#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This example demonstrates deleting an auto scaling group with the Rackpace Open Cloud require 'fog' def get_user_input(prompt) print "#{prompt}: " gets.chomp end # Use username defined in ~/.fog file, if absent prompt for username. # For more details on ~/.fog refer to http://fog.io/about/getting_started.html def rackspace_username Fog.credentials[:rackspace_username] || get_user_input("Enter Rackspace Username") end # Use api key defined in ~/.fog file, if absent prompt for api key # For more details on ~/.fog refer to http://fog.io/about/getting_started.html def rackspace_api_key Fog.credentials[:rackspace_api_key] || get_user_input("Enter Rackspace API key") end def select_group(groups) abort "\nThere are not any groups to delete in the Chicago region. Try running create_scaling_group.rb\n\n" if groups.empty? puts "\nSelect Group To Delete:\n\n" groups.each_with_index do |group, i| config = group.group_config puts "\t #{i}. #{config.name}" end select_str = get_user_input "\nEnter Group Number" groups[select_str.to_i] end # create auto scaling service auto_scale_service = Fog::Rackspace::AutoScale.new({ :rackspace_username => rackspace_username, :rackspace_api_key => rackspace_api_key, :rackspace_region => :ord # Use Chicago Region }) # retrieve list of scaling groups groups = auto_scale_service.groups # prompt for group to delete group = select_group(groups) # min_entities and max_entities must be 0 before deleting group config = group.group_config config.min_entities = 0 config.max_entities = 0 config.save # delete group group.destroy puts "\nScaling Group '#{config.name}' has been destroyed\n\n"