO.popen stderr behavior in ruby 1.9 if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.9') && expected_exitstatus != 0 && (expected_output.is_a?(Regexp) || !expected_output.empty?) warn_once('ruby19', "test warning: overriding output #{expected_output.inspect} with ''") expected_output = '' end if RunningTravisJruby9 && expected_output.is_a?(String) expected_output = SixwordOutputPrefix + expected_output end run([SixwordExecutable] + opts, input_string, expected_output, expected_exitstatus) end it 'handles basic encoding and decoding' do run_sixword(['-e'], "Testing\n", "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FORM\n") run_sixword([], "Testing\n", "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FORM\n") run_sixword(['-d'], "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FORM\n", "Testing\n") run_sixword(['-d'], "beak net site roth swim form\n", "Testing\n") run_sixword(['-v'], '', 'sixword ' + Sixword::VERSION + "\n") end it 'returns expected error codes in various conditions' do run_sixword(%w{-e --hex-style nonexistent}, '', /unknown hex style/, 2) run_sixword(['-d'], "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FOR\n", /Parity bits do not match/, 3) run_sixword(['-d'], "ZZZ A A A A A\n", /Unknown word: "ZZZ"/, 4) run_sixword(['-d'], "AAAAAA A A A A A\n", /1-4 chars/, 5) run_sixword(['-d'], "A\n", /multiple of 6 words/, 10) end it 'handles padding' do run_sixword([], 'foo', "CHUB EMIL MUDD A A A5\n") run_sixword(['-d'], "CHUB EMIL MUDD A A A5\n", 'foo') end it 'rejects padding when -p is given' do run_sixword(['-ep'], '.', /multiple of 8 or use pad_encode/, 10) run_sixword(['-dp'], "CHUB EMIL MUDD A A A5\n", /Unknown word: "A5"/, 4) end it 'handles basic hex styles' do run_sixword(['-H'], "54:65:73:74:69:6e:67:0a\n", "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FORM\n") run_sixword(['-H'], "54657374696e670a\n", "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FORM\n") run_sixword(['-H'], "5465 7374 696E 670A\n", "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FORM\n") run_sixword(['-dH'], "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FORM\n", "54657374696e670a\n") run_sixword(['-df'], "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FORM\n", "5465 7374 696E 670A\n") run_sixword(%w{-d -S colons}, "BEAK NET SITE ROTH SWIM FORM\n", "54:65:73:74:69:6e:67:0a\n") end it 'should encode/decode RFC hex vectors correctly' do Sixword::TestVectors::HexTests.each do |_section, tests| tests.each do |hex, sentence| debug_puts "0x#{hex} <=> #{sentence}" if sentence.split.length > 6 expected_encoded = sentence.split.each_slice(6).map {|line| line.join(' ')}.join("\n") else expected_encoded = sentence end run_sixword(['-df'], sentence, hex + "\n") run_sixword(['-ef'], hex, expected_encoded + "\n") end end end it 'should handle all null bytes correctly' do run_sixword(['-ep'], "\0" * 8, "A A A A A A\n") run_sixword(['-dp'], "A A A A A A\n", "\0" * 8) end it 'should handle padded null bytes correctly' do { "\0\0\0foo" => ["A", "A", "HAY", "SLEW", "TROT", "A2"], "\0\0\0foo\0\0" => ["A", "A", "HAY", "SLEW", "TROT", "A"], "foo\0\0" => ["CHUB", "EMIL", "MUDD", "A", "A", "A3"], }.each do |binary, encoded| encoded_s = encoded.join(' ') + "\n" run_sixword(['-e'], binary, encoded_s) run_sixword(['-d'], encoded_s, binary) end end it 'should encode N sentences per line' do input = 'The quick brown fox jump' { 0 => "BEAK US ACHE SOUR BERN LOLA CORE ARC HULK SLID DREW DUE CHUB ENDS BOG RUSS BESS MAST\n", 1 => "BEAK US ACHE SOUR BERN LOLA\nCORE ARC HULK SLID DREW DUE\nCHUB ENDS BOG RUSS BESS MAST\n", 2 => "BEAK US ACHE SOUR BERN LOLA CORE ARC HULK SLID DREW DUE\nCHUB ENDS BOG RUSS BESS MAST\n", 3 => "BEAK US ACHE SOUR BERN LOLA CORE ARC HULK SLID DREW DUE CHUB ENDS BOG RUSS BESS MAST\n", 4 => "BEAK US ACHE SOUR BERN LOLA CORE ARC HULK SLID DREW DUE CHUB ENDS BOG RUSS BESS MAST\n", }.each_pair do |width, expected_output| run_sixword(['-e', '-w %d' % width], input, expected_output) end end end