# IFM Map for library.z5 # "All QUiet on the Library Front" is by Michael S. Phillips # This file writen by Dave Chapeskie # $Id: library.ifm,v 1.4 2003/01/11 21:29:21 dchapes Exp $ title "All Quiet on the Library Front"; item "ID card" tag id; ######################################################################## map "Library"; room "Lobby" tag Lobby start exit w nw n e; item "circulation desk"; item "security gates"; #item "card catalog"; item "attendant" tag Alan; task "examine attendant. read tag" tag X_Alan note "his name is Alan"; task "ask Alan about novel" tag Q_novel note "he lost \"Debt of Honor\""; task "ask him about Nelson" tag Q_Nelson follow last; task "ask him about librarian" tag Q_librarian follow last; task "ask Alan about key" tag Q_key2 after Q_key; task "give him ID card" tag G_id follow last need id lose it give key score 5; item "key" tag key hidden; task "give attendant key" tag G_key after L_door need key lose it give id2; item "ID card" tag id2 hidden; task "give Alan novel" tag G_novel need novel lose it after Q_novel score 2 note "he gets distracted"; room "Ground Floor Stacks" dir w w exit n e; item "shelves"; item "ancient desk"; item "reference librarian" tag Marion; task "examine shelves. examine magazines" tag X_mags; task "xyzzy" after last score 1; task "examine librarian. read tag" tag X_Marion note "her name is Marion"; task "ask Marion about Graham Nelson" tag Q_Nelson2 after Q_librarian; task "ask her about rare books room" tag Q_rare_books follow last; task "ask her about key" tag Q_key follow last; task "give Encyclopedia Frobozzica to Marion" need frobozzica lose it score 2; room "Ground Floor Stairwell" dir n exit s; item "damaged picture"; task "smell. look under stairs" give herring score 1; item "red herring" tag herring hidden; room "Second Floor Stairwell" dir w w go up exit s; item "painting"; task "examine painting"; task "give herring to grue" tag G_herring need herring lose it after last score 2; room "Second Floor Stacks" tag Second_Floor dir s exit n e; item "shelves"; item "wooden door" tag door; task "search shelves" tag XX_shelves after Q_novel give novel score 5; item "\"Debt of Honor\"" tag novel hidden; task "unlock/open door" tag UL_door need key; task "close/lock door" tag L_door need key note "otherwise Alan won't give you back your id card"; room "Computer Lab" dir e; item "computers"; item "printers"; item "technician"; task "ask technician about security gates" tag Q_gates score 2 note "he then leaves"; task "examine printers" after last give frobozzica; item "Encyclopedia Frobozzica" tag frobozzica hidden score 5; room "Rare Books Room" dir s from Second_Floor style special after UL_door exit n; item "biography of Graham Nelson" tag bio score 5; room "Duplicating Services" tag Dup_Serv dir nw from Lobby; item "copier"; item "technician"; task "examine technician" tag X_tech note "semi-amusing result"; room "Exit" tag Exit dir e from Lobby need bio finish; ######################################################################## # Tweaks to help the solver out task UL_door need frobozzica; task L_door need bio; link Dup_Serv need bio; link Exit after X_tech; # EOF