= AsciiCSAND: Asciidoctor processor for Ribose Standard Documents (CSAND) image:https://img.shields.io/gem/v/asciidoctor-csand.svg["Gem Version", link="https://rubygems.org/gems/asciidoctor-csand"] image:https://img.shields.io/travis/riboseinc/asciidoctor-csand/master.svg["Build Status", link="https://travis-ci.org/riboseinc/asciidoctor-csand"] image:https://codeclimate.com/github/riboseinc/asciidoctor-csand/badges/gpa.svg["Code Climate", link="https://codeclimate.com/github/riboseinc/asciidoctor-csand"] WARNING: This gem is still under development. == Functionality This gem processes http://asciidoctor.org/[Asciidoctor] documents following a template for generating CSAND documents. The gem currently inherits from the https://github.com/riboseinc/asciidoctor-iso gem, and aligns closely to it. Refer to the ISO gem for guidance, including https://github.com/riboseinc/asciidoctor-iso/wiki/Guidance-for-authoring The following outputs are generated. * (Optional) An HTML preview generated directly from the Asciidoctor document, using native Asciidoctor formatting. ** http://asciimath.org[AsciiMathML] is to be used for mathematical formatting. The gem uses the https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciimath[Ruby AsciiMath parser], which is syntactically stricter than the common MathJax processor; if you do not get expected results, try bracketing terms your in AsciiMathML expressions. * an XML representation of the document, intended as a document model for CSAND International Standards. * The XML representation is processed in turn to generate the following outputs as end deliverable CSAND standard drafts. ** Microsoft Word output (`.doc`), following the style conventions of the https://www.csand.org/csand-templates.html[CSAND Standard Microsoft Word template]. (In development) ** PDF (forthcoming) ** HTML (forthcoming) This AsciiDoc syntax for writing CSAND standards is hereby named "AsciiCSAND". == Usage [source,console] ---- $ asciidoctor a.adoc # HTML output of Asciidoc file $ asciidoctor -b csand -r 'asciidoctor-csand' a.adoc # CSAND XML output ---- The gem translates the document into CSAND XML format, and then validates its output against the CSAND XML document model; errors are reported to console against the XML, and are intended for users to check that they have provided all necessary components of the document. TODO: The gem will then convert the XML to Word Document, HTML, and PDF, and output those files with the appropriate file suffixes. `lib/asciidoctor/csand/csand2wordhtml.rb` is work in progress, and not yet integrated into the executable. === Content Warnings The gem also realises several format checks as prescribed in ISO/IEC DIR 2, and warns the user about them in the console: * Numbers with what looks like dots instead of commas for decimal points. * Groups of numbers without spacing for every three digits. (The gem attempts to ignore CSAND references.) * No space before percent sign. * No bracketing of tolerance in percentage (e.g. `15 ± 7 % .`) * No recommendations, permissions or requirements (detected by keyword) in: foreword, scope, introduction, term examples and examples, notes, footnotes. * No subclauses that are the only child of a clause. (In clauses, annexes, or scopes.) * 5 levels of subclause nesting. (Never actuated, AsciiDoc only permits 4 levels of subsections.) * Non-CSAND/IEC reference turning up as normative. * Term definition starts with an article, or ends with a period. * Title intro or title part appears in only one of French or English. == Approach === Document model The Ribose Standard Document model is an instance of the https://github.com/riboseinc/isodoc-models[StandardDocument model]. The CSAND format ("CSAND XML") intends to introduce rigor into the CSAND standards authoring process, and is prescribed in a separate document. CSAND XML is still under development, but it already contains all the markup needed to render a CSAND document into HTML. WARNING: The current RNG model of CSAND XML is out of sync with the UML. === Asciidoctor Asciidoctor has been selected as the authoring tool to generate the document model representation of CSAND standards. It is a document formatting tool like Markdown and DocBook, which combines the relative ease of use of the former (using relatively lightweight markup), and the rigor and expressively of the latter (it has a well-defined syntax, and was in fact initially developed as a DocBook document authoring tool). Asciidoctor has built-in capability to output Text, DocBook and HTML; so it can be used to preview the file as it is being authored. Note that in order to generate HTML preview output close to what is intended in the CSAND standard, the Asciidoc document includes a fair amount of formatting instructions (e.g. disabling section numbering where appropriate, the titling of Appendixes as Annexes), as well as CSAND boilerplate text, and predefined section headers (sections are recognised by fixed titles such as `Normative References`). Authoring CSAND standards in this fashion assumes that users will be populating an Asciidoc template, and not removing needed formatting instructions. === Features not visible in HTML preview The gem uses built-in Asciidoc formatting as much as possible, so that users can retain the ability to preview documents; for _Terms and Definitions_ clauses, which have a good deal of explicit structure, macros have been introduced for semantic markup (admitted terms, deprecated terms, etc). The default HTML output of an Asciidoc-formatted CSAND document is quite close to the intended final output, with the following exceptions. Note that the final outputs of the conversion (Microsoft Word, PDF, HTML) do not have these exceptions, and comply with the CSAND Standard specifications. * _Terms and Definitions_: each term is marked up as an unnumbered subclause, the semantic markup of alternate and other terms is not rendered visually. * _Formulas_: Asciidoctor has no provision for the automated numbering of isolated block formulas ("stem"), and does not display the number assigned a block formula in its default HTML processor—although it does provide automated numbering of examples. Formula numbering is provided in the final outputs of the conversion. * _Missing elements_: The document model does not yet include Asciidoc elements that do not appear to be relevant to CSAND Standards; these will be ignored in generating CSAND XML. Those elements include: * sidebars (`aside`) (as distinct from warnings), * ASCII art/preformatted text (`literal`) (as distinct from sourcecode listings), * page breaks (`thematic break`). * _Markup_: Some connecting text which is used to convey markup structure is left out: in particular, `DEPRECATED` and `SOURCE` (replaced by formatting macros). * _Tables_: Table footnotes are treated like all other footnotes: they are rendered at the bottom of the document, rather than the bottom of the table, and they are not numbered separately. * _Cross-references_: Footnoted cross-references are indicated with the reference text `fn` in csandlation, or `fn:` as a prefix to the reference text. The default HTML processor leaves these as is: if no reference text is given, only `fn` will be displayed (though it will still hyperlink to the right reference). * _References_: The convention for references is that CSAND documents are cited without brackets by CSAND number, and optionally year, whether they are normative or in the bibliography (e.g. `CSAND 20483:2013`); while all other references are cited by bracketed number in the bibliography (e.g. `[1]`). The default HTML processor treats all references the same, and will bracket them (e.g. `[CSAND 20483:2013]`). For the same reason, CSAND references listed in the bibliography will be listed under an CSAND reference, rather than a bracketed number. * _References_: References are rendered cited throughout, since they are automated. For that reason, if reference is to be made to both an undated and a dated version of an CSAND reference, these need to be explicitly listed as separate references. (This is not done in the Rice model document, which lists CSAND 6646, but under _Terms and Definitions_ cites the dated CSAND 6646:2011. * _References_: CSAND references that are undated but published have their date indicated under the CSAND standards format in an explanatory footnote. Because of constraints introduced by Asciidoctor, that explanation is instead given in square brackets in Asciidoc format. * _Annexes_: Subheadings cannot preserve subsection numbering, while also appearing inline with their text (e.g. Rice document, Annex B.2): they appear as headings in separate lines. * _Annexes_: Cross-references to Annex subclauses are automatically prefixed with `Clause` rather than `Annex` or nothing. * _Metadata_: Document metadata such as document numbers, technical committees and title wording are not rendered in the default HTML output. * _Patent Notice_: Patent notices are treated and rendered as a subsection of the introduction, with an explicit subheading. * _Numbering_: The numbering of figures and tables is sequential in the default HTML processor: it does not include the Clause or Annex number. This, _Figure 1_, not _Figure A.1_. * _Notes_: There is no automatic note numbering by the default HTML processor. * _Review Notes_: The reviewer on the review note is not displayed. * _Keys_: Keys to formulas and figures are expected to be marked up as definition lists consistently, rather than as inline prose. * _Figures_: Simple figures are marked up as images, figures containing subfigures as examples. Numbering by the default HTML processor may be inconsistent. Subfigures are automatically numbered as independent figures. * _Markup_: The default HTML processor does not support CSS extensions such as small caps or strike through, though these can be marked up as CSS classes through custom macros in Asciidoctor: a custom CSS stylesheet will be needed to render them. TODO: May need to only encode figures as examples. == Document Attributes The gem relies on Asciidoctor document attributes to provide necessary metadata about the document. These include: `:edition:`:: The document edition `:revdate:`:: The date the document was last updated `:copyright-year:`:: The year which will be claimed as when the copyright for the document was issued `:title:`:: The main component of the English title of the document (mandatory). (The first line of the AsciiDoc document, which contains the title introduced with `=`, is ignored) `:doctype:`:: The document type (see CSAND deliverables: The different types of CSAND publications) (mandatory). The permitted types are: + -- guidance, proposal, standard, report, whitepaper, charter, policy, glossary, case-study -- `:status:``:: The document status. The permitted types are: `proposal`, `working-draft`, `committee-draft`, `draft-standard`, `final-draft`, `published`, `withdrawn`. `:committee:`:: The name of the relevant CSAND technical committee (mandatory) `:language:` :: The language of the document (only `en` for now) (mandatory) The attribute `:draft:`, if present, includes review notes in the XML output; these are otherwise suppressed. == AsciiCSAND features not also present in AsciiISO * `+[keyword]#...#+`: encodes keywords, such as "MUST", "MUST NOT". (Encoded as `...`. == Data Models The CSAND Standard Document format is an instance of the https://github.com/riboseinc/isodoc-models[StandardDocument model]. Details of this general model can be found on its page. Details of the CSAND modifications to this general model can be found on the https://github.com/riboseinc/csand[CSAND model] repository. == Examples * link:spec/examples/rfc6350.adoc[] is an AsciiCSAND version of https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350[RFC 6350]. * link:spec/examples/rfc6350.html[] is an HTML file generated from the AsciiCSAND. * link:spec/examples/rfc6350.doc[] is a Word document generated from the AsciiCSAND.