Dependency-less Brasil API lookup gem for brazilian data with an easy-to-use API. ## Features - [x] **Bank** - [x] **CEP (Zip code)** - [x] **CNPJ** - [ ] **Corretoras** - [ ] **CPTEC** - [ ] **DDD** - [ ] **Feriados Nacionais** - [ ] **FIPE** - [ ] **IBGE** - [ ] **ISBN** - [ ] **NCM** - [ ] **PIX** - [ ] **Registros BR** - [ ] **Taxas** ## Installation Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing: $ bundle add brasilapi If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing: $ gem install brasilapi ## Usage ```ruby require 'brasilapi' # get all banks BrasilAPI::Bank.all => [{"ispb"=>"00000000", "name"=>"BCO DO BRASIL S.A.", "code"=>1, "fullName"=>"Banco do Brasil S.A."}, {"ispb"=>"00000208", "name"=>"BRB - BCO DE BRASILIA S.A.", "code"=>70, "fullName"=>"BRB - BANCO DE BRASILIA S.A."}, ...] # find bank by code BrasilAPI::Bank.find_by_code(77) => {"ispb"=>"00416968", "name"=>"BANCO INTER", "code"=>77, "fullName"=>"Banco Inter S.A."} # find company by cnpj BrasilAPI::Company.find_by_cnpj("60316817000103") => {"uf"=>"SP", "cep"=>"04543907", "qsa"=> [{"pais"=>"ESTADOS UNIDOS", ...} # find address by zip_code BrasilAPI::Address.find_by_zip_code('64001100') => {"cep"=>"64001100", "state"=>"PI", "city"=>"Teresina", "neighborhood"=>"Centro", "street"=>"Praça Pedro II", "service"=>"correios"} # find address with location by zip_code BrasilAPI::Address.find_by_zip_code('80060000', location: true) => {"cep"=>"80060000", "state"=>"PR", ... "location"=>{"type"=>"Point", "coordinates"=>{"longitude"=>"-49.2614791", "latitude"=>"-25.427253"}}} ``` # License [MIT](./LICENSE) ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct]( ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License]( ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the Brasilapi project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct]( # Autor
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@dayvidemerson]( | | :-: |