Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Representational State
Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API) enables users to perform
assessments and complete actions associated with system records. This command-line
interface (CLI) tool implements all of the eMASS endpoints defined in the eMASS
REST API v3.2, dated October 21, 2021.
Register CLI New users will need to register an API key with the eMASS development team prior to accessing the site for the first time. The eMASS REST API requires a client certificate (SSL/TLS, DoD PKI only) where {url}/api/register (POST) is used to register the client certificate.
Every call to the eMASS REST API will require the use of the agreed upon public key certificate and API key. The API key must be provided in the request header for all endpoint calls (api-key). If the service receives an untrusted certificate or API key, a 401 error response code will be returned along with an error message.
Available Request Headers:
key | Example Value | Description |
`api-key` | api-key-provided-by-emass | This API key must be provided in the request header for all endpoint calls |
`user-uid` | USER.UID.KEY | This User unique identifier key must be provided in the request header for all PUT, POST, and DELETE endpoint calls |
Note: For DoD users this is the DoD ID Number (EIDIPI) on their DoD CAC |
Approve API Client for Actionable Requests Users are required to log-in to eMASS and grant permissions for a client to update data within eMASS on their behalf. This is only required for actionable requests (PUT, POST, DELETE). The Registration Endpoint and all GET requests can be accessed without completing this process with the correct permissions. Please note that leaving a field parameter blank (for PUT/POST requests) has the potential to clear information in the active eMASS records.
To establish an account with eMASS and/or acquire an api-key/user-uid, contact one of the listed POC:
The Registration endpoint provides the ability to register a certificate & obtain an API-key.
Returns the api-key - This API key must be provided in the request header for all endpoint calls (api-key).
User certificate previously provided by eMASS.
user-uid required | string |
{- "user-uid": "MY.USERUUID.KEY"
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": {
- "apikey": "f32516cc-57d3-43f5-9e16-8f86780a4cce"
The Systems endpoints provide the ability to view system information.
Returns all system(s) that match the query parameters
includePackage | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Include Package: Indicates if additional packages information is retrieved for queried system. |
registrationType | string Default: "regular" Registration Type: Filter record by selected registration type (single value or comma delimited values). Available values: assessAndAuthorize, assessOnly, guest, regular, functional, cloudServiceProvider, commonControlProvider |
ditprId | string DITPR ID: Filter query by DoD Information Technology (IT) Portfolio Repository (DITPR). |
coamsId | string COAMS ID: Filter query by Cyber Operational Attributes Management System (COAMS). |
policy | string Default: "rmf" Enum: "diacap" "rmf" "reporting" System Policy: Filter query by system policy. If no value is specified and more than one policy is available, the default return is the RMF policy information. |
includeDitprMetrics | boolean Default: false Enum: true false Include DITPR: Indicates if DITPR metrics are retrieved. This query string parameter can only be used in conjunction with the following parameters:
includeDecommissioned | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Include Decommissioned Systems: Indicates if decommissioned systems are retrieved. If no value is specified, the default returns true to include decommissioned systems. |
reportsForScorecard | boolean Default: true Enum: true false DoD Cyber Hygiene Scorecard: Indicates if the system reports to the DoD Cyber Hygiene Scorecard. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "policy": "RMF",
- "registrationType": "Assess and Authorize",
- "name": "System XYZ",
- "acronym": "PM-6",
- "description": "This is a test system for the eMASS API documentation",
- "systemOwner": "DISA",
- "organizationName": "Defense Information Systems Agency",
- "secondaryOrganization": "ID31",
- "versionReleaseNo": "V1",
- "systemType": "IS Major Application",
- "isNSS": true,
- "isPublicFacing": true,
- "coamsId": 93054,
- "isTypeAuthorization": true,
- "ditprId": "30498",
- "authorizationStatus": "Authority to Operate (ATO)",
- "authorizationDate": 1638741660,
- "authorizationTerminationDate": 1638741660,
- "authorizationLength": 365,
- "termsForAuth": "Terms/Conditions to maintain a valid ATO",
- "securityPlanApprovalStatus": "Approved",
- "securityPlanApprovalDate": 1638741660,
- "missionCriticality": "Mission Support (MS)",
- "geographicalAssociation": "VA Operated IS",
- "systemOwnership": "Region 1",
- "governingMissionArea": "DoD portion of the Intelligence MA (DIMA)",
- "primaryFunctionalArea": "Health/Medical",
- "secondaryFunctionalArea": "Logistics",
- "primaryControlSet": "NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4",
- "confidentiality": "Low",
- "integrity": "Moderate",
- "availability": "High",
- "appliedOverlays": "Classified Information",
- "rmfActivity": "Maintain ATO and conduct reviews",
- "crossDomainTicket": "Cross Domain Ticket test",
- "ditprDonId": "5910, 1234, 8765",
- "mac": "II",
- "dodConfidentiality": "Public",
- "contingencyPlanTested": true,
- "contingencyPlanTestDate": 1426957321,
- "securityReviewDate": 1531958400,
- "hasOpenPoamItem": true,
- "hasOpenPoamItem90to120PastScheduledCompletionDate": false,
- "hasOpenPoamItem120PlusPastScheudledCompletionDate": false,
- "impact": "Low",
- "hasCUI": false,
- "hasPII": false,
- "hasPHI": false,
- "ppsmRegistryNumber": "Test PPSM Registry Number",
- "interconnectedInformationSystemAndIdentifiers": "Test",
- "isPiaRequired": true,
- "piaStatus": "Not Started",
- "piaDate": 1622048629,
- "userDefinedField1": "Test User-defined Field 1",
- "userDefinedField2": "Test User-defined Field 2",
- "userDefinedField3": "Test User-defined Field 3",
- "userDefinedField4": "Test User-defined Field 4",
- "userDefinedField5": "Test User-defined Field 5",
- "currentRmfLifecycleStep": "4 – Assess",
- "otherInformation": "Additional Comments",
- "reportsForScorecard": true,
- "package": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "workflow": "Assess and Authorize",
- "name": "Package name text",
- "currentStageName": "SCA-R",
- "currentStage": 4,
- "totalStages": 6,
- "daysAtCurrentStage": 2,
- "comments": "Comments text."
], - "connectivityCcsd": [
- {
- "ccsdNumber": "CCSD Number",
- "connectivity": "Test Connectivity"
Returns the system matching provided parameters
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
includePackage | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Include Package: Indicates if additional packages information is retrieved for queried system. |
policy | string Default: "rmf" Enum: "diacap" "rmf" "reporting" System Policy: Filter query by system policy. If no value is specified and more than one policy is available, the default return is the RMF policy information. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "policy": "RMF",
- "registrationType": "Assess and Authorize",
- "name": "System XYZ",
- "acronym": "PM-6",
- "description": "This is a test system for the eMASS API documentation",
- "systemOwner": "DISA",
- "organizationName": "Defense Information Systems Agency",
- "secondaryOrganization": "ID31",
- "versionReleaseNo": "V1",
- "systemType": "IS Major Application",
- "isNSS": true,
- "isPublicFacing": true,
- "coamsId": 93054,
- "isTypeAuthorization": true,
- "ditprId": "30498",
- "authorizationStatus": "Authority to Operate (ATO)",
- "authorizationDate": 1638741660,
- "authorizationTerminationDate": 1638741660,
- "authorizationLength": 365,
- "termsForAuth": "Terms/Conditions to maintain a valid ATO",
- "securityPlanApprovalStatus": "Approved",
- "securityPlanApprovalDate": 1638741660,
- "missionCriticality": "Mission Support (MS)",
- "geographicalAssociation": "VA Operated IS",
- "systemOwnership": "Region 1",
- "governingMissionArea": "DoD portion of the Intelligence MA (DIMA)",
- "primaryFunctionalArea": "Health/Medical",
- "secondaryFunctionalArea": "Logistics",
- "primaryControlSet": "NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4",
- "confidentiality": "Low",
- "integrity": "Moderate",
- "availability": "High",
- "appliedOverlays": "Classified Information",
- "rmfActivity": "Maintain ATO and conduct reviews",
- "crossDomainTicket": "Cross Domain Ticket test",
- "ditprDonId": "5910, 1234, 8765",
- "mac": "II",
- "dodConfidentiality": "Public",
- "contingencyPlanTested": true,
- "contingencyPlanTestDate": 1426957321,
- "securityReviewDate": 1531958400,
- "hasOpenPoamItem": true,
- "hasOpenPoamItem90to120PastScheduledCompletionDate": false,
- "hasOpenPoamItem120PlusPastScheudledCompletionDate": false,
- "impact": "Low",
- "hasCUI": false,
- "hasPII": false,
- "hasPHI": false,
- "ppsmRegistryNumber": "Test PPSM Registry Number",
- "interconnectedInformationSystemAndIdentifiers": "Test",
- "isPiaRequired": true,
- "piaStatus": "Not Started",
- "piaDate": 1622048629,
- "userDefinedField1": "Test User-defined Field 1",
- "userDefinedField2": "Test User-defined Field 2",
- "userDefinedField3": "Test User-defined Field 3",
- "userDefinedField4": "Test User-defined Field 4",
- "userDefinedField5": "Test User-defined Field 5",
- "currentRmfLifecycleStep": "4 – Assess",
- "otherInformation": "Additional Comments",
- "reportsForScorecard": true,
- "package": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "workflow": "Assess and Authorize",
- "name": "Package name text",
- "currentStageName": "SCA-R",
- "currentStage": 4,
- "totalStages": 6,
- "daysAtCurrentStage": 2,
- "comments": "Comments text."
], - "connectivityCcsd": [
- {
- "ccsdNumber": "CCSD Number",
- "connectivity": "Test Connectivity"
The System Roles endpoints provides the ability to access user data assigned to systems.
Returns the role(s) data matching parameters.
roleCategory required | string Default: "PAC" Enum: "CAC" "PAC" "Other" Role Category: The system role category been queried |
role required | string Default: "Validator (IV&V)" Enum: "AO" "Auditor" "Artifact Manager" "C&A Team" "IAO" "ISSO" "PM/IAM" "SCA" "User Rep (View Only)" "Validator (IV&V)" Role: Required parameter. Accepts single value from available options. |
policy | string Default: "rmf" Enum: "diacap" "rmf" "reporting" System Policy: Filter query by system policy. If no value is specified and more than one policy is available, the default return is the RMF policy information. |
includeDecommissioned | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Include Decommissioned Systems: Indicates if decommissioned systems are retrieved. If no value is specified, the default returns true to include decommissioned systems. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "systemName": "Test system 1",
- "systemAcronym": "S-XYZ",
- "roles": [
- {
- "roleCategory": "PAC",
- "role": "AO",
- "users": [
- {
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith",
- "email": ""
The Controls endpoints provide the ability to view, add, and update Security Control information to a system for both the Implementation Plan and Risk Assessment.
Returns system control information for matching systemId
path parameter
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
acronyms | string Default: "PM-6" Acronym: The system acronym(s) being queried (single value or comma delimited values). |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "name": "System XYZ",
- "acronym": "AC-3",
- "ccis": "000001,000002",
- "isInherited": true,
- "modifiedByOverlays": "Requirements",
- "includedStatus": "Manually",
- "complianceStatus": "Status",
- "responsibleEntities": "Unknown",
- "implementationStatus": "Planned",
- "commonControlProvider": "DoD",
- "naJustification": "System EOL within 120 days",
- "controlDesignation": "Common",
- "estimatedCompletionDate": 1638741660,
- "implementationNarrative": "Test Imp. Narrative",
- "slcmCriticality": "Test Criticality",
- "slcmFrequency": "Annually",
- "slcmMethod": "Automated",
- "slcmReporting": "Test Reporting",
- "slcmTracking": "Test Tracking",
- "slcmComments": "Test SLCM Comments",
- "severity": "Low",
- "vulnerabiltySummary": "Test Vulnerability Summary",
- "recommendations": "Test Recommendations",
- "relevanceOfThreat": "Low",
- "likelihood": "Low",
- "impact": "Low",
- "impactDescription": "Impact text",
- "residualRiskLevel": "Low",
- "testMethod": "Test"
Update a Control for given systemId
Request Body Required Fields
The following optional fields are required based on the Implementation Status implementationStatus
| Value | Required Fields
| Planned or Implemented | estimatedCompletionDate
, responsibleEntities
, slcmCriticality
, slcmFrequency
, slcmMethod
, slcmReporting
, slcmTracking
, slcmComments
| Not Applicable | naJustification
, responsibleEntities
| Manually Inherited | commonControlProvider
, estimatedCompletionDate
, responsibleEntities
, slcmCriticality
, slcmFrequency
, slcmMethod
, slcmReporting
, slcmTracking
, slcmComments
If the Implementation Status implementationStatus
value is "Inherited", only the following fields can be updated:
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
Update an existing control by Id
acronym required | string^[A-Z0-9-]{3,6} [Required] Required to match the NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4. |
responsibleEntities required | string [Required] Include written description of Responsible Entities that are responsible for the Security Control. Character Limit = 2,000. |
implementationStatus | string Enum: "Planned" "Implemented" "Inherited" "Not Applicable" "Manually Inherited" [Optional] Implementation Status of the Security Control for the information system. |
commonControlProvider | string Enum: "DoD" "Component" "Enclave" [Conditional] Indicate the type of Common Control Provider for an “Inherited” Security Control. |
naJustification | string [Conditional] Provide justification for Security Controls deemed Not Applicable to the system. |
controlDesignation required | string Enum: "Common" "System-Specific" "Hybrid" [Required] Control designations |
testMethod | string Enum: "Test" "Interview" "Examine" "Test, Interview" "Test, Examine" "Interview, Examine" "Test, Interview, Examine" [Optional] Identifies the assessment method / combination that will determine if the security requirements are implemented correctly. |
estimatedCompletionDate required | integer [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Required] Field is required for Implementation Plan. |
implementationNarrative required | string [Required] Includes security control comments. Character Limit = 2,000. |
slcmCriticality | string [Conditional] Criticality of Security Control regarding SLCM. Character Limit = 2,000. |
slcmFrequency | string Enum: "Constantly" "Daily" "Weekly" "Monthly" "Quarterly" "Semi-Annually" "Annually" "Every Two Years" "Every Three Years" "Undetermined" [Conditional] SLCM frequency |
slcmMethod | string Enum: "Automated" "Semi-Automated" "Manual" "Undetermined" [Conditional] SLCM method utilized |
slcmReporting | string [Conditional] Method for reporting Security Control for SLCM. Character Limit = 2,000. |
slcmTracking | string [Conditional] How Non-Compliant Security Controls will be tracked for SLCM. Character Limit = 2,000. |
slcmComments | string [Conditional] Additional comments for Security Control regarding SLCM. Character Limit = 4,000. |
severity | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
vulnerabiltySummary | string [Optional] Include vulnerability summary. Character Limit = 2,000. |
recommendations | string [Optional] Include recommendations. Character Limit = 2,000. |
relevanceOfThreat | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
likelihood | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
impact | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
impactDescription | string [Optional] Include description of Security Control's impact. |
residualRiskLevel | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
{- "acronym": "AC-3",
- "responsibleEntities": "Unknown",
- "implementationStatus": "Planned",
- "commonControlProvider": "DoD",
- "naJustification": "System EOL within 120 days",
- "controlDesignation": "Common",
- "testMethod": "Test",
- "estimatedCompletionDate": 1638741660,
- "implementationNarrative": "Test Imp. Narrative",
- "slcmCriticality": "Test Criticality",
- "slcmFrequency": "Annually",
- "slcmMethod": "Automated",
- "slcmReporting": "Test Reporting",
- "slcmTracking": "Test Tracking",
- "slcmComments": "Test SLCM Comments",
- "severity": "Low",
- "vulnerabiltySummary": "Test Vulnerability Summary",
- "recommendations": "Test Recommendations",
- "relevanceOfThreat": "Low",
- "likelihood": "Low",
- "impact": "Low",
- "impactDescription": "Impact text",
- "residualRiskLevel": "Low"
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "acronym": "AC-3",
- "success": true,
- "systemId": 33
The Test Results endpoints provide the ability to view and add test results for a system's Assessment Procedures (CCIs) which determine Security Control compliance.
Returns system test results information for matching parameters.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
controlAcronyms | string System Acronym: Filter query by given system acronym (single or comma separated). |
ccis | string CCI System: Filter query by Control Correlation Identifiers (CCIs). |
latestOnly | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Latest Results Only: Indicates that only the latest test resultes are retrieved (single or comma separated). |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "control": "“AC-3”",
- "cci": "000001",
- "isInherited": true,
- "testedBy": "Smith, Joe",
- "testDate": 1638741660,
- "description": "Test result description",
- "type": "Self-Assessment",
- "complianceStatus": "Compliant"
Adds test results for given systemId
Request Body Required Fields
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
Update an existing control by Id
cci required | string^\d{5,6},\d{5,6} [Required] CCI associated with test result. |
testedBy required | string [Required] Last Name, First Name. 100 Characters. |
testDate required | integer <int64> [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Required] Unix time format. |
description required | string [Required] Include description of test result. 4000 Characters. |
complianceStatus required | string Enum: "Compliant" "Non-Compliant" "Not Applicable" [Required] Test result compliance status |
{- "cci": "000001",
- "testedBy": "Smith, Joe",
- "testDate": 1638741660,
- "description": "Test result description",
- "complianceStatus": "Compliant"
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "cci": "000001",
- "success": true,
- "systemId": 35
The POA&Ms endpoints provide the ability to view, add, update, and remove Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) items and associated milestones for a system.
Returns system(s) containing POA&M items for matching parameters.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
scheduledCompletionDateStart | string Date Started: Filter query by the scheduled completion start date (Unix date format). |
scheduledCompletionDateEnd | string Date Ended: Filter query by the scheduled completion start date (Unix date format). |
controlAcronyms | string System Acronym: Filter query by given system acronym (single or comma separated). |
ccis | string CCI System: Filter query by Control Correlation Identifiers (CCIs). |
systemOnly | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Systems Only: Indicates that only system(s) information is retrieved. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 830,
- "poamId": 45,
- "displayPoamId": 450000000,
- "isInherited": true,
- "externalUid": "d6d98b88-c866-4496-9bd4-de7ba48d0f52",
- "controlAcronyms": "“AC-3”",
- "cci": "000001",
- "status": "Completed",
- "reviewStatus": "Under Review",
- "vulnerabilityDescription": "Description text",
- "sourceIdentVuln": "Source Indentifying Vulnerability text",
- "securityChecks": "SV-25123r1_rule,2016-A-0279",
- "milestones": [
- {
- "systemId": 830,
- "milestoneId": 19,
- "poamId": 45,
- "description": "Description text",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800,
- "reviewStatus": "Under Review"
], - "pocOrganization": "Army",
- "pocFirstName": "John",
- "pocLastName": "Smith",
- "pocEmail": "",
- "pocPhoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
- "severity": "Low",
- "rawSeverity": "I",
- "relevanceOfThreat": "Low",
- "likelihood": "Moderate",
- "impact": "High",
- "impactDescription": "Impact Description text",
- "residualRiskLevel": "Very Low",
- "recommendations": "Recommendations text",
- "resources": "Resource text.",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800,
- "completionDate": 1505916276,
- "extensionDate": 1505916298,
- "comments": "Comments text.",
- "mitigation": "Mitigation text",
- "isActive": true
Add a POA&M for given systemId
Request Body Required Fields
If a POC email is supplied, the application will attempt to locate a user already
registered within the application and pre-populate any information not explicitly supplied
in the request. If no such user is found, these fields are required within the request.
, pocLastName
, pocPhoneNumber
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
Update an existing control by Id
status | string Enum: "Ongoing" "Risk Accepted" "Completed" "Not Applicable" [Required] Values include the following: (Ongoing,Risk Accepted,Completed,Not Applicable |
vulnerabilityDescription | string [Required] Provide a description of the POA&M Item. 2000 Characters. |
sourceIdentVuln | string Enum: "Not Approved" "Under Review" "Approved" [Required] Include Source Identifying Vulnerability text. 2000 Characters. |
pocOrganization | string [Required] Organization/Office represented. 100 Characters. |
resources | string [Required] List of resources used. 250 Characters. |
pocFirstName | string [Required] First name of POC. 100 Characters. |
pocLastName | string [Required] Last name of POC. 100 Characters. |
pocEmail | string [Required] Email address of POC. 100 Characters. |
pocPhoneNumber | string [Required] Phone number of POC (area code) -* format. 100 Characters. |
externalUid | string [Optional] Unique identifier external to the eMASS application for use with associating POA&Ms. 100 Characters. |
controlAcronym | string [Optional] Control acronym associated with the POA&M Item. NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4 defined. |
cci | string^\d{5,6},\d{5,6} [Optional] CCI associated with POA&M. |
securityChecks | string [Optional] Security Checks that are associated with the POA&M. |
rawSeverity | string Enum: "I" "II" "III" [Optional] Values include the following options (I,II,III) |
relevanceOfThreat | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
likelihood | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
impact | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
impactDescription | string [Optional] Include description of Security Control’s impact. |
residualRiskLevel | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
recommendations | string [Optional] Include recommendations. Character Limit = 2,000. |
mitigation | string [Optional] Include mitigation explanation. 2000 Characters. |
severity | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Conditional] Required for approved items. Values include the following options: (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
scheduledCompletionDate | integer <int64> [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Conditional] Required for ongoing and completed POA&M items. Unix time format. |
comments | string [Conditional] Field is required for completed and risk accepted POA&M items. 2000 Characters |
completionDate | integer <int64> [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Conditional] Field is required for completed POA&M items. Unix time format. |
Array of objects (Milestones) <= 3 items >= 1 |
{- "status": "Completed",
- "vulnerabilityDescription": "Description text",
- "sourceIdentVuln": "Source Indentifying Vulnerability text",
- "pocOrganization": "Army",
- "resources": "Resource text.",
- "pocFirstName": "John",
- "pocLastName": "Smith",
- "pocEmail": "",
- "pocPhoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
- "externalUid": "d6d98b88-c866-4496-9bd4-de7ba48d0f52",
- "controlAcronym": "“AC-3”",
- "cci": "000001",
- "securityChecks": "SV-25123r1_rule,2016-A-0279",
- "rawSeverity": "I",
- "relevanceOfThreat": "Low",
- "likelihood": "Low",
- "impact": "Low",
- "impactDescription": "Impact text",
- "residualRiskLevel": "Low",
- "recommendations": "Recommendations text",
- "mitigation": "Mitigation text",
- "severity": "Low",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800,
- "comments": "Comments text.",
- "completionDate": 1505916276,
- "milestones": [
- {
- "description": "Description text",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 33,
- "poamId": 45,
- "externalUid": "d6d98b88-c866-4496-9bd4-de7ba48d0f52",
- "success": true
Update a POA&M for given systemId
Request Body Required Fields
If a POC email is supplied, the application will attempt to locate a user already
registered within the application and pre-populate any information not explicitly supplied
in the request. If no such user is found, these fields are required within the request.
, pocFirstName
, pocLastName
, pocEmail
, pocPhoneNumber
To delete a milestone through the POA&M PUT the field isActive
must be set to false
: isActive=false
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
Update an existing control by Id
poamId | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 300 ] [Required] Unique item identifier |
displayPoamId | integer <int64> [ 100000000 .. 101003239 ] [Required] Globally unique identifier for individual POA&M Items, seen on the front-end as “ID”. |
status | string Enum: "Ongoing" "Risk Accepted" "Completed" "Not Applicable" [Required] The POA&M status |
vulnerabilityDescription | string [Required] Provide a description of the POA&M Item. 2000 Characters. |
sourceIdentVuln | string [Required] Include Source Identifying Vulnerability text. 2000 Characters. |
pocOrganization | string [Required] Organization/Office represented. 100 Characters. |
resources | string [Required] List of resources used. 250 Characters. |
externalUid | string [Optional] Unique identifier external to the eMASS application for use with associating POA&Ms. 100 Characters. |
controlAcronym | string [Optional] Control acronym associated with the POA&M Item. NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4 defined. |
cci | string^\d{5,6},\d{5,6} CCI associated with POA&M. |
securityChecks | string [Optional] Security Checks that are associated with the POA&M. |
rawSeverity | string Enum: "I" "II" "III" [Optional] Values include the following options (I,II,III) |
relevanceOfThreat | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
likelihood | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
impact | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
impactDescription | string [Optional] Include description of Security Control’s impact. |
residualRiskLevel | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Optional] Values include the following options (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
recommendations | string [Optional] Include recommendations. Character Limit = 2,000. |
mitigation | string [Optional] Include mitigation explanation. 2000 Characters. |
pocFirstName | string [Conditional] First name of POC. 100 Characters. |
pocLastName | string [Conditional] Last name of POC. 100 Characters. |
pocEmail | string [Conditional] Email address of POC. 100 Characters. |
pocPhoneNumber | string [Conditional] Phone number of POC (area code) -* format. 100 Characters. |
severity | string Enum: "Very Low" "Low" "Moderate" "High" "Very High" [Conditional] Required for approved items. Values include the following options: (Very Low, Low, Moderate,High,Very High) |
scheduledCompletionDate | integer <int64> [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Conditional] Required for ongoing and completed POA&M items. Unix time format. |
completionDate | integer <int64> [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Conditional] Field is required for completed POA&M items. Unix time format. |
comments | string [Conditional] Field is required for completed and risk accepted POA&M items. 2000 Characters |
isActive | boolean [Conditional] Optionally used in PUT to delete milestones when updating a POA&M. |
Array of objects (Milestones) <= 3 items >= 1 |
{- "poamId": 45,
- "displayPoamId": 450000000,
- "status": "Completed",
- "vulnerabilityDescription": "Description text",
- "sourceIdentVuln": "Source Indentifying Vulnerability text",
- "pocOrganization": "Army",
- "resources": "Resource text.",
- "externalUid": "d6d98b88-c866-4496-9bd4-de7ba48d0f52",
- "controlAcronym": "“AC-3”",
- "cci": "000001",
- "securityChecks": "SV-25123r1_rule,2016-A-0279",
- "rawSeverity": "I",
- "relevanceOfThreat": "Low",
- "likelihood": "Low",
- "impact": "Low",
- "impactDescription": "Impact text",
- "residualRiskLevel": "Low",
- "recommendations": "Recommendations text",
- "mitigation": "Mitigation text",
- "pocFirstName": "John",
- "pocLastName": "Smith",
- "pocEmail": "",
- "pocPhoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
- "severity": "Low",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800,
- "completionDate": 1505916276,
- "comments": "Comments text.",
- "isActive": true,
- "milestones": [
- {
- "milestoneId": 19,
- "description": "Description text",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 33,
- "poamId": 45,
- "externalUid": "d6d98b88-c866-4496-9bd4-de7ba48d0f52",
- "success": true
Remove the POA&M matching systemId
path parameter and poamId
query parameter
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
Delete the given POA&M Id
poamId required | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 300 ] [Required] Unique item identifier |
{- "poamId": 45
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 33,
- "poamId": 45,
- "externalUid": "d6d98b88-c866-4496-9bd4-de7ba48d0f52",
- "success": true
Returns system(s) containing POA&M items for matching parameters.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
poamId required | integer Example: 45 POA&M Id: The unique POA&M record identifier. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 830,
- "poamId": 45,
- "displayPoamId": 450000000,
- "isInherited": true,
- "externalUid": "d6d98b88-c866-4496-9bd4-de7ba48d0f52",
- "controlAcronyms": "“AC-3”",
- "cci": "000001",
- "status": "Completed",
- "reviewStatus": "Under Review",
- "vulnerabilityDescription": "Description text",
- "sourceIdentVuln": "Source Indentifying Vulnerability text",
- "securityChecks": "SV-25123r1_rule,2016-A-0279",
- "milestones": [
- {
- "systemId": 830,
- "milestoneId": 19,
- "poamId": 45,
- "description": "Description text",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800,
- "reviewStatus": "Under Review"
], - "pocOrganization": "Army",
- "pocFirstName": "John",
- "pocLastName": "Smith",
- "pocEmail": "",
- "pocPhoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
- "severity": "Low",
- "rawSeverity": "I",
- "relevanceOfThreat": "Low",
- "likelihood": "Moderate",
- "impact": "High",
- "impactDescription": "Impact Description text",
- "residualRiskLevel": "Very Low",
- "recommendations": "Recommendations text",
- "resources": "Resource text.",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800,
- "completionDate": 1505916276,
- "extensionDate": 1505916298,
- "comments": "Comments text.",
- "mitigation": "Mitigation text",
- "isActive": true
The Milestones endpoints provide the ability to view, add, update, and remove milestones that are associated with Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) items for a system.
Returns system containing milestones for matching parameters.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
poamId required | integer Example: 45 POA&M Id: The unique POA&M record identifier. |
scheduledCompletionDateStart | string Date Started: Filter query by the scheduled completion start date (Unix date format). |
scheduledCompletionDateEnd | string Date Ended: Filter query by the scheduled completion start date (Unix date format). |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 830,
- "milestoneId": 19,
- "poamId": 45,
- "description": "Description text",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800,
- "reviewStatus": "Under Review"
Adds a milestone for given systemId
and poamId
path parameters
Request Body Required Fields
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
poamId required | integer Example: 45 POA&M Id: The unique POA&M record identifier. |
Update an existing milestone
poamId required | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 300 ] [Required] Unique POA&M item identifier. |
description required | string [Required] Provide a description of the milestone. |
scheduledCompletionDate required | integer <int64> [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Required] Unix date format. |
{- "poamId": 45,
- "description": "Description text",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "poamId": 45,
- "milestoneId": 77,
- "externalUid": "d6d98b88-c866-4496-9bd4-de7ba48d0f52",
- "success": true
Updates a milestone for given systemId
and poamId
path parameters
Request Body Required Fields
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
poamId required | integer Example: 45 POA&M Id: The unique POA&M record identifier. |
Update an existing control by Id
milestoneId required | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 300 ] [Required] Unique milestone identifier. |
description required | string [Required] Provide a description of the milestone. |
scheduledCompletionDate required | integer <int64> [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Required] Unix date format. |
{- "milestoneId": 19,
- "description": "Description text",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "poamId": 45,
- "milestoneId": 77,
- "externalUid": "d6d98b88-c866-4496-9bd4-de7ba48d0f52",
- "success": true
Remove the POA&M matching systemId
path parameter
To delete a milestone the record must be inactive by having the field isActive set to false (isActive=false
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
poamId required | integer Example: 45 POA&M Id: The unique POA&M record identifier. |
Delete the given Milestone Id
milestoneId required | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 300 ] [Required] Unique item identifier |
{- "milestoneId": 19
{ }
Returns systems containing milestones for matching parameters.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
poamId required | integer Example: 45 POA&M Id: The unique POA&M record identifier. |
milestoneId required | integer Example: 77 Milestone Id: The unique milestone record identifier. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 830,
- "milestoneId": 19,
- "poamId": 45,
- "description": "Description text",
- "scheduledCompletionDate": 1599644800,
- "reviewStatus": "Under Review"
The Artifacts endpoints provide the ability to view, add, update, and remove artifacts (supporting documentation/evidence) and associated files for a system.
Returns selected artifacts matching parameters to include the file name containing the artifacts.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
filename | string Example: filename=ArtifactsExporFile.pdf File Name: The file name (to include file-extension). |
controlAcronyms | string System Acronym: Filter query by given system acronym (single or comma separated). |
ccis | string CCI System: Filter query by Control Correlation Identifiers (CCIs). |
systemOnly | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Systems Only: Indicates that only system(s) information is retrieved. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "filename": "AutorizationGuidance.pdf",
- "isInherited": true,
- "isTemplate": false,
- "type": "Policy",
- "category": "Change Request",
- "description": "Artifact description text",
- "refPageNumber": "Reference page number",
- "ccis": "000001,000002",
- "controls": "AC-8,AC-2(4)",
- "mimeContentType": "application/zip",
- "fileSize": "4MB",
- "artifactExpirationDate": 1549036926,
- "lastReviewedDate": 1549036928
The request body of a POST request through the Artifact Endpoint accepts a single binary file
with file extension ".zip" only. This accepted .zip file should contain one or more files
corresponding to existing artifacts or new artifacts that will be created upon successful receipt.
Filename uniqueness throughout eMASS will be enforced by the API.
Upon successful receipt of a file, if a file within the .zip is matched via filename to an artifact
existing within the application, the file associated with the artifact will be updated. If no artifact
is matched via filename to the application, a new artifact will be created with the following
default values. Any values not specified below will be blank.
Zip file information
Upload a zip file contain one or more files corresponding to existing artifacts
or new artifacts that will be created upon successful receipt.
Business Rules
Artifact cannot be saved if the file does not have the following file extensions:
Artifact version cannot be saved if an Artifact with the same file name already exist in the system.
Artifact cannot be saved if the file size exceeds 30MB.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
See Information
posted above for additional instructions
isTemplate | boolean |
type | string Enum: "Procedure" "Diagram" "Policy" "Labor" "Document" "Image" "Other" "Scan Result" "Auditor Report" |
category | string Enum: "Implementation Guidance" "Evidence" |
Zipper required | string <binary> |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "filename": "AutorizationGuidance.pdf",
- "success": true,
- "systemId": 35
Updates an artifact for given systemId
path parameter
Request Body Required Fields
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
See information
above for additional instructions
filename required | string [Required] File name should match exactly one file within the provided zip file. 1000 Characters. |
isTemplate required | boolean [Required] Indicates it is an artifact template. |
type required | string Enum: "Procedure" "Diagram" "Policy" "Labor" "Document" "Image" "Other" "Scan Result" [Required] Artifact type options |
category required | string Enum: "Implementation Guidance" "Evidence" [Required] Artifact category options |
description | string [Optional] Artifact description. 2000 Characters. |
refPageNumber | string [Optional] Artifact reference page number. 50 Characters. |
ccis | string^\d{5,6},\d{5,6} [Required] CCI associated with test result. |
controls | string^[A-Z0-9-]{3,6} [Optional] Control acronym associated with the artifact. NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4 defined. |
artifactExpirationDate | integer <int64> [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Optional] Date Artifact expires and requires review. In Unix Date format. |
lastReviewedDate | integer <int64> [ 1500000000 .. 1900000000 ] [Optional]] Date Artifact was last reviewed.. Unix time format. |
{- "filename": "AutorizationGuidance.pdf",
- "isTemplate": false,
- "type": "Policy",
- "category": "Change Request",
- "description": "Artifact description text",
- "refPageNumber": "Reference page number",
- "ccis": "000001,000002",
- "controls": "AC-8,AC-2(4)",
- "artifactExpirationDate": 1549036928,
- "lastReviewedDate": 1549036928
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "filename": "AutorizationGuidance.pdf",
- "success": true,
- "systemId": 35
Remove the Artifact(s) matching systemId
path parameter and request body artifact(s) file name
Multiple files can be deleted by providing multiple file names at the CL (comma delimited)
Example: --files file1.txt, file2.txt
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
See notes above for additional information
filename | string [Required] File name should match exactly one file within the provided zip file. 1000 Characters. |
[- {
- "filename": "AutorizationGuidance.pdf"
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "filename": "AutorizationGuidance.pdf",
- "success": true,
- "systemId": 35
The Artifacts Export endpoint provides the ability to download artifact files for a system.
Sample Responce
Binary file associated with given filename.
If compress
parameter is specified, zip archive of binary file associated with given filename.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
filename required | string Example: filename=ArtifactsExporFile.pdf File Name: The file name (to include file-extension). |
compress | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Compress File: Determines if returned file is compressed. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 400,
- "errorMessage": "Request could not be understood by the server due to incorrect syntax or an unexpected format"
The Control Approval Chain (CAC) endpoints provide the ability to view the status of Security Controls and submit them to the second stage in the Control Approval Chain.
Returns the location of a system's package in the Control Approval Chain (CAC) for matching systemId
path parameter
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
controlAcronyms | string System Acronym: Filter query by given system acronym (single or comma separated). |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "controlAcronym": "AC-3",
- "complianceStatus": "Compliant",
- "currentStageName": "SCA-V",
- "currentStage": 2,
- "totalStages": 2,
- "comments": "Control Approval Chain comments text."
Adds a Control Approval Chain (CAC) for given systemId
path parameter
POST requests will only yield successful results if the control is currently sitting at the first
role of the CAC. If the control is not currently sitting at the first role, then an error will be
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
Update an existing Artifact by Id
controlAcronym | string [Required] System acronym name. |
comments | string [Conditional] Control Approval Chain comments - 2000 Characters. |
{- "controlAcronym": "AC-3",
- "comments": "Control Approval Chain comments text."
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "controlAcronym": "AC-3",
- "success": true,
- "systemId": 35
The Package Approval Chain (PAC) endpoints provide the ability to view the status of existing workflows and initiate new workflows for a system.
Returns the location of a system's package in the Package Approval Chain (PAC)
for matching systemId
path parameter
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "systemId": 35,
- "workflow": "Assess and Authorize",
- "name": "Package name text",
- "currentStageName": "SCA-R",
- "currentStage": 4,
- "totalStages": 6,
- "daysAtCurrentStage": 2,
- "comments": "Comments text."
Adds a Package Approval Chain (PAC) for given systemId
path parameter
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
Update an existing Artifact by Id
workflow | string Enum: "Assess and Authorize" "Assess Only" "Security Plan Approval" [Required] The PAC workflow |
name | string [Required] Package name. 100 Characters. |
comments | string [Required] Character Limit = 4,000. |
{- "workflow": "Assess and Authorize",
- "name": "Package name text",
- "comments": "Comments text."
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "workflow": "Assess and Authorize",
- "success": true,
- "systemId": 35
The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Assessments endpoint provides the ability to view CMMC assessment information. It is available to CMMC eMASS only.
Get all CMMC assessment after the given date sinceDate
parameter. It is available
to CMMC eMASS only.
sinceDate required | string Example: sinceDate=1638764040 Date CMMC date (Unix date format) |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "operation": "UPDATED",
- "hqOrganizationName": "Army",
- "duns": "852159753",
- "uniqueEntityIdentifier": "9809123",
- "cageCodes": "89ED9; 99D8B",
- "oscName": "UC Labs",
- "scope": "Enterprise",
- "scopeDescription": "Assessment of UC's Lab",
- "awardedCMMCLevel": "Not Certified",
- "expirationDate": 1638741660,
- "certificateId": "41b89528-a7a8-470a-90f4-c3fd1267d6f7",
- "modelVersion": "1.12",
- "ssps": [
- {
- "sspName": "UC Lab",
- "sspVersion": "4.3.0",
- "sspDate": 1638741660
The Static Code Scans endpoint provides the ability to upload application scan findings into a system's assets module. Application findings can also be cleared from the system.
Upload or clear application scan findings into a system's systemId
assets module.
Note: To clear an application's findings, use only the field clearFindings
the Request body and set it to true.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
Update an existing Artifact by Id
object | |
Array of objects (Static Code Application POST object") <= 3 items >= 1 |
{- "application": {
- "applicationName": "Artemis",
- "version": "Version 5.0"
}, - "applicationFindings": [
- {
- "rawSeverity": "Moderate",
- "codeCheckName": "Hidden Field",
- "count": 14,
- "scanDate": 1625070000,
- "cweId": "155",
- "clearFindings": false
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "success": true
The Workflow Definitions endpoint provides the ability to view all workflow schemas available on the eMASS instance. Every transition for each workflow stage is included.
View all workflow schemas available on the eMASS instance filtered by
status includeInactive
and registration type registrationType
includeInactive | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Include Inactive: If no value is specified, the default returns false to not include outdated workflow definitions. |
registrationType | string Default: "regular" Registration Type: Filter record by selected registration type (single value or comma delimited values). Available values: assessAndAuthorize, assessOnly, guest, regular, functional, cloudServiceProvider, commonControlProvider |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "description": "The workflow description",
- "isActive": false,
- "version": "4",
- "workflow": "RMF Step 1: Security Category",
- "stages": [
- {
- "name": "Not Started",
- "transitions": [
- {
- "endStage": "Submit Categorization",
- "description": "Initiate Workflow",
- "roles": [
- [
- "PM/ISO",
- "System Admin",
- "eMASS System Admin",
- "ISSE",
- "ISSM",
- "IO"
The Workflow Instances endpoint provides the ability to view detailed information on all active and historical workflows for a system.
View detailed information on all active and historical workflows for a system
and filtered by provided parameters.
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
includeComments | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Include Comments: If no value is specified, the default returns true to not include transition comments. Note: Corresponds to the Comments textbox that is required at most workflow transitions. Does not include other text input fields such as Terms / Conditions for Authorization. |
pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns true to not include transition comments. |
sinceDate | string Example: sinceDate=1638764040 Date: Filter on authorization/assessment date (Unix date format). Note: Filters off the lastEditedDate field. Note: The authorization/assessment decisions on completed workflows can be edited for up to 30 days after the initial decision is made. |
status | string Default: "all" Enum: "active" "inactive" "all" Status: Filter by status. If no value is specified, the default returns all to include both active and inactive workflows. Note: Any workflows at a current stage of Complete or Cancelled are inactive. Ongoing workflows currently at other stages are active. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "createdDate": 1636124623,
- "currentStage": "Echelon II",
- "lastEditedBy": "",
- "lastEditedDate": 1631130837,
- "packageName": "Test RMF Step 1 package",
- "systemName": "Test system 1",
- "version": "4",
- "workflow": "RMF Step 1: Security Category",
- "workflowInstanceId": 35,
- "transitions": [
- {
- "comments": "Approved the categorization",
- "createdBy": "",
- "createdDate": 1636124623,
- "description": "Submit New Package",
- "endStage": "Submit Categorization",
- "startStage": "Not Started"
View detailed information on all active and historical workflows for a system
and workflowInstanceId
systemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier. |
workflowInstanceId required | integer Example: 123 Workflow Instance Id: The unique milestone record identifier. |
{- "meta": {
- "code": 200
}, - "data": [
- {
- "createdDate": 1636124623,
- "currentStage": "Echelon II",
- "lastEditedBy": "",
- "lastEditedDate": 1631130837,
- "packageName": "Test RMF Step 1 package",
- "systemName": "Test system 1",
- "version": "4",
- "workflow": "RMF Step 1: Security Category",
- "workflowInstanceId": 35,
- "transitions": [
- {
- "comments": "Approved the categorization",
- "createdBy": "",
- "createdDate": 1636124623,
- "description": "Submit New Package",
- "endStage": "Submit Categorization",
- "startStage": "Not Started"