cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(X ExecuteHookqKXmethodsqNX!the mathjax.callback.signal classqNX MessageHookq KX api-signalq KX NoInterestq KXInterestq KXPostq KX propertiesqNuUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq]qUcurrent_sourceqNU decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hhhUmethodsqhU!the-mathjax-callback-signal-classqh h h U api-signalqh h h h h h hU propertiesquUchildrenq]q(cdocutils.nodes target q)q}q (U rawsourceq!X.. _api-signal:q"Uparentq#hUsourceq$cdocutils.nodes reprunicode q%XT/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/api/signal.rstq&q'}q(bUtagnameq)Utargetq*U attributesq+}q,(Uidsq-]q.Ubackrefsq/]q0Udupnamesq1]q2Uclassesq3]q4Unamesq5]q6Urefidq7huUlineq8KUdocumentq9hh]q:ubcdocutils.nodes section q;)q<}q=(h!Uh#hh$h'Uexpect_referenced_by_nameq>}q?h hsh)Usectionq@h+}qA(h1]qBh3]qCh/]qDh-]qE(hheh5]qF(hh euh8Kh9hUexpect_referenced_by_idqG}qHhhsh]qI(cdocutils.nodes title qJ)qK}qL(h!X!The MathJax.Callback.Signal ClassqMh#h` for more details, and :ref:`Using Signals ` in particular for examples of how to specify and use MathJax `Signal` objects.q]h#h`qh#h[h)U pending_xrefqh+}q(UreftypeqXrefqU reftargetqXsynchronizationqU refdomainqXstdqh-]qh/]qU refexplicitqh1]qh3]qh5]qUrefdocqU api/signalquh8Kh]qcdocutils.nodes emphasis q)q}q(h!hh+}q(h1]qh3]q(UxrefqhXstd-refqeh/]qh-]qh5]quh#hh]qhVXSynchronizing with MathJaxqq}q(h!Uh#hubah)UemphasisqubaubhVX for more details, and qq}q(h!X for more details, and qh#h[ubh)q}q(h!X$:ref:`Using Signals `qh#h[h)hh+}q(UreftypeqXrefqhX using-signalsqU refdomainqXstdqh-]qh/]qU refexplicitqĈh1]qh3]qh5]qhhuh8Kh]qh)q}q(h!hh+}q(h1]qh3]q(hhXstd-refqeh/]qh-]qh5]quh#hh]qhVX Using SignalsqӅq}q(h!Uh#hubah)hubaubhVX> in particular for examples of how to specify and use MathJax qօq}q(h!X> in particular for examples of how to specify and use MathJax qh#h[ubh})q}q(h!X`Signal`qh+}q(h1]qh3]qh/]qh-]qh5]quh#h[h]qhVXSignalq䅁q}q(h!Uh#hubah)hubhVX objects.q煁q}q(h!X objects.qh#h[ubeubhZ)q}q(h!X[The `Callback Signal` object is a subclass of the :ref:`Callback Queue ` object.qh#h`r h#hh)hh+}r (UreftyperXrefrhX api-queuerU refdomainrXstdrh-]rh/]rU refexplicitrh1]rh3]rh5]rhhuh8Kh]rh)r}r(h!j h+}r(h1]rh3]r(hjXstd-refreh/]r h-]r!h5]r"uh#j h]r#hVXCallback Queuer$r%}r&(h!Uh#jubah)hubaubhVX object.r'r(}r)(h!X object.r*h#hubeubh;)r+}r,(h!Uh#hr?}r@(h!j6h#j4ubaubcsphinx.addnodes index rA)rB}rC(h!Uh#j+h$h'h)UindexrDh+}rE(h-]rFh/]rGh1]rHh3]rIh5]rJUentriesrK]rLuh8Nh9hh]rMubcsphinx.addnodes desc rN)rO}rP(h!Uh#j+h$h'h)UdescrQh+}rR(UnoindexrSUdomainrTUh-]rUh/]rVh1]rWh3]rXh5]rYUobjtyperZXdescriber[Udesctyper\j[uh8Nh9hh]r](csphinx.addnodes desc_signature r^)r_}r`(h!Xnamerah#jOh$h'h)Udesc_signaturerbh+}rc(h-]rdh/]reh1]rfh3]rgh5]rhUfirstriuh8Kh9hh]rjcsphinx.addnodes desc_name rk)rl}rm(h!jah#j_h$h'h)U desc_namernh+}ro(h1]rph3]rqh/]rrh-]rsh5]rtuh8Kh9hh]ruhVXnamervrw}rx(h!Uh#jlubaubaubcsphinx.addnodes desc_content ry)rz}r{(h!Uh#jOh$h'h)U desc_contentr|h+}r}(h1]r~h3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]rhZ)r}r(h!XThe name of the signal. Each signal is named so that various components can access it. The first one to request a particular signal causes it to be created, and other requests for the signal return references to the same object.rh#jzh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]rhVXThe name of the signal. Each signal is named so that various components can access it. The first one to request a particular signal causes it to be created, and other requests for the signal return references to the same object.rr}r(h!jh#jubaubaubeubjA)r}r(h!Uh#j+h$h'h)jDh+}r(h-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rUentriesr]ruh8Nh9hh]rubjN)r}r(h!Uh#j+h$h'h)jQh+}r(jSjTUh-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rjZXdescriberj\juh8Nh9hh]r(j^)r}r(h!Xpostedrh#jh$h'h)jbh+}r(h-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rjiuh8K%h9hh]rjk)r}r(h!jh#jh$h'h)jnh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8K%h9hh]rhVXpostedrr}r(h!Uh#jubaubaubjy)r}r(h!Uh#jh$h'h)j|h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8K%h9hh]rhZ)r}r(h!XArray used internally to stored the post history so that when new listeners express interests in this signal, they can be informed of the signals that have been posted so far. This can be cleared using the signal's :meth:`Clear()` method.rh#jh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8K!h9hh]r(hVXArray used internally to stored the post history so that when new listeners express interests in this signal, they can be informed of the signals that have been posted so far. This can be cleared using the signal's rr}r(h!XArray used internally to stored the post history so that when new listeners express interests in this signal, they can be informed of the signals that have been posted so far. This can be cleared using the signal's rh#jubh)r}r(h!X:meth:`Clear()`rh#jh)hh+}r(UreftyperXmethrhXClearrU refdomainrXpyrh-]rh/]rU refexplicitrh1]rh3]rh5]rhhUpy:classrNU py:modulerNuh8K!h]rhj)r}r(h!jh+}r(h1]rh3]r(hjXpy-methreh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXClear()rr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hxubaubhVX method.rr}r(h!X method.rh#jubeubaubeubjA)r}r(h!Uh#j+h$h'h)jDh+}r(h-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rUentriesr]ruh8Nh9hh]rubjN)r}r(h!Uh#j+h$h'h)jQh+}r(jSjTUh-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rjZXdescriber j\j uh8Nh9hh]r (j^)r }r (h!X listenersr h#jh$h'h)jbh+}r(h-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rjiuh8K-h9hh]rjk)r}r(h!j h#j h$h'h)jnh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8K-h9hh]rhVX listenersrr}r (h!Uh#jubaubaubjy)r!}r"(h!Uh#jh$h'h)j|h+}r#(h1]r$h3]r%h/]r&h-]r'h5]r(uh8K-h9hh]r)hZ)r*}r+(h!XArray of callbacks to the listeners who have expressed interest in hearing about posts to this signal. When a post occurs, the listeners are called in each turn, passing them the message that was posted.r,h#j!h$h'h)h^h+}r-(h1]r.h3]r/h/]r0h-]r1h5]r2uh8K(h9hh]r3hVXArray of callbacks to the listeners who have expressed interest in hearing about posts to this signal. When a post occurs, the listeners are called in each turn, passing them the message that was posted.r4r5}r6(h!j,h#j*ubaubaubeubeubh;)r7}r8(h!Uh#hhauh8K/h9hh]r?(hJ)r@}rA(h!XMethodsrBh#j7h$h'h)hNh+}rC(h1]rDh3]rEh/]rFh-]rGh5]rHuh8K/h9hh]rIhVXMethodsrJrK}rL(h!jBh#j@ubaubjA)rM}rN(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jDh+}rO(h-]rPh/]rQh1]rRh3]rSh5]rTUentriesrU]rV(UsinglerWXPost()h h trXauh8Nh9hh]rYubjN)rZ}r[(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jQh+}r\(jSjTXpyr]h-]r^h/]r_h1]r`h3]rah5]rbjZXmethodrcj\jcuh8Nh9hh]rd(j^)re}rf(h!XPost(message[,callback])rgh#jZh$h'h)jbh+}rh(h-]rih aUmodulerjNh/]rkh1]rlh3]rmh5]rnh aUfullnameroh UclassrpUjiuh8KOh9hh]rq(jk)rr}rs(h!h h#jeh$h'h)jnh+}rt(h1]ruh3]rvh/]rwh-]rxh5]ryuh8KOh9hh]rzhVXPostr{r|}r}(h!Uh#jrubaubcsphinx.addnodes desc_parameterlist r~)r}r(h!Uh#jeh$h'h)Udesc_parameterlistrh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8KOh9hh]r(csphinx.addnodes desc_parameter r)r}r(h!Xmessagerh#jh$h'h)Udesc_parameterrh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8KOh9hh]rhVXmessagerr}r(h!Uh#jubaubcsphinx.addnodes desc_optional r)r}r(h!Uh#jh$h'h)U desc_optionalrh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8KOh9hh]rj)r}r(h!Xcallbackrh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8KOh9hh]rhVXcallbackrr}r(h!Uh#jubaubaubeubeubjy)r}r(h!Uh#jZh$h'h)j|h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8KOh9hh]r(hZ)r}r(h!XPosts a message to all the listeners for the signal. The listener callbacks are called in turn (with the message as an argument), and if any return a `Callback` object, the posting will be suspended until the callback is exectured. In this way, the :meth:`Post()` call can operate asynchronously, and so the `callback` parameter is used to synchronize with its operation; the `callback` will be called when all the listeners have responded to the post.rh#jh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8K3h9hh]r(hVXPosts a message to all the listeners for the signal. The listener callbacks are called in turn (with the message as an argument), and if any return a rr}r(h!XPosts a message to all the listeners for the signal. The listener callbacks are called in turn (with the message as an argument), and if any return a rh#jubh})r}r(h!X `Callback`rh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXCallbackrr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hubhVXZ object, the posting will be suspended until the callback is exectured. In this way, the rr}r(h!XZ object, the posting will be suspended until the callback is exectured. In this way, the rh#jubh)r}r(h!X:meth:`Post()`rh#jh)hh+}r(UreftyperXmethrhXPostrU refdomainrXpyrh-]rh/]rU refexplicitrh1]rh3]rh5]rhhjNjNuh8K3h]rhj)r}r(h!jh+}r(h1]rh3]r(hjXpy-methreh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXPost()rr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hxubaubhVX- call can operate asynchronously, and so the rr}r(h!X- call can operate asynchronously, and so the rh#jubh})r}r(h!X `callback`rh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXcallbackrr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hubhVX: parameter is used to synchronize with its operation; the rr}r(h!X: parameter is used to synchronize with its operation; the r h#jubh})r }r (h!X `callback`r h+}r (h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXcallbackrr}r(h!Uh#j ubah)hubhVXB will be called when all the listeners have responded to the post.rr}r(h!XB will be called when all the listeners have responded to the post.rh#jubeubhZ)r}r(h!XIf a :meth:`Post()` to this signal occurs while waiting for the response from a listener (either because a listener returned a `Callback` object and we are waiting for it to complete when the :meth:`Post()` occurred, or because the listener itself called the ``Post()`` method), the new message will be queued and will be posted after the current message has been sent to all the listeners, and they have all responded. This is another way in which posting can be asynchronous; the only sure way to know that a posting has occurred is through its `callback`. When the posting is complete, the callback is called, passing it the signal object that has just completed.rh#jh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]r h/]r!h-]r"h5]r#uh8Keh/]r?h-]r@h5]rAuh#j)h]rBhVXPost()rCrD}rE(h!Uh#j9ubah)hxubaubhVXl to this signal occurs while waiting for the response from a listener (either because a listener returned a rFrG}rH(h!Xl to this signal occurs while waiting for the response from a listener (either because a listener returned a rIh#jubh})rJ}rK(h!X `Callback`rLh+}rM(h1]rNh3]rOh/]rPh-]rQh5]rRuh#jh]rShVXCallbackrTrU}rV(h!Uh#jJubah)hubhVX7 object and we are waiting for it to complete when the rWrX}rY(h!X7 object and we are waiting for it to complete when the rZh#jubh)r[}r\(h!X:meth:`Post()`r]h#jh)hh+}r^(Ureftyper_Xmethr`hXPostraU refdomainrbXpyrch-]rdh/]reU refexplicitrfh1]rgh3]rhh5]rihhjNjNuh8K(h!XReturnsr?h+}r@(h1]rAh3]rBh/]rCh-]rDh5]rEuh#j4h]rFhVXReturns rGrH}rI(h!Uh#j=ubah)jubj)rJ}rK(h!X the callback or a blank callbackrLh+}rM(h1]rNh3]rOh/]rPh-]rQh5]rRuh#j4h]rShZ)rT}rU(h!jLh#jJh$h'h)h^h+}rV(h1]rWh3]rXh/]rYh-]rZh5]r[uh8KNh]r\hVX the callback or a blank callbackr]r^}r_(h!jLh#jTubaubah)j3ubeubeubeubeubjA)r`}ra(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jDh+}rb(h-]rch/]rdh1]reh3]rfh5]rgUentriesrh]riuh8Nh9hh]rjubjN)rk}rl(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jQh+}rm(jSjTXpyrnh-]roh/]rph1]rqh3]rrh5]rsjZXmethodrtj\jtuh8Nh9hh]ru(j^)rv}rw(h!XClear([callback])rxh#jkh$h'h)jbh+}ry(h-]rzjjNh/]r{h1]r|h3]r}h5]r~joXClearrjpUjiuh8Nh9hh]r(jk)r}r(h!jh#jvh$h'h)jnh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Nh9hh]rhVXClearrr}r(h!Uh#jubaubj~)r}r(h!Uh#jvh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Nh9hh]rj)r}r(h!Uh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Nh9hh]rj)r}r(h!Xcallbackrh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Nh9hh]rhVXcallbackrr}r(h!Uh#jubaubaubaubeubjy)r}r(h!Uh#jkh$h'h)j|h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Nh9hh]r(hZ)r}r(h!XThis causes the history of past messages to be cleared so new listeners will not receive them. Note that since the signal may be operating asynchronously, the :meth:`Clear()` may be queued for later. In this way, the :meth:`Post()` and :meth:`Clear()` operations will be performed in the proper order even when they are delayed. The `callback` is called when the :meth:`Clear()` operation is completed.rh#jh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8KSh9hh]r(hVXThis causes the history of past messages to be cleared so new listeners will not receive them. Note that since the signal may be operating asynchronously, the rr}r(h!XThis causes the history of past messages to be cleared so new listeners will not receive them. Note that since the signal may be operating asynchronously, the rh#jubh)r}r(h!X:meth:`Clear()`rh#jh)hh+}r(UreftyperXmethrhXClearrU refdomainrXpyrh-]rh/]rU refexplicitrh1]rh3]rh5]rhhjNjNuh8KSh]rhj)r}r(h!jh+}r(h1]rh3]r(hjXpy-methreh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXClear()rr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hxubaubhVX, may be queued for later. In this way, the rr}r(h!X, may be queued for later. In this way, the rh#jubh)r}r(h!X:meth:`Post()`rh#jh)hh+}r(UreftyperXmethrhXPostrU refdomainrXpyrh-]rh/]rU refexplicitrh1]rh3]rh5]rhhjNjNuh8KSh]rhj)r}r(h!jh+}r(h1]rh3]r(hjXpy-methreh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXPost()rr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hxubaubhVX and rr}r(h!X and rh#jubh)r}r(h!X:meth:`Clear()`rh#jh)hh+}r(Ureftyper Xmethr hXClearr U refdomainr Xpyr h-]rh/]rU refexplicitrh1]rh3]rh5]rhhjNjNuh8KSh]rhj)r}r(h!jh+}r(h1]rh3]r(hj Xpy-methreh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXClear()rr }r!(h!Uh#jubah)hxubaubhVXS operations will be performed in the proper order even when they are delayed. The r"r#}r$(h!XS operations will be performed in the proper order even when they are delayed. The r%h#jubh})r&}r'(h!X `callback`r(h+}r)(h1]r*h3]r+h/]r,h-]r-h5]r.uh#jh]r/hVXcallbackr0r1}r2(h!Uh#j&ubah)hubhVX is called when the r3r4}r5(h!X is called when the r6h#jubh)r7}r8(h!X:meth:`Clear()`r9h#jh)hh+}r:(Ureftyper;Xmethr<hXClearr=U refdomainr>Xpyr?h-]r@h/]rAU refexplicitrBh1]rCh3]rDh5]rEhhjNjNuh8KSh]rFhj)rG}rH(h!j9h+}rI(h1]rJh3]rK(hj?Xpy-methrLeh/]rMh-]rNh5]rOuh#j7h]rPhVXClear()rQrR}rS(h!Uh#jGubah)hxubaubhVX operation is completed.rTrU}rV(h!X operation is completed.rWh#jubeubhZ)rX}rY(h!X?Returns the callback (or a blank callback if none is provided).rZh#jh$h'h)h^h+}r[(h1]r\h3]r]h/]r^h-]r_h5]r`uh8K[h9hh]rahVX?Returns the callback (or a blank callback if none is provided).rbrc}rd(h!jZh#jXubaubj)re}rf(h!Uh#jh$Nh)jh+}rg(h1]rhh3]rih/]rjh-]rkh5]rluh8Nh9hh]rm(j)rn}ro(h!Uh#jeh$h'h)jh+}rp(h1]rqh3]rrh/]rsh-]rth5]ruuh8K]h9hh]rv(j)rw}rx(h!X Parametersryh+}rz(h1]r{h3]r|h/]r}h-]r~h5]ruh#jnh]rhVX Parameters rr}r(h!Uh#jwubah)jubj)r}r(h!X=- **callback** --- called after the signal history is clearedrh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jnh]rj)r}r(h!Uh+}r(jX-h-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]ruh#jh]rj)r}r(h!X;**callback** --- called after the signal history is clearedrh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhZ)r}r(h!jh#jh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8K^h]r(j)r}r(h!X **callback**rh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXcallbackrr}r(h!Uh#jubah)jubhVX/ --- called after the signal history is clearedrr}r(h!X/ --- called after the signal history is clearedrh#jubeubah)j ubah)j2ubah)j3ubeubj)r}r(h!Uh#jeh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8K_h9hh]r(j)r}r(h!XReturnsrh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXReturns rr}r(h!Uh#jubah)jubj)r}r(h!X the callback or a blank callbackrh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhZ)r}r(h!jh#jh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8K_h]rhVX the callback or a blank callbackrr}r(h!jh#jubaubah)j3ubeubeubeubeubjA)r}r(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jDh+}r(h-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rUentriesr]r(jWX Interest()h h trauh8Nh9hh]rubjN)r}r(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jQh+}r(jSjTXpyrh-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rjZXmethodrj\juh8Nh9hh]r(j^)r}r(h!XInterest(callback[,ignorePast])rh#jh$h'h)jbh+}r(h-]rh ajjNh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rh ajoh jpUjiuh8Kth9hh]r(jk)r}r (h!h h#jh$h'h)jnh+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]rh5]ruh8Kth9hh]rhVXInterestrr}r(h!Uh#jubaubj~)r}r(h!Uh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kth9hh]r(j)r}r(h!Xcallbackrh#jh$h'h)jh+}r (h1]r!h3]r"h/]r#h-]r$h5]r%uh8Kth9hh]r&hVXcallbackr'r(}r)(h!Uh#jubaubj)r*}r+(h!Uh#jh$h'h)jh+}r,(h1]r-h3]r.h/]r/h-]r0h5]r1uh8Kth9hh]r2j)r3}r4(h!X ignorePastr5h#j*h$h'h)jh+}r6(h1]r7h3]r8h/]r9h-]r:h5]r;uh8Kth9hh]r<hVX ignorePastr=r>}r?(h!Uh#j3ubaubaubeubeubjy)r@}rA(h!Uh#jh$h'h)j|h+}rB(h1]rCh3]rDh/]rEh-]rFh5]rGuh8Kth9hh]rH(hZ)rI}rJ(h!XThis method registers a new listener on the signal. It creates a `Callback` object from the callback specification, attaches it to the signal, and returns that `Callback` object. When new messages are posted to the signal, it runs the callback, passing it the message that was posted. If the callback itself returns a `Callback` object, that indicates that the listener has started an asynchronous operation and the poster should wait for that callback to complete before allowing new posts on the signal.rKh#j@h$h'h)h^h+}rL(h1]rMh3]rNh/]rOh-]rPh5]rQuh8Kch9hh]rR(hVXBThis method registers a new listener on the signal. It creates a rSrT}rU(h!XBThis method registers a new listener on the signal. It creates a rVh#jIubh})rW}rX(h!X `Callback`rYh+}rZ(h1]r[h3]r\h/]r]h-]r^h5]r_uh#jIh]r`hVXCallbackrarb}rc(h!Uh#jWubah)hubhVXU object from the callback specification, attaches it to the signal, and returns that rdre}rf(h!XU object from the callback specification, attaches it to the signal, and returns that rgh#jIubh})rh}ri(h!X `Callback`rjh+}rk(h1]rlh3]rmh/]rnh-]roh5]rpuh#jIh]rqhVXCallbackrrrs}rt(h!Uh#jhubah)hubhVX object. When new messages are posted to the signal, it runs the callback, passing it the message that was posted. If the callback itself returns a rurv}rw(h!X object. When new messages are posted to the signal, it runs the callback, passing it the message that was posted. If the callback itself returns a rxh#jIubh})ry}rz(h!X `Callback`r{h+}r|(h1]r}h3]r~h/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jIh]rhVXCallbackrr}r(h!Uh#jyubah)hubhVX object, that indicates that the listener has started an asynchronous operation and the poster should wait for that callback to complete before allowing new posts on the signal.rr}r(h!X object, that indicates that the listener has started an asynchronous operation and the poster should wait for that callback to complete before allowing new posts on the signal.rh#jIubeubhZ)r}r(h!XIf `ignorePast` is ``false`` or not present, then before :meth:`Interest()` returns, the callback will be called with all the past messages that have been sent to the signal.rh#j@h$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Klh9hh]r(hVXIf rr}r(h!XIf rh#jubh})r}r(h!X `ignorePast`rh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVX ignorePastrr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hubhVX is rr}r(h!X is rh#jubhj)r}r(h!X ``false``rh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXfalserr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hxubhVX or not present, then before rr}r(h!X or not present, then before rh#jubh)r}r(h!X:meth:`Interest()`rh#jh)hh+}r(UreftyperXmethrhXInterestrU refdomainrXpyrh-]rh/]rU refexplicitrh1]rh3]rh5]rhhjNjNuh8Klh]rhj)r}r(h!jh+}r(h1]rh3]r(hjXpy-methreh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVX Interest()rr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hxubaubhVXc returns, the callback will be called with all the past messages that have been sent to the signal.rr}r(h!Xc returns, the callback will be called with all the past messages that have been sent to the signal.rh#jubeubj)r}r(h!Uh#j@h$Nh)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Nh9hh]r(j)r}r(h!Uh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kph9hh]r(j)r}r(h!X Parametersrh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVX Parameters rr}r(h!Uh#jubah)jubj)r}r(h!X- **callback** --- called whenever a message is posted (past or present) - **ignorePast** --- ``true`` means ignore previous messagesrh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rj)r}r(h!Uh+}r(jX-h-]rh/]rh1]r h3]r h5]r uh#jh]r (j)r }r(h!XF**callback** --- called whenever a message is posted (past or present)rh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhZ)r}r(h!jh#j h$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kqh]r(j)r }r!(h!X **callback**r"h+}r#(h1]r$h3]r%h/]r&h-]r'h5]r(uh#jh]r)hVXcallbackr*r+}r,(h!Uh#j ubah)jubhVX: --- called whenever a message is posted (past or present)r-r.}r/(h!X: --- called whenever a message is posted (past or present)r0h#jubeubah)j ubj)r1}r2(h!X:**ignorePast** --- ``true`` means ignore previous messagesr3h+}r4(h1]r5h3]r6h/]r7h-]r8h5]r9uh#jh]r:hZ)r;}r<(h!j3h#j1h$h'h)h^h+}r=(h1]r>h3]r?h/]r@h-]rAh5]rBuh8Krh]rC(j)rD}rE(h!X**ignorePast**rFh+}rG(h1]rHh3]rIh/]rJh-]rKh5]rLuh#j;h]rMhVX ignorePastrNrO}rP(h!Uh#jDubah)jubhVX --- rQrR}rS(h!X --- rTh#j;ubhj)rU}rV(h!X``true``rWh+}rX(h1]rYh3]rZh/]r[h-]r\h5]r]uh#j;h]r^hVXtruer_r`}ra(h!Uh#jUubah)hxubhVX means ignore previous messagesrbrc}rd(h!X means ignore previous messagesreh#j;ubeubah)j ubeh)j2ubah)j3ubeubj)rf}rg(h!Uh#jh$h'h)jh+}rh(h1]rih3]rjh/]rkh-]rlh5]rmuh8Ksh9hh]rn(j)ro}rp(h!XReturnsrqh+}rr(h1]rsh3]rth/]ruh-]rvh5]rwuh#jfh]rxhVXReturns ryrz}r{(h!Uh#joubah)jubj)r|}r}(h!Xthe callback objectr~h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jfh]rhZ)r}r(h!j~h#j|h$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Ksh]rhVXthe callback objectrr}r(h!j~h#jubaubah)j3ubeubeubeubeubjA)r}r(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jDh+}r(h-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rUentriesr]r(jWX NoInterest()h h trauh8Nh9hh]rubjN)r}r(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jQh+}r(jSjTXpyrh-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rjZXmethodrj\juh8Nh9hh]r(j^)r}r(h!XNoInterest(callback)rh#jh$h'h)jbh+}r(h-]rh ajjNh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rh ajoh jpUjiuh8Kh9hh]r(jk)r}r(h!h h#jh$h'h)jnh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]rhVX NoInterestrr}r(h!Uh#jubaubj~)r}r(h!Uh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]rj)r}r(h!Xcallbackrh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]rhVXcallbackrr}r(h!Uh#jubaubaubeubjy)r}r(h!Uh#jh$h'h)j|h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]r(hZ)r}r(h!X.This removes a listener from the signal so that no new messages will be sent to it. The callback should be the one returned by the original :meth:`Interest()` call that attached the listener to the signal in the first place. Once removed, the listener will no longer receive messages from the signal.rh#jh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kwh9hh]r(hVXThis removes a listener from the signal so that no new messages will be sent to it. The callback should be the one returned by the original rr}r(h!XThis removes a listener from the signal so that no new messages will be sent to it. The callback should be the one returned by the original rh#jubh)r}r(h!X:meth:`Interest()`rh#jh)hh+}r(UreftyperXmethrhXInterestrU refdomainrXpyrh-]rh/]rU refexplicitrh1]rh3]rh5]rhhjNjNuh8Kwh]rhj)r}r(h!jh+}r(h1]rh3]r(hjXpy-methreh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVX Interest()rr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hxubaubhVX call that attached the listener to the signal in the first place. Once removed, the listener will no longer receive messages from the signal.r r }r (h!X call that attached the listener to the signal in the first place. Once removed, the listener will no longer receive messages from the signal.r h#jubeubj)r }r(h!Uh#jh$Nh)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Nh9hh]r(j)r}r(h!Uh#j h$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8K}h9hh]r(j)r}r (h!X Parametersr!h+}r"(h1]r#h3]r$h/]r%h-]r&h5]r'uh#jh]r(hVX Parameters r)r*}r+(h!Uh#jubah)jubj)r,}r-(h!X9- **callback** --- the listener to be removed from signalr.h+}r/(h1]r0h3]r1h/]r2h-]r3h5]r4uh#jh]r5j)r6}r7(h!Uh+}r8(jX-h-]r9h/]r:h1]r;h3]r<h5]r=uh#j,h]r>j)r?}r@(h!X7**callback** --- the listener to be removed from signalrAh+}rB(h1]rCh3]rDh/]rEh-]rFh5]rGuh#j6h]rHhZ)rI}rJ(h!jAh#j?h$h'h)h^h+}rK(h1]rLh3]rMh/]rNh-]rOh5]rPuh8K~h]rQ(j)rR}rS(h!X **callback**rTh+}rU(h1]rVh3]rWh/]rXh-]rYh5]rZuh#jIh]r[hVXcallbackr\r]}r^(h!Uh#jRubah)jubhVX+ --- the listener to be removed from signalr_r`}ra(h!X+ --- the listener to be removed from signalrbh#jIubeubah)j ubah)j2ubah)j3ubeubj)rc}rd(h!Uh#j h$h'h)jh+}re(h1]rfh3]rgh/]rhh-]rih5]rjuh8Kh9hh]rk(j)rl}rm(h!XReturnsrnh+}ro(h1]rph3]rqh/]rrh-]rsh5]rtuh#jch]ruhVXReturns rvrw}rx(h!Uh#jlubah)jubj)ry}rz(h!X``null``r{h+}r|(h1]r}h3]r~h/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jch]rhZ)r}r(h!j{h#jyh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh]rhj)r}r(h!j{h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh#jh]rhVXnullrr}r(h!Uh#jubah)hxubaubah)j3ubeubeubeubeubjA)r}r(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jDh+}r(h-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rUentriesr]r(jWX MessageHook()h h trauh8Nh9hh]rubjN)r}r(h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jQh+}r(jSjTXpyrh-]rh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rjZXmethodrj\juh8Nh9hh]r(j^)r}r(h!XMessageHook(message, callback)rh#jh$h'h)jbh+}r(h-]rh ajjNh/]rh1]rh3]rh5]rh ajoh jpUjiuh8Kh9hh]r(jk)r}r(h!h h#jh$h'h)jnh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]rhVX MessageHookrr}r(h!Uh#jubaubj~)r}r(h!Uh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]r(j)r}r(h!Xmessagerh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]rhVXmessagerr}r(h!Uh#jubaubj)r}r(h!Xcallbackrh#jh$h'h)jh+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]rhVXcallbackrr}r(h!Uh#jubaubeubeubjy)r}r(h!Uh#jh$h'h)j|h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]r(hZ)r}r(h!XThis creates a callback that is called whenever the signal posts the given message. This is a little easier than having to write a function that must check the message each time it is called. Although the `message` here is a string, if a message posted to the signal is an array, then only the first element of that array is used to match against message. That way, if a message contains an identifier plus arguments, the hook will match the identifier and still get called with the complete set of arguments.rh#jh$h'h)h^h+}r(h1]rh3]rh/]rh-]rh5]ruh8Kh9hh]r(hVXThis creates a callback that is called whenever the signal posts the given message. This is a little easier than having to write a function that must check the message each time it is called. Although the rr}r(h!XThis creates a callback that is called whenever the signal posts the given message. This is a little easier than having to write a function that must check the message each time it is called. Although the rh#jubh})r}r (h!X `message`r h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh#jh]r hVXmessager r }r (h!Uh#jubah)hubhVX( here is a string, if a message posted to the signal is an array, then only the first element of that array is used to match against message. That way, if a message contains an identifier plus arguments, the hook will match the identifier and still get called with the complete set of arguments.r r }r (h!X( here is a string, if a message posted to the signal is an array, then only the first element of that array is used to match against message. That way, if a message contains an identifier plus arguments, the hook will match the identifier and still get called with the complete set of arguments.r h#jubeubhZ)r }r (h!X0Returns the `Callback` object that was produced.r h#jh$h'h)h^h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh9hh]r (hVX Returns the r r }r (h!X Returns the r h#j ubh})r }r (h!X `Callback`r h+}r! (h1]r" h3]r# h/]r$ h-]r% h5]r& uh#j h]r' hVXCallbackr( r) }r* (h!Uh#j ubah)hubhVX object that was produced.r+ r, }r- (h!X object that was produced.r. h#j ubeubj)r/ }r0 (h!Uh#jh$Nh)jh+}r1 (h1]r2 h3]r3 h/]r4 h-]r5 h5]r6 uh8Nh9hh]r7 (j)r8 }r9 (h!Uh#j/ h$h'h)jh+}r: (h1]r; h3]r< h/]r= h-]r> h5]r? uh8Kh9hh]r@ (j)rA }rB (h!X ParametersrC h+}rD (h1]rE h3]rF h/]rG h-]rH h5]rI uh#j8 h]rJ hVX Parameters rK rL }rM (h!Uh#jA ubah)jubj)rN }rO (h!Xn- **message** --- the message to look for from the signal - **callback** --- called when the message is postedrP h+}rQ (h1]rR h3]rS h/]rT h-]rU h5]rV uh#j8 h]rW j)rX }rY (h!Uh+}rZ (jX-h-]r[ h/]r\ h1]r] h3]r^ h5]r_ uh#jN h]r` (j)ra }rb (h!X7**message** --- the message to look for from the signalrc h+}rd (h1]re h3]rf h/]rg h-]rh h5]ri uh#jX h]rj hZ)rk }rl (h!jc h#ja h$h'h)h^h+}rm (h1]rn h3]ro h/]rp h-]rq h5]rr uh8Kh]rs (j)rt }ru (h!X **message**rv h+}rw (h1]rx h3]ry h/]rz h-]r{ h5]r| uh#jk h]r} hVXmessager~ r }r (h!Uh#jt ubah)jubhVX, --- the message to look for from the signalr r }r (h!X, --- the message to look for from the signalr h#jk ubeubah)j ubj)r }r (h!X2**callback** --- called when the message is postedr h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh#jX h]r hZ)r }r (h!j h#j h$h'h)h^h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh]r (j)r }r (h!X **callback**r h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh#j h]r hVXcallbackr r }r (h!Uh#j ubah)jubhVX& --- called when the message is postedr r }r (h!X& --- called when the message is postedr h#j ubeubah)j ubeh)j2ubah)j3ubeubj)r }r (h!Uh#j/ h$h'h)jh+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh9hh]r (j)r }r (h!XReturnsr h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh#j h]r hVXReturns r r }r (h!Uh#j ubah)jubj)r }r (h!Xthe callback objectr h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh#j h]r hZ)r }r (h!j h#j h$h'h)h^h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh]r hVXthe callback objectr r }r (h!j h#j ubaubah)j3ubeubeubeubeubjA)r }r (h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jDh+}r (h-]r h/]r h1]r h3]r h5]r Uentriesr ]r (jWX ExecuteHook()hhtr auh8Nh9hh]r ubjN)r }r (h!Uh#j7h$Nh)jQh+}r (jSjTXpyr h-]r h/]r h1]r h3]r h5]r jZXmethodr j\j uh8Nh9hh]r (j^)r }r (h!XExecuteHook(message)r h#j h$h'h)jbh+}r (h-]r hajjNh/]r h1]r h3]r h5]r hajohjpUjiuh8Kh9hh]r (jk)r }r (h!hh#j h$h'h)jnh+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh9hh]r hVX ExecuteHookr r }r (h!Uh#j ubaubj~)r }r (h!Uh#j h$h'h)jh+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh9hh]r j)r }r (h!Xmessager h#j h$h'h)jh+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh9hh]r hVXmessager r }r (h!Uh#j ubaubaubeubjy)r }r (h!Uh#j h$h'h)j|h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh9hh]r (hZ)r! }r" (h!XXUsed internally to call the listeners when a particular message is posted to the signal.r# h#j h$h'h)h^h+}r$ (h1]r% h3]r& h/]r' h-]r( h5]r) uh8Kh9hh]r* hVXXUsed internally to call the listeners when a particular message is posted to the signal.r+ r, }r- (h!j# h#j! ubaubj)r. }r/ (h!Uh#j h$Nh)jh+}r0 (h1]r1 h3]r2 h/]r3 h-]r4 h5]r5 uh8Nh9hh]r6 (j)r7 }r8 (h!Uh#j. h$h'h)jh+}r9 (h1]r: h3]r; h/]r< h-]r= h5]r> uh8Kh9hh]r? (j)r@ }rA (h!X ParametersrB h+}rC (h1]rD h3]rE h/]rF h-]rG h5]rH uh#j7 h]rI hVX Parameters rJ rK }rL (h!Uh#j@ ubah)jubj)rM }rN (h!X$- **message** --- the posted messagerO h+}rP (h1]rQ h3]rR h/]rS h-]rT h5]rU uh#j7 h]rV j)rW }rX (h!Uh+}rY (jX-h-]rZ h/]r[ h1]r\ h3]r] h5]r^ uh#jM h]r_ j)r` }ra (h!X"**message** --- the posted messagerb h+}rc (h1]rd h3]re h/]rf h-]rg h5]rh uh#jW h]ri hZ)rj }rk (h!jb h#j` h$h'h)h^h+}rl (h1]rm h3]rn h/]ro h-]rp h5]rq uh8Kh]rr (j)rs }rt (h!X **message**ru h+}rv (h1]rw h3]rx h/]ry h-]rz h5]r{ uh#jj h]r| hVXmessager} r~ }r (h!Uh#js ubah)jubhVX --- the posted messager r }r (h!X --- the posted messager h#jj ubeubah)j ubah)j2ubah)j3ubeubj)r }r (h!Uh#j. h$h'h)jh+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh9hh]r (j)r }r (h!XReturnsr h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh#j h]r hVXReturns r r }r (h!Uh#j ubah)jubj)r }r (h!X``null``r h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh#j h]r hZ)r }r (h!j h#j h$h'h)h^h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh8Kh]r hj)r }r (h!j h+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh#j h]r hVXnullr r }r (h!Uh#j ubah)hxubaubah)j3ubeubeubeubeubeubeubeh!UU transformerr NU footnote_refsr }r Urefnamesr }r Usymbol_footnotesr ]r Uautofootnote_refsr ]r Usymbol_footnote_refsr ]r U citationsr ]r h9hU current_liner NUtransform_messagesr ]r cdocutils.nodes system_message r )r }r (h!Uh+}r (h1]r Ulevelr Kh-]r h/]r Usourcer h'h3]r h5]r Uliner KUtyper UINFOr uh]r hZ)r }r (h!Uh+}r (h1]r h3]r h/]r h-]r h5]r uh#j h]r hVX0Hyperlink target "api-signal" is not referenced.r r }r (h!Uh#j ubah)h^ubah)Usystem_messager ubaUreporterr NUid_startr KU autofootnotesr ]r U citation_refsr }r Uindirect_targetsr ]r Usettingsr (cdocutils.frontend Values r or }r (Ufootnote_backlinksr KUrecord_dependenciesr NU rfc_base_urlr U U tracebackr KUpep_referencesr NUstrip_commentsr NU toc_backlinksr Uentryr U language_coder Uenr U datestampr NU report_levelr KU _destinationr NU halt_levelr KU strip_classesr NhNNUerror_encoding_error_handlerr Ubackslashreplacer Udebugr NUembed_stylesheetr Uoutput_encoding_error_handlerr Ustrictr U sectnum_xformr KUdump_transformsr NU docinfo_xformr KUwarning_streamr NUpep_file_url_templater Upep-%04dr Uexit_status_levelr KUconfigr NUstrict_visitorr NUcloak_email_addressesr Utrim_footnote_reference_spacer Uenvr NUdump_pseudo_xmlr NUexpose_internalsr NUsectsubtitle_xformr U source_linkr NUrfc_referencesr NUoutput_encodingr Uutf-8r U source_urlr NUinput_encodingr U utf-8-sigr U_disable_configr NU id_prefixr UU tab_widthr KUerror_encodingr UUTF-8r! U_sourcer" UT/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/api/signal.rstr# U generatorr$ NUdump_internalsr% NU pep_base_urlr& U' Uinput_encoding_error_handlerr( j Uauto_id_prefixr) Uidr* Udoctitle_xformr+ Ustrip_elements_with_classesr, NU _config_filesr- ]r. Ufile_insertion_enabledr/ KU raw_enabledr0 KU dump_settingsr1 NubUsymbol_footnote_startr2 KUidsr3 }r4 (hj hj7h jhh ]r? Urefidsr@ }rA h]rB hasub.