require 'mkmf' require 'rbconfig' unless find_header('sasl/sasl.h') abort 'Please install SASL to continue. The package is called libsasl2-dev on Ubuntu and cyrus-sasl on Gentoo.' end HERE = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) BUNDLE_PATH = Dir.glob("libmemcached-*").first SOLARIS_32 = Config::CONFIG['target'] == "i386-pc-solaris2.10" BSD = Config::CONFIG['host_os'].downcase =~ /bsd/ $CFLAGS = "#{Config::CONFIG['CFLAGS']} #{$CFLAGS}".gsub("$(cflags)", "").gsub("-fno-common", "").gsub("-Werror=declaration-after-statement", "") $CFLAGS << " -std=gnu99" if SOLARIS_32 $CFLAGS << " -I/usr/local/include" if BSD $EXTRA_CONF = " --disable-64bit" if SOLARIS_32 $LDFLAGS = "#{Config::CONFIG['LDFLAGS']} #{$LDFLAGS} -L#{Config::CONFIG['libdir']}".gsub("$(ldflags)", "").gsub("-fno-common", "") $CXXFLAGS = "#{Config::CONFIG['CXXFLAGS']} -std=gnu++98" $CC = "CC=#{Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["CC"].inspect}" # JRuby's default configure options can't build libmemcached properly LIBM_CFLAGS = defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) ? "-fPIC -g -O2" : $CFLAGS LIBM_LDFLAGS = defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) ? "-fPIC -lsasl2 -lm" : $LDFLAGS GMAKE_CMD = Config::CONFIG['host_os'].downcase =~ /bsd|solaris/ ? "gmake" : "make" TAR_CMD = SOLARIS_32 ? 'gtar' : 'tar' PATCH_CMD = SOLARIS_32 ? 'gpatch' : 'patch' if ENV['DEBUG'] puts "Setting debug flags." $CFLAGS << " -O0 -ggdb -DHAVE_DEBUG" $EXTRA_CONF = "" end def check_libmemcached return if ENV["EXTERNAL_LIB"] $includes = " -I#{HERE}/include" $libraries = " -L#{HERE}/lib" $CFLAGS = "#{$includes} #{$libraries} #{$CFLAGS}" $LDFLAGS = "-lsasl2 -lm #{$libraries} #{$LDFLAGS}" $LIBPATH = ["#{HERE}/lib"] $DEFLIBPATH = [] unless SOLARIS_32 Dir.chdir(HERE) do Dir.chdir(BUNDLE_PATH) do"%Y%m%d%H%M.%S") run("find . | xargs touch -t #{ts_now}", "Touching all files so autoconf doesn't run.") run("env CFLAGS='-fPIC #{LIBM_CFLAGS}' LDFLAGS='-fPIC #{LIBM_LDFLAGS}' ./configure --prefix=#{HERE} --without-memcached --disable-shared --disable-utils --disable-dependency-tracking #{$CC} #{$EXTRA_CONF} 2>&1", "Configuring libmemcached.") end Dir.chdir(BUNDLE_PATH) do #Running the make command in another script invoked by another shell command solves the "cd ." issue on FreeBSD 6+ run("GMAKE_CMD='#{GMAKE_CMD}' CXXFLAGS='#{$CXXFLAGS} #{LIBM_CFLAGS}' SOURCE_DIR='#{BUNDLE_PATH}' HERE='#{HERE}' ruby ../extconf-make.rb", "Making libmemcached.") end end # Absolutely prevent the linker from picking up any other libmemcached Dir.chdir("#{HERE}/lib") do system("cp -f libmemcached.a libmemcached_gem.a") system("cp -f") end $LIBS << " -lmemcached_gem -lsasl2" end def run(cmd, reason) puts reason puts cmd raise "'#{cmd}' failed" unless system(cmd) end check_libmemcached $CFLAGS << " -Os" create_makefile 'rlibmemcached' run("mv Makefile", "Copy Makefile") run("sed 's/-I.opt.local.include//' > Makefile", "Remove MacPorts from the include path")