require "plugin" ######################################################## # Author: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # # Defines the main methods that are necessary to execute PluginLinker # Inherit: Plugin ######################################################## class PluginExtractInserts < Plugin #------------------------------------------------------ # check if part of a vector is in a linker #------------------------------------------------------ def part_left_overlap?(r1_start,r1_end,r2_start,r2_end) return ((r1_start=r2_start) ) #overlap on the left of r2 end def part_right_overlap?(r1_start,r1_end,r2_start,r2_end) return ((r1_end>r2_end) and (r1_start<=r2_end) and (r1_start>=r2_start) ) #overlap on the right of r2 end # crea una action insert controlado si el inserto es corto o no y actualiza las stats según sea inserto izquierdo o derecho def add_action_inserts(insert,linker,actions,seq) insert_size = insert[1]-insert[0]+1 min_insert_size = @params.get_param('min_insert_size_paired').to_i if (insert_size >= min_insert_size) if (insert[0]linker.end_pos) #insert is on the right from the linker add_stats('right_insert_size',insert_size) end a = seq.new_action(insert[0]-seq.insert_start,insert[1]-seq.insert_start,"ActionInsert") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence actions.push a else if (insert[0] 1} add_stats('short_left_insert_size',insert_size) elsif (insert[0]>linker.end_pos) #insert is on the right from the linker # @stats[:short_right_insert_size]={insert_size => 1} add_stats('short_right_insert_size',insert_size) end #create an ActionShortInsert before the ActionLinker # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence a = seq.new_action(insert[0]-seq.insert_start,insert[1]-seq.insert_start,"ActionShortInsert") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence actions.push a end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #It's created an ActionInsert or ActionShortInsert before the ActionLinker #Used: in class PluginLinker and PluginMid #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_action_before_linker(overlap,actions,seq) # puts "INSERT1: [#{seq.insert_start},#{overlap.start_pos}]" insert_size = overlap.start_pos - seq.insert_start min_insert_size = @params.get_param('min_insert_size_trimmed').to_i # puts "INSERT1: [#{overlap.start_pos},#{seq.insert_start} #{seq.insert_end} seqsize #{seq.seq_fasta.size} insert_size #{insert_size} #{min_insert_size}]" if ((overlap.start_pos>seq.insert_start) && (insert_size >= min_insert_size))#if overlap's positions are right #It's created an ActionInsert or ActionShortInsert before the Actionoverlap # a = seq.new_action(seq.insert_start_last,overlap.start_pos-1-seq.insert_start,"ActionInsert") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence a = seq.new_action(0,overlap.start_pos-1-seq.insert_start,"ActionInsert") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence actions.push a # puts " 1---------- Inserto antes del linker en pos #{a.start_pos} #{a.end_pos}" elsif (overlap.start_pos>seq.insert_start) #if overlap's positions are right and insert's size is short # puts " 2---------- #{seq.insert_start},#{overlap.start_pos}-1-#{seq.insert_start}" #It's created an ActionShortInsert before the ActionLinker # a = seq.new_action(seq.insert_start_last-seq.insert_start,overlap.start_pos-1-seq.insert_start,"ActionShortInsert") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence a = seq.new_action(0,overlap.start_pos-1-seq.insert_start,"ActionShortInsert") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence actions.push a # puts " 2---------- Inserto corto antes del linker en pos #{a.start_pos} #{a.end_pos}" end @stats[:insert_size_left]={insert_size => 1} end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #It's created an ActionInsert or ActionShortInsert after the ActionLinker #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_action_after_linker(overlap,actions,seq) # puts "INSERT2: [#{overlap.end_pos},#{seq.insert_end}]" insert_size = seq.insert_end-overlap.end_pos min_insert_size = @params.get_param('min_insert_size_trimmed').to_i # puts "INSERT_SIZE2 #{insert_size} > #{min_insert_size}" # puts "INSERT2: [#{overlap.end_pos},#{seq.insert_start} #{seq.insert_end} #{seq.seq_fasta.size} #{seq.seq_fasta_orig.size}]" if ((overlap.end_pos-seq.insert_start < seq.seq_fasta_orig.size-1) && (insert_size>=min_insert_size) ) #if overlap's positions are left #It's created an ActionInsert after the Actionoverlap a = seq.new_action(overlap.end_pos-seq.insert_start+1,seq.seq_fasta.size-1,"ActionInsert") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence # puts " new after action #{overlap.end_pos} - #{seq.insert_start}" # puts " 1---new insert despues del linker #{a.start_pos} #{a.end_pos} " actions.push a elsif (overlap.end_pos-seq.insert_start 1} end def split_by(actions,sub_inserts) delete=false # puts " split #{sub_inserts.each{|i| i.join(',')}}" if !sub_inserts.empty? actions.each do |action| sub_inserts.reverse_each do |sub_i| # puts "A: [#{action.start_pos},#{action.end_pos}] cuts [#{sub_i[0]},#{sub_i[1]}] " if ((action.start_pos<=sub_i[0]) && (action.end_pos>=sub_i[1])) # if not exists any subinsert delete=true elsif ((action.end_pos>=sub_i[0]) && (action.end_pos+1<=sub_i[1])) # if exists an subinsert between the action one and the end of subinsert sub_inserts.push [action.end_pos+1,sub_i[1]] # mark subinsert after the action delete=true # puts " !!!! 1" if ((action.start_pos-1>=sub_i[0])) # if exists an subinsert between the start of the subinsert and the action sub_inserts.push [sub_i[0],action.start_pos-1] # mark subinsert before the action delete=true # puts " !!!! 2-1" end elsif ((action.start_pos-1>=sub_i[0]) && (action.start_pos<=sub_i[1])) # if exists an subinsert between the start of the subinsert and the action sub_inserts.push [sub_i[0],action.start_pos-1,] # mark subinsert before the action delete=true # puts " !!!! 2-2" end # sub_inserts.delete [sub_i[0],sub_i[1]] and delete=false and puts " DELETEEE ___________ #{delete}" if delete if delete sub_inserts.delete [sub_i[0],sub_i[1]] delete=false # puts " DELETEEE ___________ #{delete} #{[sub_i[0] , sub_i[1]] }" end # puts " eee #{sub_inserts.join(',')}" end #each sub_insert end #each action end end #select the best subinsert, when there is not a linker def select_the_best(sub_inserts) insert_size = 0 insert = nil sub_inserts.each do |sub_i| if (insert_size<(sub_i[1]-sub_i[0]+1)) insert_size = (sub_i[1]-sub_i[0]+1) insert=sub_i end end sub_inserts=[] sub_inserts.push insert if !insert.nil? # puts " subinsert #{sub_inserts.join(' ')}" return sub_inserts end #select the best subinsert when there is a linker def select_the_best_with_linker(sub_inserts,linker) left_insert_size = 0 right_insert_size = 0 left_insert = nil right_insert = nil sub_inserts.each do |sub_i| #puts "*SBI: "+sub_i.join(',') if (sub_i[0]linker.end_pos) #if the subinsert is on the right from the linker if (right_insert_size<(sub_i[1]-sub_i[0]+1)) right_insert_size = (sub_i[1]-sub_i[0]+1) right_insert=sub_i end # puts " right" end end # puts " left #{left_insert} #{left_insert_size} right #{right_insert} #{right_insert_size}" sub_inserts=[] sub_inserts.push left_insert if !left_insert.nil? sub_inserts.push right_insert if !right_insert.nil? # puts " subinsert #{sub_inserts.join(' ')}" #puts "SELECTED SUBINSERTS" # sub_inserts.each do |sub_i| # puts "*SBI: "+sub_i.join(',') # end # return sub_inserts end # Begins the plugin1's execution to warn that there is linker into the sequence def execute(seqs) seqs.each do |s| exec_seq(s) end end def exec_seq(seq) $ "[#{self.class.to_s}, seq: #{seq.seq_name}]: extract inserts" # puts "INSERTO ANTES LINKER INSERT:"+seq.seq_fasta #look for ActionLinker into the sequence's actions linkers=seq.get_actions(ActionLinker) #look for ActionVectors into the sequence's actions vectors=seq.get_actions(ActionVectors) #look for ActionLowQuality into the sequence's actions low_quals=seq.get_actions(ActionLowQuality) insert_size=0 actions=[] sub_inserts=[] if (linkers.count==1) #linker found linker=linkers[0] # get left insert if linker.start_pos>seq.insert_start sub_inserts.push [ seq.insert_start,linker.start_pos-1 ] end #get right insert if linker.end_pos add whole insert sub_inserts.push [ seq.insert_start, seq.insert_end ] split_by(vectors,sub_inserts) #sub_inserts=select_the_best(sub_inserts) if not sub_inserts.empty? split_by(low_quals,sub_inserts) sub_inserts=select_the_best(sub_inserts) if not sub_inserts.empty? # ordena los subinsertos por tamaño # sub_inserts.sort!{|i,j| j[1]-j[0]<=>i[1]-i[0]} if sub_inserts.empty? found_insert_size = 0 # position from an empty insert a=seq.new_action(0,0,'ActionEmptyInsert') # refactorizando codigo seq.seq_rejected=true seq.seq_rejected_by_message='empty insert' else found_insert_size =(sub_inserts[0][1]-sub_inserts[0][0]+1) end if (found_insert_size >= (@params.get_param('min_insert_size_trimmed').to_i)) add_stats('insert_size',found_insert_size) a = seq.new_action(sub_inserts[0][0]-seq.insert_start, sub_inserts[0][1]-seq.insert_start,"ActionInsert") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence before adding the actionMid elsif (found_insert_size!=0) # if is a short insert add_stats('short_insert_size',found_insert_size) a = seq.new_action(sub_inserts[0][0]-seq.insert_start, sub_inserts[0][1]-seq.insert_start,"ActionShortInsert") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence before adding the actionMid seq.seq_rejected=true seq.seq_rejected_by_message='short insert' end actions.push a end seq.add_actions(actions) # find inserts to see if it is necessary to reject it if ! seq.seq_rejected inserts=seq.get_actions(ActionInsert) if inserts.empty? seq.seq_rejected=true if seq.get_actions(ActionShortInsert).empty? seq.seq_rejected_by_message='empty insert' else seq.seq_rejected_by_message='short insert' end end end end #Returns an array with the errors due to parameters are missing def self.check_params(params) errors=[] # self.check_param(errors,params,'min_insert_size_trimmed','Integer') return errors end def self.plot_setup(stats_value,stats_name,x,y,init_stats,plot) # puts "============== #{stats_name}" # puts stats_name case stats_name when 'insert_size' plot.x_label= "Length" plot.y_label= "Count" plot.x_range="[0:#{init_stats['biggest_sequence_size'].to_i}]" # plot.x_range="[0:200]" plot.add_x(x) plot.add_y(y) plot.do_graph return true else return false end end end