# Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/readme.rb stage_three do say_wizard "recipe stage three" # remove default READMEs %w{ README README.rdoc doc/README_FOR_APP }.each { |file| remove_file file } # add diagnostics to README create_file 'README', "#{app_name.humanize.titleize}\n================\n\n" append_to_file 'README' do <<-TEXT Rails Composer is supported by developers who purchase our RailsApps tutorials. Need help? Ask on Stack Overflow with the tag 'railsapps.' Problems? Submit an issue: https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/issues Your application contains diagnostics in this README file. Please provide a copy of this README file when reporting any issues. \n TEXT end append_to_file 'README' do <<-TEXT option Build a starter application? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:apps4]}] option Get on the mailing list for Rails Composer news? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:announcements]}] option Web server for development? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:dev_webserver]}] option Web server for production? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:prod_webserver]}] option Database used in development? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:database]}] option Template engine? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:templates]}] option Test framework? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:tests]}] option Continuous testing? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:continuous_testing]}] option Front-end framework? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:frontend]}] option Add support for sending email? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:email]}] option Authentication? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:authentication]}] option Devise modules? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:devise_modules]}] option OmniAuth provider? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:omniauth_provider]}] option Authorization? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:authorization]}] option Use a form builder gem? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:form_builder]}] option Add pages? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:pages]}] option Set a locale? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:locale]}] option Install page-view analytics? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:analytics]}] option Add a deployment mechanism? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:deployment]}] option Set a robots.txt file to ban spiders? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:ban_spiders]}] option Create a GitHub repository? (y/n) choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:github]}] option Add gem and file for environment variables? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:local_env_file]}] option Improve error reporting with 'better_errors' during development? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:better_errors]}] option Use 'pry' as console replacement during development and test? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:pry]}] option Use or create a project-specific rvm gemset? choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:rvmrc]}] TEXT end create_file 'public/humans.txt' do <<-TEXT /* the humans responsible & colophon */ /* humanstxt.org */ /* TEAM */ : Site: Twitter: Location: /* THANKS */ Daniel Kehoe (@rails_apps) for the RailsApps project /* SITE */ Standards: HTML5, CSS3 Components: jQuery Software: Ruby on Rails /* GENERATED BY */ Rails Composer: http://railscomposer.com/ TEXT end remove_file 'README.md' create_file 'README.md', "#{app_name.humanize.titleize}\n================\n\n" if prefer :deployment, 'heroku' append_to_file 'README.md' do <<-TEXT [![Deploy to Heroku](https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.png)](https://heroku.com/deploy) TEXT end end append_to_file 'README.md' do <<-TEXT This application was generated with the [rails_apps_composer](https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer) gem provided by the [RailsApps Project](http://railsapps.github.io/). Rails Composer is supported by developers who purchase our RailsApps tutorials. Problems? Issues? ----------- Need help? Ask on Stack Overflow with the tag 'railsapps.' Your application contains diagnostics in the README file. Please provide a copy of the README file when reporting any issues. If the application doesn't work as expected, please [report an issue](https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/issues) and include the diagnostics. Ruby on Rails ------------- This application requires: - Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} - Rails #{Rails::VERSION::STRING} Learn more about [Installing Rails](http://railsapps.github.io/installing-rails.html). Getting Started --------------- Documentation and Support ------------------------- Issues ------------- Similar Projects ---------------- Contributing ------------ Credits ------- License ------- TEXT end git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: add README files"' if prefer :git, true end __END__ name: readme description: "Build a README file for your application." author: RailsApps requires: [setup] run_after: [setup] category: configuration