module KnifeSolo module SshCommand def self.load_deps require 'knife-solo/ssh_connection' require 'net/ssh' require 'net/ssh/gateway' end def self.included(other) other.class_eval do # Lazy load our dependencies if the including class did not call # Knife#deps yet. Later calls to #deps override previous ones, so if # the outer class calls it, it should also call our #load_deps, i.e: # # Include KnifeSolo::SshCommand # # dep do # require 'foo' # require 'bar' # KnifeSolo::SshCommand.load_deps # end # deps { KnifeSolo::SshCommand.load_deps } unless @dependency_loader option :ssh_config, :short => '-F CONFIG_FILE', :long => '--ssh-config-file CONFIG_FILE', :description => 'Alternate location for ssh config file' option :ssh_user, :short => '-x USERNAME', :long => '--ssh-user USERNAME', :description => 'The ssh username' option :ssh_password, :short => '-P PASSWORD', :long => '--ssh-password PASSWORD', :description => 'The ssh password' option :ssh_gateway, :long => '--ssh-gateway GATEWAY', :description => 'The ssh gateway' option :ssh_identity, :long => '--ssh-identity FILE', :description => 'Deprecated. Replaced with --identity-file.' option :ssh_control_master, :long => '--ssh-control-master SETTING', :description => 'Control master setting to use when running rsync (use "no" to disable)', :default => 'auto' option :identity_file, :short => '-i IDENTITY_FILE', :long => '--identity-file FILE', :description => 'The ssh identity file' option :forward_agent, :long => '--forward-agent', :description => 'Forward SSH authentication. Adds -E to sudo, override with --sudo-command.', :boolean => true, :default => false option :ssh_port, :short => '-p PORT', :long => '--ssh-port PORT', :description => 'The ssh port' option :ssh_keepalive, :long => '--[no-]ssh-keepalive', :description => 'Use ssh keepalive', :default => true option :ssh_keepalive_interval, :long => '--ssh-keepalive-interval SECONDS', :description => 'The ssh keepalive interval', :default => 300, :proc => { |v| v.to_i } option :startup_script, :short => '-s FILE', :long => '--startup-script FILE', :description => 'The startup script on the remote server containing variable definitions' option :sudo_command, :long => '--sudo-command SUDO_COMMAND', :description => 'The command to use instead of sudo for admin privileges' option :host_key_verify, :long => "--[no-]host-key-verify", :description => "Verify host key, enabled by default.", :boolean => true, :default => true end end def first_cli_arg_is_a_hostname? @name_args.first =~ /\A([^@]+(?>@)[^@]+|[^@]+?(?!@))\z/ end def validate_ssh_options! if config[:ssh_identity] ui.warn '`--ssh-identity` is deprecated, please use `--identity-file`.' config[:identity_file] ||= config[:ssh_identity] end unless first_cli_arg_is_a_hostname? show_usage ui.fatal "You must specify [@] as the first argument" exit 1 end if config[:ssh_user] host_descriptor[:user] ||= config[:ssh_user] end # NOTE: can't rely on default since it won't get called when invoked via knife bootstrap --solo if config[:ssh_keepalive_interval] && config[:ssh_keepalive_interval] <= 0 ui.fatal '`--ssh-keepalive-interval` must be a positive number' exit 1 end end def host_descriptor return @host_descriptor if @host_descriptor parts = @name_args.first.split('@') @host_descriptor = { :host => parts.pop, :user => parts.pop } end def user host_descriptor[:user] || config_file_options[:user] || ENV['USER'] end def host host_descriptor[:host] end def ask_password ui.ask("Enter the password for #{user}@#{host}: ") do |q| q.echo = false q.whitespace = :chomp end end def password config[:ssh_password] ||= ask_password end def try_connection ssh_connection.session do |ssh| ssh.exec!("true") end end def config_file_options Net::SSH::Config.for(host, config_files) end def connection_options options = config_file_options options[:port] = config[:ssh_port] if config[:ssh_port] options[:password] = config[:ssh_password] if config[:ssh_password] options[:keys] = [config[:identity_file]] if config[:identity_file] options[:gateway] = config[:ssh_gateway] if config[:ssh_gateway] options[:forward_agent] = true if config[:forward_agent] if !config[:host_key_verify] options[:paranoid] = false options[:user_known_hosts_file] = "/dev/null" end if config[:ssh_keepalive] options[:keepalive] = config[:ssh_keepalive] options[:keepalive_interval] = config[:ssh_keepalive_interval] end # Respect users' specification of config[:ssh_config] # Prevents Net::SSH itself from applying the default ssh_config files. options[:config] = false options end def config_files Array(config[:ssh_config] || Net::SSH::Config.default_files) end def detect_authentication_method return @detected if @detected begin try_connection rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT raise "Unable to connect to #{host}" rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed # Ensure the password is set or ask for it immediately password end @detected = true end def ssh_args args = [] args << [user, host].compact.join('@') args << "-F #{config[:ssh_config]}" if config[:ssh_config] args << "-i #{config[:identity_file]}" if config[:identity_file] args << "-o ForwardAgent=yes" if config[:forward_agent] args << "-p #{config[:ssh_port]}" if config[:ssh_port] args << "-o UserKnownHostsFile=#{connection_options[:user_known_hosts_file]}" if config[:host_key_verify] == false args << "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" if config[:host_key_verify] == false args << "-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=#{ssh_control_path} -o ControlPersist=3600" unless config[:ssh_control_master] == "no" args.join(' ') end def ssh_control_path dir = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.chef', 'knife-solo-sockets') FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) File.join(dir, '%h') end def custom_sudo_command if sudo_command=config[:sudo_command] Chef::Log.debug("Using replacement sudo command: #{sudo_command}") return sudo_command end end def standard_sudo_command return unless sudo_available? if config[:forward_agent] return 'sudo -E -p \'knife sudo password: \'' else return 'sudo -p \'knife sudo password: \'' end end def sudo_command custom_sudo_command || standard_sudo_command || '' end def startup_script config[:startup_script] end def windows_node? return @windows_node unless @windows_node.nil? @windows_node = run_command('ver', :process_sudo => false).stdout =~ /Windows/i if @windows_node Chef::Log.debug("Windows node detected") else @windows_node = false end @windows_node end def sudo_available? return @sudo_available unless @sudo_available.nil? @sudo_available = run_command('sudo -V', :process_sudo => false).success? Chef::Log.debug("`sudo` not available on #{host}") unless @sudo_available @sudo_available end def process_sudo(command) command.gsub(/sudo/, sudo_command) end def process_startup_file(command) command.insert(0, "source #{startup_script} && ") end def stream_command(command) run_command(command, :streaming => true) end def processed_command(command, options = {}) command = process_sudo(command) if options[:process_sudo] command = process_startup_file(command) if startup_script command end def run_command(command, options = {}) defaults = {:process_sudo => true} options = defaults.merge(options) detect_authentication_method Chef::Log.debug("Initial command #{command}") command = processed_command(command, options) Chef::Log.debug("Running processed command #{command}") output = ui.stdout if options[:streaming] @connection ||= ssh_connection @connection.run_command(command, output) end def ssh_connection, user, connection_options, method(:password)) end # Runs commands from the specified array until successful. # Returns the result of the successful command or an ExecResult with # exit_code 1 if all fail. def run_with_fallbacks(commands, options = {}) commands.each do |command| result = run_command(command, options) return result if result.success? end end # TODO: # - move this to a dedicated "portability" module? # - use ruby in all cases instead? def run_portable_mkdir_p(folder, mode = nil) if windows_node? # no mkdir -p on windows - fake it run_command %Q{ruby -e "require 'fileutils'; FileUtils.mkdir_p('#{folder}', :mode => #{mode})"} else mode_option = (mode.nil? ? "" : "-m #{mode}") run_command "mkdir -p #{mode_option} #{folder}" end end end end