Mark was not a people person. He preferred solitude and rarely made an effort to connect with others. He didn't care about social norms and never felt the need to follow them. He didn't try to fit in with others, nor did he care about their opinions. He felt comfortable in his own skin and didn't need anyone's approval. Mark worked as a web designer, and he was passionate about his job. He spent most of his time in front of the computer, working on complex projects that kept him busy for hours. He always went the extra mile to create something unique and impressive, regardless of the time and effort required. Mark's colleagues found him aloof and unapproachable. He hardly spoke to anyone and didn't participate in any office events or activities. His indifference to social interactions had turned into a source of friction between him and his colleagues. However, Mark didn't care. He didn't feel the need to be social, and he didn't care about the tension he created. In his free time, Mark worked on a project that he had been passionate about for years. He was creating a game that defied the conventional rules and challenged the player's intelligence. The game's complexity and uniqueness had stumped many seasoned gamers, and it had gained a cult following online. Mark had put in countless hours perfecting the game's mechanics and aesthetics. He was determined to challenge the status quo and create something memorable. As word of his game spread, he began to gain a wide following online. Players admired his vision and creativity, and they lauded him for the hours of hard work he had put into the game. Mark's apathy towards social norms had paid off in ways he never anticipated. He had created something extraordinary that had changed the gaming industry forever. His name was now synonymous with innovation and creativity. Mark never regretted not caring about social interactions. He was happiest behind his computer, creating complex games that challenged the player's expectations. For him, that was all that mattered. The world could judge him all they wanted, but he had accomplished something significant that would put him in the annals of gaming history forever.