// Brand colours $govuk-blue: #005ea5 !default; $mainstream-brand: $govuk-blue !default; // Standard palette, colours $purple: #2e358b; $purple-50: #9799c4; $purple-25: #d5d6e7; $mauve: #6f72af; $mauve-50: #b7b9d7; $mauve-25: #e2e2ef; $fuschia: #912b88; $fuschia-50: #c994c3; $fuschia-25: #e9d4e6; $pink: #d53880; $pink-50: #eb9bbe; $pink-25: #f6d7e5; $baby-pink: #f499be; $baby-pink-50: #faccdf; $baby-pink-25: #fdebf2; $red: #b10e1e; $red-50: #d9888c; $red-25: #efcfd1; $mellow-red: #df3034; $mellow-red-50: #ef9998; $mellow-red-25: #f9d6d6; $orange: #f47738; $orange-50: #fabb96; $orange-25: #fde4d4; $brown: #b58840; $brown-50: #dac39c; $brown-25: #f0e7d7; $yellow: #ffbf47; $yellow-50: #ffdf94; $yellow-25: #fff2d3; $grass-green: #85994b; $grass-green-50: #c2cca3; $grass-green-25: #e7ebda; $green: #006435; $green-50: #7fb299; $green-25: #cce0d6; $turquoise: #28a197; $turquoise-50: #95d0cb; $turquoise-25: #d5ecea; $light-blue: #2b8cc4; $light-blue-50: #96c6e2; $light-blue-25: #d5e8f3; // Standard palette, greys $black: #0b0c0c; $grey-1: #6f777b; $grey-2: #bfc1c3; $grey-3: #dee0e2; $grey-4: #f8f8f8; $white: #fff; // Semantic colour names $link-colour: $govuk-blue; $link-active-colour: $light-blue; $link-hover-colour: $light-blue; $link-visited-colour: #4c2c92; $button-colour: #00823b; $focus-colour: $yellow; $text-colour: $black; // Standard text colour $secondary-text-colour: $grey-1; // Section headers, help text etc. $border-colour: $grey-2; // Borders, seperators, rules, keylines etc. $panel-colour: $grey-3; // Related links panel, page footer etc. $canvas-colour: $grey-4; // Page background $highlight-colour: $grey-4; // Table stripes etc. $page-colour: $white; // The page $discovery-colour: $fuschia; // Discovery badges and banners $alpha-colour: $pink; // Alpha badges and banners $beta-colour: $orange; // Beta badges and banners $live-colour: $grass-green; // Live badges and banners $banner-text-colour: #000; // Text colour for Alpha & Beta banners $error-colour: $red; // Error text and border colour $error-background: #fef7f7; // Error background colour