module Spree class ProductsController < Spree::StoreController before_action :load_product, only: :show before_action :load_taxon, only: :index rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :render_404 helper 'spree/taxons' respond_to :html def index @searcher = build_searcher(params.merge(include_images: true)) @products = @searcher.retrieve_products @products = @products.includes(:possible_promotions) if @products.respond_to?(:includes) @taxonomies = Spree::Taxonomy.includes(root: :children) end def show @variants = @product.variants_including_master. spree_base_scopes. active(current_currency). includes([:option_values, :images]) @product_properties = @product.product_properties.includes(:property) @taxon = params[:taxon_id].present? ? Spree::Taxon.find(params[:taxon_id]) : @product.taxons.first redirect_if_legacy_path end private def accurate_title if @product @product.meta_title.blank? ? : @product.meta_title else super end end def load_product if try_spree_current_user.try(:has_spree_role?, "admin") @products = Product.with_deleted else @products = end @product = @products.includes(:variants_including_master, variant_images: :viewable). friendly.distinct(false).find(params[:id]) end def load_taxon @taxon = Spree::Taxon.find(params[:taxon]) if params[:taxon].present? end def redirect_if_legacy_path # If an old id or a numeric id was used to find the record, # we should do a 301 redirect that uses the current friendly id. if params[:id] != @product.friendly_id params[:id] = @product.friendly_id params.permit! return redirect_to url_for(params), status: :moved_permanently end end end end