<% id = document.id %>   <% if current_user and document.depositor != current_user.user_key %> <% end %>
<%= link_to [main_app, document], class: "media-left" do %> <%= render_thumbnail_tag document, { class: "hidden-xs file_listing_thumbnail", alt: document.title_or_label }, { suppress_link: true } %> <% end %>

<%= link_to document.title_or_label, [main_app, document], id: "src_copy_link#{id}", class: "#{'document-title' if document.title_or_label == document.label}" %>

<%= render_other_collection_links(document, @presenter.id) %>
<%= document.date_uploaded %> <%= render_visibility_link(document) %> <% if current_user and can? :edit, @collection %> <%= button_for_remove_from_collection @collection, document, label: "Remove", btn_class: "btn-danger btn-xs" %> <% end %>
<%= t('.creator') %>
<%= document.creator.to_a.to_sentence %>
<%= t('.depositor') %>
<%= link_to_profile document.depositor %>
<%= t('.edit_access') %>
<% if document.edit_groups.present? %> Groups: <%= document.edit_groups.join(', ') %>
<% end %> Users: <%= document.edit_people.join(', ') %>