require 'spec_helper' describe Template::Spec do context 'identifier methods' do before do Klipp::Configuration.stubs(:root_dir).returns(File.join(File.dirname(__dir__), 'fixtures')) end it 'finds the path to a template name' do path = Template::Spec.spec_path_for_identifier('Example') path.should eq File.join(File.dirname(__dir__), 'fixtures', 'template-repository', 'Example', 'Example.klippspec') end it 'raises error if a template doesn\'t exist' do expect { Template::Spec.spec_path_for_identifier('Non-existing') }.to raise_error RuntimeError end it 'knows about unambiguous specs' do Template::Spec.identifier_is_ambiguous('Ambiguous').should eq false end it 'raises error if a template is unambiguous' do expect { Template::Spec.spec_path_for_identifier('Ambiguous') }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /Found multiple templates/ end it 'finds the path to a template in a specific repo' do path = Template::Spec.spec_path_for_identifier('template-repository/Ambiguous') path.should eq File.join(File.dirname(__dir__), 'fixtures', 'template-repository', 'Ambiguous', 'Ambiguous.klippspec') end it 'deducts the template identifier from an unambiguous template name' do path = Template::Spec.spec_path_for_identifier 'Example' hash = Template::Spec.hash_for_spec_path path Template::Spec.hash_to_identifier(hash).should eq 'template-repository/Example' end end context 'with validation disabled' do before do Template::Spec.any_instance.stubs(:invalidate) end it 'yields on initialize' do expect { |probe| 'Example', &probe }.to yield_control end it 'passes itself as a parameter on yield' do expect { |probe|'Example', &probe) }.to yield_with_args(be_an_instance_of(Template::Spec)) end it 'validates the spec after configuration' do spec = spec.expects(:validate_spec) spec.spec('') end it 'raises an error when overwriting tokens, like the BLANK token' do (expect do 'Example' do |spec| spec.token :BLANK do |t| t.comment = "You can't overwrite tokens" end end end).to raise_error RuntimeError end end context 'with an invalid spec' do before do @spec = end it 'invalidates' do @spec.expects(:invalidate) @spec.spec('') end it 'raises an error when invalidating' do expect { @spec.spec('') }.to raise_error RuntimeError end it 'rescues and re-raises errors from the config block' do expect { @spec.spec('Example') { |s| s.lala = 5 } }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /Invalid klippspec configuration/ end it 'raises errors from klippspec string' do expect { @spec.from_string('lalala', 'fake/path') }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /Error evaluating spec/ end end context 'with a valid spec' do before do @template = @template.spec('Example') {} end it 'has a name' do @template.identifier = 'repo/ProjectX' @template.identifier.should eq 'repo/ProjectX' end it 'has a post-action setter' do @template.post_action = 'pod install' @template.post_actions.should eq ['pod install'] end it 'has a post-actions setter' do @template.post_actions = ['git init', 'git add .', 'git commit -m "Initial commit."', 'pod install'] @template.post_actions.should eq ['git init', 'git add .', 'git commit -m "Initial commit."', 'pod install'] end it 'has a token hash' do @template[:PROJECT_ID] = @template[:PROJECT_ID].should be_an_instance_of(Template::Token) end describe 'token support' do it 'creates a token' do yielded_token = :not_a_token @template.token(:PROJECT_ID) { |t| yielded_token = t } yielded_token.should be_an_instance_of Template::Token end it 'has a blank token' do @template[:BLANK].hidden.should eq true @template[:BLANK].value.should eq '' end it 'has a date token' do @template[:DATE].hidden.should eq true @template[:DATE].value.should eq'%F') end it 'has a year token' do @template[:YEAR].hidden.should eq true @template[:YEAR].value.should eq '2014' end end describe 'required file support' do it 'creates a required file instance' do yielded_file = :not_a_file @template.required_file('file.txt') { |f| yielded_file = f } yielded_file.should be_an_instance_of Template::RequiredFile end it 'has no files at the beginning' do @template.required_files.length.should eq 0 end end end context 'when loading a klippspec' do before do Klipp::Configuration.stubs(:root_dir).returns(File.join(File.dirname(__dir__), 'fixtures')) end context 'with an invalid klippspec' do it 'raises an error when loading an invalid klippspec' do klippspec = File.join(Klipp::Configuration.root_dir, 'template-repository', 'BadExample', 'BadExample.klippspec') File.exists?(klippspec).should be true expect { Template::Spec.from_file(klippspec) }.to raise_error RuntimeError end end context 'with a valid klippspec' do before do @path = File.join(Klipp::Configuration.root_dir, 'template-repository', 'Example', 'Example.klippspec') File.exists?(@path).should be true @spec = Template::Spec.from_file(@path) end it 'loads a spec from a file' do @spec.should be_an_instance_of Template::Spec end it 'generates a project specific Klippfile' do fixture = read_fixture 'Klippfile-after-prepare' @spec.klippfile.should eq fixture end it 'references the repo in the Klippfile' do @spec.klippfile.should include 'template-repository/Example' end context 'with a values hash' do before do @values = @values[:PROJECT_ID] = "Klipp" @values[:PROJECT_TITLE] = "Templates for the rest of us" @values[:BUNDLE_ID] = "com.epologee.klipp" @values[:ORGANIZATION_NAME] = "epologee" @values[:CLASS_PREFIX] = "KLP" @values[:SECRET_TOGGLE] = true end it 'validates token values' do @spec.set_token_values @values end it 'replaces delimited tokens with its values' do @spec.set_token_values @values source = 'XXPROJECT_IDXX - XXPROJECT_TITLEXX - XXBUNDLE_IDXX - XXORGANIZATION_NAMEXX - XXCLASS_PREFIXXX - XXSECRET_TOGGLEXX - [XXBLANKXX]' target = 'Klipp - Templates for the rest of us - com.epologee.klipp - epologee - KLP - YES - []' @spec.replace_tokens(source).should eq target end end end end context 'when creating a klippspec' do before do Klipp::Configuration.stubs(:root_dir).returns(File.join(File.dirname(__dir__), 'fixtures')) end it 'generates the klippspec' do spec = spec.identifier = 'Another-Template' spec.klippspec.should eq read_fixture('Another-Template.klippspec') end end end