module ActiveGraph module Shared module Callbacks #:nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods include ActiveModel::Callbacks end included do include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks # after_find is triggered by the `find` method defined in lib/neo4j/node/id_property.rb define_model_callbacks :initialize, :find, only: :after define_model_callbacks :create_commit, :update_commit, :destroy_commit, only: :after define_model_callbacks :save, :create, :update, :destroy, :touch end def initialize(args = nil) run_callbacks(:initialize) { super } end def destroy #:nodoc: tx = ActiveGraph::Base.new_transaction tx.root.after_commit { run_callbacks(:destroy_commit) {} } run_callbacks(:destroy) { super } rescue @_deleted = false @attributes = @attributes.dup tx.mark_failed if tx raise ensure tx.close if tx end def touch #:nodoc: run_callbacks(:touch) { super } end # Allows you to perform a callback if a condition is not satisfied. # @param [Symbol] kind The callback type to execute unless the guard is true # @param [TrueClass,FalseClass] guard When this value is true, the block is yielded without executing callbacks. def conditional_callback(kind, guard) return yield if guard run_callbacks(kind) { yield } end private def create_or_update #:nodoc: run_callbacks(:save) { super } end def create_model #:nodoc: self.class.run_transaction do |tx| tx.root.after_commit { run_callbacks(:create_commit) {} } run_callbacks(:create) { super } end end def update_model(*) #:nodoc: self.class.run_transaction do |tx| tx.root.after_commit { run_callbacks(:update_commit) {} } run_callbacks(:update) { super } end end end end end