require 'sinatra/base' require 'yaml' require 'json' require 'timeout' module PatriciaApp class App < Sinatra::Base def self.generate_routes # CSS settings.app_css.each do |dir| get dir do content_type 'text/css', dir)).readlines end end # JS settings.app_js.each do |dir| get dir do content_type 'text/js', dir)).readlines end end end configure do begin config_file = File.expand_path('../../../bin/app_config.yml', __FILE__) app_configs = YAML.load_file(config_file) markup_dir = app_configs[:markup_dir] set :environment, 'production' set :app_markup_dir, markup_dir set :app_markdown_glob, '.{md,markdown,org,textile,rst,rest,restx}' set :app_css_path, '/patricia.css' set :app_js_path, '/patricia.js' set :app_public_folder, app_configs[:public_folder] set :app_tooltips, app_configs[:tooltips] set :app_editor, app_configs[:editor] set :app_ace, app_configs[:ace] set :app_ace_theme, app_configs[:ace_theme] set :app_ace_keybinding, app_configs[:ace_keybinding] set :app_ace_mode, app_configs[:ace_keybinding] set :app_gfm, app_configs[:gfm] # CSS if app_configs[:css_dir] != nil set :app_css_dir, app_configs[:css_dir] css_paths = Dir[app_configs[:css_dir] + '/**/*.css'] .collect do |path| path.gsub(/#{app_css_dir}/, '') end set :app_css, css_paths else set :app_css_dir, '' set :app_css, [] end # JS if app_configs[:js_dir] != nil set :app_js_dir, app_configs[:js_dir] js_paths = Dir[app_configs[:js_dir] + '/**/*.js'] .collect do |path| path.gsub(/#{app_js_dir}/, '') end set :app_js, js_paths else set :app_js_dir, '' set :app_js, [] end # Content types set :app_content_types, { 'png' => 'image/png', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'torrent' => 'image/x-bittorrent', 'svg' => 'image/svg+xml', 'xml' => 'application/xml', 'atom' => 'application/atom-xml', 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'bz' => 'application/x-bzip', 'bz2' => 'application/x-bzip2', 'gzip' => 'application/gzip', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'sh' => 'application/x-sh', '7z' => 'application/x-7z-compressed', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'xml' => 'application/xml;charset=utf-8', 'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'css' => 'text/css', 'csv' => 'text/csv', 'html' => 'text/html', # Send markup source files # # One can argue if this is semantically correct (alternative: # `plain/x-markdown;charset=UTF-8'), but as there is no official # final specification and this solution comes with the highest # browser-compatibility, it is preferred. 'md' => 'text/plain', 'markdown' => 'text/plain', 'org' => 'text/plain', 'textile' => 'text/plain', 'rst' => 'text/plain', 'rest' => 'text/plain', 'rstx' => 'text/plain', } self.generate_routes rescue # Ignore. end end helpers do def build_toc end def generate_page_title capitalize_all(File.basename(settings.app_markup_dir).gsub(/-/, ' ')) end def capitalize_all(string) string.split.inject([]) do |result, token| result << token[0].capitalize + token[1..-1] end.join(' ') end end get '/' do if settings.app_gfm html = Patricia::Converter.gfm_to_html(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views/wiki/') else html = Patricia::Converter.to_html(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views/wiki/') end @html = '
' + html + '
' @toc = build_toc @title = generate_page_title @page_title = '' @breadcrumb = '' @stylesheets = settings.app_css @javascripts = settings.app_js haml 'wiki/page'.to_sym, :layout => :application end get %r{/404/?} do haml '404'.to_sym, :layout => :application end get %r{/patricia/search/?} do haml :search, :layout => :application end post %r{/patricia/search/?} do @previous_search_query = params[:search_query] || '' if params[:case_sensitive] search_query = %r{#{params[:search_query]}} @previous_search_query_was_sensitive = true else search_query = %r{#{params[:search_query]}}i @previous_search_query_was_sensitive = false end # Search all markup files @results = [] paths = Dir[File.join(settings.app_markup_dir, '/**/*' + settings.app_markdown_glob)] paths.each do |path| if p = path.gsub(/#{settings.app_markup_dir}/, '') file_name = File.basename(p, '.*') no_ext = File.join(File.dirname(p), file_name).sub(/^\.\//, '') beautiful_file_name = capitalize_all(file_name.gsub(/-/, ' ')) beautiful_path = no_ext.split('/').collect do |s| capitalize_all(s.gsub(/-/, ' ')) end.delete_if(&:empty?).join(' > ') content = lines = content.split("\n").length if content =~ search_query @results << [beautiful_file_name, no_ext, beautiful_path, lines] end end end haml :search, :layout => :application end post %r{/patricia/offsets/?} do if settings.app_editor file_content =, params[:markup_url])) offsets = [] # Time out if the RegEx is too complex. begin Timeout::timeout(3) do filler = " *\n*\w*" pattern =, Regexp::MULTILINE) params[:string].split.each do |token| pattern = + filler + Regexp.quote(token), Regexp::MULTILINE) end pattern = + filler, Regexp::MULTILINE) # Skip empty/whitespace only queries. if !pattern.to_s.empty? && !(pattern.to_s =~ /^\s*$/) file_content.scan(pattern) do |c| offsets << [$~.offset(0)[0], $~.offset(0)[1]] end end end rescue # Ignore. end content_type 'json' {:markup => file_content, :offsets => offsets}.to_json else redirect to('/404') end end post %r{/patricia/edit/?} do if settings.app_editor, params[:markup_url]), 'w') do |f| f.puts(params[:string]) end else redirect to('/404') end end get settings.app_css_path do pwd = File.dirname(__FILE__) css = '' [ '/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.min.css', '/assets/stylesheets/app.css', ].each do |path| css << + path) + "\n\n" end content_type 'text/css' css end get settings.app_js_path do pwd = File.dirname(__FILE__) js = '' files = [ '/assets/javascripts/jquery-1.11.0.min.js', '/assets/javascripts/bootstrap.min.js', '/assets/javascripts/app.js', ] files << '/assets/javascripts/tooltips.js' if settings.app_tooltips files << '/assets/javascripts/src-min-noconflict/ace.js' if settings.app_ace files << '/assets/javascripts/ace_editor.js' if settings.app_ace files << '/assets/javascripts/editor.js' if settings.app_editor files.each do |path| js << + path) + "\n\n" end content_type 'text/javascript' js end get %r{/(.*)} do |path| # This assumes that there are not two or more files with the same # file name, but different extensions (e.g. `/smart/green/' # and `/smart/green/frog.markdown'). If so, it will chose the one it # finds first. # If this becomes a problem in the future, one could send a # disambiguation page with links to each of the files for this # request. begin file_path = Dir[settings.app_markup_dir + '/' + path + settings.app_markdown_glob].first @markup_url = file_path.gsub(/#{settings.app_markup_dir}/, '') if settings.app_gfm @html = Patricia::Converter.gfm_to_html(file_path) else @html = Patricia::Converter.to_html(file_path) end @toc = build_toc arrow = ' > ' @title = generate_page_title @breadcrumb = capitalize_all(File.dirname(path).gsub(/\//, ' ')) breadcrumb_array = @breadcrumb.split if breadcrumb_array.length >= 1 && breadcrumb_array.first !~ /\./ @breadcrumb = breadcrumb_array.inject([]) do |result, token| result << capitalize_all(token.gsub(/-/, ' ')) end.join(arrow) + arrow else @breadcrumb = '' end @stylesheets = settings.app_css @javascripts = settings.app_js @page_title = capitalize_all(File.basename(path).gsub(/-/, ' ')) .split.join(' ') @ace = settings.app_ace @ace_theme = settings.app_ace_theme if settings.app_ace_theme @ace_keybinding = settings.app_ace_keybinding if settings.app_ace_keybinding @ace_mode = settings.app_ace_mode if settings.app_ace_mode haml 'wiki/page'.to_sym, :layout => :application rescue file_path = File.join(settings.app_markup_dir, path) if File.exists?(file_path) ext = File.extname(path).gsub(/\./, '') # Try to guess the correct content type for popular content # types. content_type settings.app_content_types[ext] || 'application/octet-stream' send_file(file_path) else redirect to('/404') end end end # `patricia.rb' already defines this, but redefining it here decouples # the web app from the static file generator. def _without_extension(path) path.sub(/\..*$/, '') end end end