/** * @ngdoc directive * @name Bastion.tasks.directive:tasksTable * * @requires TasksNutupane * * @description * Directive to show list of tasks for given resource/user using TasksNutupane. * The basic conditions used for searching the tasks are provided in * the attributes. * * @param {string} resourceType The type of resource that the tasks * should be shown for, e.g. 'Katello::Repository' * @param {string} resourceId The id of resource that the tasks should * be shown for (in case resourceType is specified) * @param {string} userId The id of user that the tasks should * be shown for * @param {boolean} activeOnly Reduce the list of tasks only for active * @param {boolean} all Don't apply any implicit search params * @param {string} detailsState What state should be transitioned to * for showing details of the task * @param {string} knownContext What parts of humanized task inputs * can be skipped because are obvious from the context the table is in * @example *
*/ angular.module('Bastion.tasks').directive('tasksTable', ['TasksNutupane', function (TasksNutupane) { return { restrict: 'A', templateUrl: function (element, attrs) { if (attrs.templateUrl) { return attrs.templateUrl; } return 'tasks/views/tasks-table.html'; }, scope: { resourceId: '@', resourceType: '@', userId: '@', activeOnly: '@', all: '@', detailsState: '@', knownContext: '@' }, controller: ['$scope', '$state', function ($scope, $state) { // we need to set the table before the template // is compiled. Therefore we're doing that in the // controller $scope.tasksNutupane = new TasksNutupane(); $scope.table = $scope.tasksNutupane.table; // to be able to navigate to task details from the table $scope.tasksNutupane.table.gotoDetails = function (taskId) { $state.go($scope.detailsState, { taskId: taskId }); }; }], link: function (scope, element) { scope.$watch('resourceId', function (resourceId) { if (resourceId) { scope.tasksNutupane.registerSearch({ 'type': 'resource', 'active_only': scope.activeOnly, 'resource_type': scope.resourceType, 'resource_id': resourceId }); } }); scope.$watch('userId', function (userId) { if (userId) { scope.tasksNutupane.registerSearch({ 'type': 'user', 'active_only': scope.activeOnly, 'user_id': userId }); } }); scope.$watch('all', function () { scope.tasksNutupane.registerSearch({ 'type': 'all', 'active_only': scope.activeOnly }); }); element.bind('$destroy', function () { scope.tasksNutupane.unregisterSearch(); }); } }; } ]);