# encoding: utf-8 # This writer writes changes directly to the open database. # Use the direct writer only for single process environments # (one single rails app server, e.g. one mongrel). # For multi process environemnts you should use a writer that # processes index changes through a queue. # @author Gernot Kogler module XapianDb module IndexWriters class DirectWriter class << self # Update an object in the index def index(obj) blueprint = XapianDb::DocumentBlueprint.blueprint_for(obj.class) doc = blueprint.indexer.build_document_for(obj) XapianDb.database.store_doc(doc) XapianDb.database.commit end # Remove an object from the index def unindex(obj) XapianDb.database.delete_doc_with_unique_term(obj.xapian_id) XapianDb.database.commit end # Reindex all objects of a given class def reindex_class(klass) # First, delete all docs of this class XapianDb.database.delete_docs_of_class(klass) blueprint = XapianDb::DocumentBlueprint.blueprint_for(klass) obj_count = klass.count puts "Reindexing #{obj_count} objects..." pbar = ProgressBar.new("Status", obj_count) klass.all.each do |obj| doc = blueprint.indexer.build_document_for(obj) XapianDb.database.store_doc(doc) pbar.inc end XapianDb.database.commit end end end end end