require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' require 'posts_controller' # Re-raise errors caught by the controller. class PostsController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end class PostsControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :all def setup @controller = @request = @response = @post = Post.find(:first) end # autodetects the :controller should_route :get, '/posts', :action => :index # explicitly specify :controller should_route :post, '/posts', :controller => :posts, :action => :create # non-string parameter should_route :get, '/posts/1', :action => :show, :id => 1 # string-parameter should_route :put, '/posts/1', :action => :update, :id => "1" should_route :delete, '/posts/1', :action => :destroy, :id => 1 should_route :get, '/posts/new', :action => :new # Test the nested routes should_route :get, '/users/5/posts', :action => :index, :user_id => 5 should_route :post, '/users/5/posts', :action => :create, :user_id => 5 should_route :get, '/users/5/posts/1', :action => :show, :id => 1, :user_id => 5 should_route :delete, '/users/5/posts/1', :action => :destroy, :id => 1, :user_id => 5 should_route :get, '/users/5/posts/new', :action => :new, :user_id => 5 should_route :put, '/users/5/posts/1', :action => :update, :id => 1, :user_id => 5 context "Logged in" do setup do @request.session[:logged_in] = true end context "viewing posts for a user" do setup do get :index, :user_id => users(:first) end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to :user, :class => User, :equals => 'users(:first)' should_assign_to(:user) { users(:first) } should_fail do should_assign_to :user, :class => Post end should_fail do should_assign_to :user, :equals => 'posts(:first)' end should_fail do should_assign_to(:user) { posts(:first) } end should_assign_to :posts should_not_assign_to :foo, :bar should_render_page_with_metadata :description => /Posts/, :title => /index/ should_render_page_with_metadata :keywords => "posts" end context "viewing posts for a user with rss format" do setup do get :index, :user_id => users(:first), :format => 'rss' @user = users(:first) end should_respond_with :success should_respond_with_content_type 'application/rss+xml' should_respond_with_content_type :rss should_respond_with_content_type /rss/ context "deprecated" do # to avoid redefining a test should_return_from_session :special, "'$2 off your next purchase'" end should_fail do should_return_from_session :special, "'not special'" end should_set_session(:mischief) { nil } should_return_from_session :malarky, "nil" should_set_session :special, "'$2 off your next purchase'" should_set_session :special_user_id, '' context "with a block" do should_set_session(:special_user_id) { } end should_fail do # to avoid redefining a test should_set_session(:special_user_id) { 'value' } end should_assign_to :user, :posts should_not_assign_to :foo, :bar end context "viewing a post on GET to #show" do setup { get :show, :user_id => users(:first), :id => posts(:first) } should_render_with_layout 'wide' context "with a symbol" do # to avoid redefining a test should_render_with_layout :wide end should_assign_to :false_flag end context "on GET to #new" do setup { get :new, :user_id => users(:first) } should_render_without_layout end context "on POST to #create" do setup do post :create, :user_id => users(:first), :post => { :title => "first post", :body => 'blah blah blah' } end should_redirect_to 'user_post_url(@post.user, @post)' should_redirect_to('the created post') { user_post_url(users(:first), assigns(:post)) } should_fail do should_redirect_to 'user_posts_url(@post.user)' end should_fail do should_redirect_to('elsewhere') { user_posts_url(users(:first)) } end end end end