require 'rubygems/tasks/console' require 'rubygems/tasks/build' require 'rubygems/tasks/install' require 'rubygems/tasks/scm' require 'rubygems/tasks/push' require 'rubygems/tasks/release' require 'rubygems/tasks/sign' require 'rake/tasklib' require 'ostruct' module Gem # # Defines basic Rake tasks for managing and releasing projects: # # * {Build::Gem build:gem} # * {Build::Tar build:tar} # * {Build::Zip build:zip} # * {SCM::Status scm:status} # * {SCM::Push scm:push} # * {SCM::Tag scm:tag} # * {Console console} # * {Install install} # * {Push push} # * {Release release} # * {Sign::Checksum sign:checksum} # * {Sign::PGP sign:pgp} # class Tasks include Rake::DSL # # The `build` tasks. # # @return [OpenStruct] # The collection of `build` tasks. # attr_reader :build # # The `scm` tasks. # # @return [OpenStruct] # The collection of `scm` tasks. # attr_reader :scm # # The `sign` tasks. # # @return [OpenStruct] # The collection of `sign` tasks. # attr_reader :sign # The {Console console} task. attr_reader :console # The {Install install} task. attr_reader :install # The {Push push} task. attr_reader :push # The {Release release} task. attr_reader :release # # Initializes the project tasks. # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Hash}] options # Enables or disables individual tasks. # # @option options [Hash{Symbol => Boolean}] :build # Enables or disables the `build` tasks. # # @option options [Hash{Symbol => Boolean}] :scm # Enables or disables the `scm` tasks. # # @option options [Boolean] :console (true) # Enables or disables the {Console console} task. # # @option options [Boolean] :install (true) # Enables or disables the {Install install} task. # # @option options [Boolean] :push (true) # Enables or disables the {Push push} task. # # @option options [Boolean] :release (true) # Enables or disables the {Release release} task. # # @option options [Hash{Symbol => Boolean}] :sign # Enables or disables the `sign` tasks. # # @yield [tasks] # If a block is given, it will be passed the newly created tasks, # before they are fully defined. # # @yieldparam [Tasks] tasks # The newly created tasks. # # @example Enables building of `.gem` and `.tar.gz` packages: # => {:gem => true, :tar => true}) # # @example Disables pushing `.gem` packages to []( # => false) # # @example Configures the version tag format: # do |tasks| # tasks.scm.tag.format = "release-%s" # end # def initialize(options={}) build_options = options.fetch(:build,{}) scm_options = options.fetch(:scm,{}) sign_options = options.fetch(:sign,{}) @scm = @build = @sign = if build_options @build.gem = ( if build_options.fetch(:gem,true)) @build.tar = ( if build_options[:tar]) = ( if build_options[:zip]) end if scm_options @scm.status = ( if scm_options.fetch(:status,true)) @scm.tag = ( if scm_options.fetch(:tag,true)) @scm.push = ( if scm_options.fetch(:push,true)) end if sign_options @sign.checksum = ( if sign_options[:checksum]) @sign.pgp = ( if sign_options[:pgp]) end @console = ( if options.fetch(:console,true)) @install = ( if options.fetch(:install,true)) @push = ( if options.fetch(:push,true)) @release = ( if options.fetch(:release,true)) yield self if block_given? end end end