# frozen_string_literal: true # Starting point app to try pagy or reproduce issues # DEV USAGE # pagy clone repro # pagy ./repro.ru # URL # # HELP # pagy -h # DOC # https://ddnexus.github.io/pagy/playground/#1-repro-app VERSION = '8.3.0' require 'bundler/inline' require 'bundler' Bundler.configure gemfile(ENV['PAGY_INSTALL_BUNDLE'] == 'true') do source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'oj' gem 'puma' gem 'sinatra' gem 'sinatra-contrib' end # Edit this section adding/removing the extras and Pagy::DEFAULT as needed # pagy initializer require 'pagy/extras/pagy' require 'pagy/extras/items' require 'pagy/extras/overflow' Pagy::DEFAULT[:overflow] = :empty_page Pagy::DEFAULT[:size] = [1, 4, 4, 1] Pagy::DEFAULT.freeze require 'sinatra/base' # Sinatra application class PagyRepro < Sinatra::Base PAGY_JS = "pagy#{'-dev' if ENV['DEBUG']}.js".freeze configure do enable :inline_templates end include Pagy::Backend # Serve pagy.js or pagy-dev.js get("/#{PAGY_JS}") do content_type 'application/javascript' send_file Pagy.root.join('javascripts', PAGY_JS) end # Edit this action as needed get '/' do collection = MockCollection.new @pagy, @records = pagy(collection) erb :main # template available in the __END__ section as @@ main end # Edit this section adding your own helpers as needed helpers do include Pagy::Frontend end end # Simple array-based collection that acts as a standard DB collection. # Use it as a simple way to get a collection that acts as a AR scope, but without any DB # or create an ActiveRecord class or anything else that you need instead class MockCollection < Array def initialize(arr = Array(1..1000)) super @collection = clone end def offset(value) @collection = self[value..] self end def limit(value) @collection[0, value] end def count(*) size end end run PagyRepro __END__ @@ layout Pagy Repro App <%= yield %> @@ main

Pagy Repro App

Self-contained, standalone Sinatra app usable to easily reproduce any pagy issue.

Please, report the following versions in any new issue.



@records: <%= @records.join(',') %>


<%= pagy_nav(@pagy, id: 'nav', aria_label: 'Pages nav') %>


<%= pagy_nav_js(@pagy, id: 'nav-js', aria_label: 'Pages nav_js') %>


<%= pagy_nav_js(@pagy, id: 'nav-js-responsive', aria_label: 'Pages nav_js_responsove', steps: { 0 => [1,1,1,1], 500 => [1,3,3,1], 750 => [1,5,5,1], 1000 => [2,6,6,2] }) %>


<%= pagy_combo_nav_js(@pagy, id: 'combo-nav-js', aria_label: 'Pages combo_nav_js') %>


<%= pagy_items_selector_js(@pagy, id: 'items-selector-js') %>


<%= pagy_info(@pagy, id: 'pagy-info') %>