module QuickSearch module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) desc 'insert routes' def insert_routes routes = <<-ROUTES mount QuickSearch::Engine => "/" ROUTES insert_into_file "config/routes.rb", routes, :after => "Rails.application.routes.draw do\n" end desc 'insert generic theme' def insert_theme theme_gem_entry = <<-THEME \n # -Inserted by QuickSearch- # QuickSearch theme # # Remove the following if you want to use a different theme gem 'quick_search-generic_theme' # END -Inserted by QuickSearch- THEME say("\nYou'll need to include a theme which QuickSearch uses to render your results. We've built a generic theme which can be modified or extended to meet your needs. Alternatively you can build your own from scratch and include it.\n\n") @theme_response = ask("Would you like to install the generic theme?", limited_to: ['y', 'n']) if @theme_response == 'y' insert_into_file "Gemfile", theme_gem_entry, :after => /gem [\"\']quick_search-core[\"\'].*$/ end end desc 'insert searchers' def insert_searchers searcher_gem_entry = <<-SEARCHERS \n # -Inserted by QuickSearch- # QuickSearch searchers # # If you want to use different searchers, remove/replace these and be sure to remove them from # your config/quick_search_config.yml file as well as references to them in your theme's search # results page template gem 'quick_search-wikipedia_searcher' gem 'quick_search-open_library_searcher' gem 'quick_search-arxiv_searcher' gem 'quick_search-placeholder_searcher' # -END Inserted by QuickSearch- SEARCHERS say("\nTo have a working application you'll need to install some searchers. Searchers are the code that integrates with third-party APIs, handles performing searches and creating results objects. By default quick_search-core provides no searchers. Some searchers are available and it is easy to write your own.\n\n") @searcher_response = ask("Would you like to install some basic searchers that do not require API keys?", limited_to: ['y', 'n']) if @searcher_response == 'y' insert_into_file "Gemfile", searcher_gem_entry, :after => /gem [\"\']quick_search-core[\"\'].*$/ end end desc 'bundle install theme/searchers' def bundle_install_theme_searchers Bundler.with_clean_env do run "bundle install" end end desc 'create application configuration file' def quick_search_config_yml copy_file 'quick_search_config.yml', 'config/quick_search_config.yml' end desc 'update quick_search_config.yml' def update_quick_search_config if @theme_response == 'y' theme_config = 'quick_search_generic_theme' insert_into_file "config/quick_search_config.yml", theme_config, :after => /^ theme: '/ end if @searcher_response == 'y' included_searchers = ',arxiv,open_library,wikipedia,placeholder' included_found_types = 'arxiv,open_library,wikipedia,placeholder,placeholder,placeholder,placeholder' insert_into_file "config/quick_search_config.yml", included_searchers, :after => /^ searchers: \[best_bets/ insert_into_file "config/quick_search_config.yml", included_found_types, :after => /^ found_types: \[/ end end desc 'create best bets configuration file' def best_bets_yml copy_file 'best_bets.yml', 'config/best_bets.yml' end desc 'create kaminari initializer' def kaminari_initializer copy_file 'kaminari.rb', 'config/initializers/kaminari.rb' end desc 'add styles' def add_styles remove_file 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.css' create_file 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss', %Q|@import "quick_search";\n| end desc 'add javascript' def add_javascript gsub_file('app/assets/javascripts/application.js', '//= require_tree .', '//= require quick_search') end desc 'install migrations' def install_migrations rake "quick_search:install:migrations" rake "db:migrate" end desc 'display messages about what needs to be configured' def configuration_messages say "QuickSearch installation complete.\n\n", :green if @searcher_response == 'y' say "We've installed a set of default searchers.\n", :green end if @theme_response == 'y' say "We've installed the generic theme.\n", :green end file = File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__), 'post_install.txt')) say file, :green end end end end