#ifndef RUBY_EV_H #define RUBY_EV_H #include "ruby.h" #include "ruby/io.h" #include "libev.h" // debugging #define OBJ_ID(obj) (NUM2LONG(rb_funcall(obj, rb_intern("object_id"), 0))) #define INSPECT(obj) { VALUE s = rb_funcall(obj, rb_intern("inspect"), 0); printf("%s\n", StringValueCStr(s));} #define FIBER_TRACE(...) if (__tracing_enabled__) { \ rb_funcall(rb_cObject, ID_fiber_trace, __VA_ARGS__); \ } #define TEST_EXCEPTION(ret) (RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(ret, rb_eException))) #define TEST_RESUME_EXCEPTION(ret) if (RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(ret, rb_eException))) { \ return rb_funcall(rb_mKernel, ID_raise, 1, ret); \ } extern VALUE mPolyphony; extern VALUE cLibevQueue; extern VALUE cEvent; extern ID ID_await_no_raise; extern ID ID_call; extern ID ID_caller; extern ID ID_clear; extern ID ID_each; extern ID ID_fiber_trace; extern ID ID_inspect; extern ID ID_ivar_agent; extern ID ID_ivar_running; extern ID ID_ivar_thread; extern ID ID_new; extern ID ID_raise; extern ID ID_runnable; extern ID ID_runnable_value; extern ID ID_signal; extern ID ID_size; extern ID ID_switch_fiber; extern ID ID_transfer; extern VALUE SYM_fiber_create; extern VALUE SYM_fiber_ev_loop_enter; extern VALUE SYM_fiber_ev_loop_leave; extern VALUE SYM_fiber_run; extern VALUE SYM_fiber_schedule; extern VALUE SYM_fiber_switchpoint; extern VALUE SYM_fiber_terminate; extern int __tracing_enabled__; enum { FIBER_STATE_NOT_SCHEDULED = 0, FIBER_STATE_WAITING = 1, FIBER_STATE_SCHEDULED = 2 }; // watcher flags enum { // a watcher's active field will be set to this after fork GYRO_WATCHER_POST_FORK = 0xFF }; VALUE Fiber_auto_watcher(VALUE self); void Fiber_make_runnable(VALUE fiber, VALUE value); VALUE LibevAgent_poll(VALUE self, VALUE nowait, VALUE current_fiber, VALUE queue); VALUE LibevAgent_break(VALUE self); VALUE LibevAgent_pending_count(VALUE self); VALUE LibevAgent_wait_io(VALUE self, VALUE io, VALUE write); VALUE LibevAgent_ref(VALUE self); VALUE LibevAgent_unref(VALUE self); int LibevAgent_ref_count(VALUE self); void LibevAgent_reset_ref_count(VALUE self); VALUE Polyphony_snooze(VALUE self); VALUE Polyphony_Queue_push(VALUE self, VALUE value); VALUE Thread_schedule_fiber(VALUE thread, VALUE fiber, VALUE value); VALUE Thread_switch_fiber(VALUE thread); int io_setstrbuf(VALUE *str, long len); void io_set_read_length(VALUE str, long n, int shrinkable); VALUE io_enc_str(VALUE str, rb_io_t *fptr); #endif /* RUBY_EV_H */