require 'base_test' require 'methadone' require 'stringio' require 'fileutils' class TestMain < BaseTest include Methadone::Main def setup @original_argv = ARGV.clone ARGV.clear @old_stdout = $stdout $stdout = @logged = @custom_logger = @original_home = ENV['HOME'] fake_home = '/tmp/fake-home' FileUtils.rm_rf(fake_home) FileUtils.mkdir(fake_home) ENV['HOME'] = fake_home end # Override the built-in logger so we can capture it def logger @custom_logger end def teardown set_argv @original_argv ENV.delete('DEBUG') ENV.delete('APP_OPTS') $stdout = @old_stdout ENV['HOME'] = @original_home end test_that "my main block gets called by run and has access to CLILogging" do Given { @called = false main do begin logger.debug "debug" "info" logger.warn "warn" logger.error "error" logger.fatal "fatal" @called = true rescue => ex puts ex.message end end } When run_go_safely Then main_shouldve_been_called end test_that "my main block does not get command-line parameters that were not specified by args, but they are still available in ARGV" do Given { @params = [] @argv = [] main do |param1,param2,param3| @params << param1 @params << param2 @params << param3 @argv = ::ARGV end set_argv %w(one two three) } When run_go_safely Then { @params.should == [nil,nil,nil] @argv.should == %w(one two three) } end test_that "my main block can freely ignore arguments given" do Given { @called = false main do @called = true end set_argv %w(one two three) } When run_go_safely Then main_shouldve_been_called end test_that "my main block can ask for arguments that it might not receive" do Given { @params = [] @argv = [] arg 'param1' main do |param1,param2,param3| @params << param1 @params << param2 @params << param3 @argv = ::ARGV end set_argv %w(one two) } When run_go_safely Then { @params.should == ['one',nil,nil] @argv.should == ['two'] } end test_that "go exits zero when main evaluates to nil or some other non number" do [nil,'some string',,[],4.5].each do |non_number| Given main_that_exits non_number Then { assert_exits(0,"for value #{non_number}") { When run_go! } } end end test_that "go exits with the numeric value that main evaluated to" do [0,1,2,3].each do |exit_status| Given main_that_exits exit_status Then { assert_exits(exit_status) { When run_go! } } end end test_that "go exits with 70, which is the Linux sysexits.h code for this sort of thing, if there's an exception" do Given { leak_exceptions false main do raise "oh noes" end } Then { assert_exits(70) { When run_go! } assert_logged_at_error "oh noes" } end test_that "go allows the exception raised to leak through if DEBUG is set in the environment" do Given { ENV['DEBUG'] = 'true' main do raise ArgumentError,"oh noes" end } Then { assert_raises ArgumentError do When run_go! end } end test_that "An exception that's not a StandardError causes the excepteion to break through and raise" do Given { main do raise Exception,"oh noes" end } Then { ex = assert_raises Exception do When run_go! end assert_equal "oh noes",ex.message } end test_that "Non-methadone exceptions leak through if we configure it that way" do Given { main do raise StandardError,"oh noes" end leak_exceptions true } Then { ex = assert_raises StandardError do When run_go! end assert_equal "oh noes",ex.message } end test_that "go exits with the exit status included in the special-purpose excepiton" do Given { main do raise,"oh noes") end } Then { assert_exits(4) { When run_go! } assert_logged_at_error "oh noes" } end test_that "go allows the special methadone exception to leak through if DEBUG is set in the environment" do Given { ENV['DEBUG'] = 'true' main do raise,"oh noes") end } Then { assert_raises Methadone::Error do When run_go! end } end test_that "can exit with a specific status by using the helper method instead of making a new exception" do Given { main do exit_now!(4,"oh noes") end } Then { assert_exits(4) { When run_go! } assert_logged_at_error "oh noes" } end test_that "when we help_now! we exit and show help" do Given { @message = any_sentence main do help_now!(@message) end opts.on("--switch") { options[:switch] = true } opts.on("--flag FLAG") { |value| options[:flag] = value } set_argv [] } Then { assert_exits(64) { When run_go! } assert $stdout.string.include?(opts.to_s),"Expected #{$stdout.string} to contain #{opts.to_s}" assert_logged_at_error @message } end test_that "opts allows us to more expediently set up OptionParser" do Given { @switch = nil @flag = nil main do @switch = options[:switch] @flag = options[:flag] end opts.on("--switch") { options[:switch] = true } opts.on("--flag FLAG") { |value| options[:flag] = value } set_argv %w(--switch --flag value) } When run_go_safely Then { @switch.should be true @flag.should == 'value' } end test_that "when the command line is invalid, we exit with 64 and print the CLI help" do Given { main do end opts.on("--switch") { options[:switch] = true } opts.on("--flag FLAG") { |value| options[:flag] = value } set_argv %w(--invalid --flag value) } Then { assert_exits(64) { When run_go! } assert $stdout.string.include?(opts.to_s),"Expected #{$stdout.string} to contain #{opts.to_s}" } end test_that "when setting defaults they get copied to strings/symbols as well" do Given { @flag_with_string_key_defalt = nil @flag_with_symbol_key_defalt = nil reset! main do @flag_with_string_key_defalt = options[:foo] @flag_with_symbol_key_defalt = options['bar'] end options['foo'] = 'FOO' options[:bar] = 'BAR' on("--foo") on("--bar") } When run_go_safely Then { assert_equal 'FOO',@flag_with_string_key_defalt assert_equal 'BAR',@flag_with_symbol_key_defalt } end test_that "passing non-strings wont' break automagic stuff" do Given { @foo = nil @bar = nil main do @foo = options[:foo] @bar = options[:bar] end on("--foo ARG",OptionParser::DecimalInteger) on("--bar ARG",/^\d/) set_argv %w(--foo 88 --bar 4) } When run_go_safely Then { assert_equal 88,@foo,@logged.string + $stdout.string assert_equal '4',@bar,@logged.string + $stdout.string } end test_that "omitting the block to opts simply sets the value in the options hash and returns itself" do Given { @switch = nil @negatable = nil @flag = nil @f = nil @other = nil @some_other = nil @with_dashes = nil main do @switch = [options[:switch],options['switch']] @flag = [options[:flag],options['flag']] @f = [options[:f],options['f']] @negatable = [options[:negatable],options['negatable']] @other = [options[:other],options['other']] @some_other = [options[:some_other],options['some_other']] @with_dashes = [options[:'flag-with-dashes'],options['flag-with-dashes']] end on("--switch") on("--[no-]negatable") on("--flag FLAG","-f","Some documentation string") on("--flag-with-dashes FOO") on("--other") do options[:some_other] = true end set_argv %w(--switch --flag value --negatable --other --flag-with-dashes=BAR) } When run_go_safely Then { @switch[0].should be true @some_other[0].should be true @other[0].should_not be true @flag[0].should == 'value' @f[0].should == 'value' @with_dashes[0].should == 'BAR' @switch[1].should be true @some_other[1].should be nil # ** this is set manually @other[1].should_not be true @flag[1].should == 'value' @f[1].should == 'value' @with_dashes[1].should == 'BAR' opts.to_s.should match /Some documentation string/ } end test_that "without specifying options, options in brackets doesn't show up in our banner" do Given { main {} } Then { opts.banner.should_not match /\[options\]/ } end test_that "when specifying an option, [options] shows up in the banner" do Given { main {} on("-s") } Then { opts.banner.should match /\[options\]/ } end test_that "I can specify which arguments my app takes and if they are required as well as document them" do Given { main {} @db_name_desc = any_string @user_desc = any_string @password_desc = any_string arg :db_name, @db_name_desc arg :user, :required, @user_desc arg :password, :optional, @password_desc } When run_go_safely Then { opts.banner.should match /db_name user \[password\]$/ opts.to_s.should match /#{@db_name_desc}/ opts.to_s.should match /#{@user_desc}/ opts.to_s.should match /#{@password_desc}/ } end test_that "I can specify which arguments my app takes and if they are singular or plural" do Given { main {} arg :db_name arg :user, :required, :one arg :tables, :many } Then { opts.banner.should match /db_name user tables...$/ } end test_that "I can specify which arguments my app takes and if they are singular or optional plural" do Given { main {} arg :db_name arg :user, :required, :one arg :tables, :any } Then { opts.banner.should match /db_name user \[tables...\]$/ } end test_that "I can set a description for my app" do Given { main {} description "An app of total awesome" } Then { opts.banner.should match /^An app of total awesome$/ } end test_that "when I override the banner, we don't automatically do anything" do Given { main {} opts.banner = "FOOBAR" on("-s") } When {opts} Then { opts.banner.should == 'FOOBAR' } end test_that "when I say an argument is required and its omitted, I get an error" do Given { main {} arg :foo arg :bar set_argv %w(blah) } Then { assert_exits(64) { When run_go! } assert_logged_at_error("parse error: 'bar' is required") } end test_that "when I say an argument is many and its omitted, I get an error" do Given { main {} arg :foo arg :bar, :many set_argv %w(blah) } Then { assert_exits(64) { When run_go! } assert_logged_at_error("parse error: at least one 'bar' is required") } end test_that "when I specify a version, it shows up in the banner" do Given { main{} version "0.0.1" } Then { opts.banner.should match /^v0.0.1/m } end test_that "when I specify a version, I can get help via --version" do Given { main{} version "0.0.1" set_argv(['--version']) } Then run_go_safely And { opts.to_s.should match /Show help\/version info/m $stdout.string.should match /^#{@version}$/ } end test_that "when I specify a version with custom help, it shows up" do @version_message = "SHOW ME VERSIONS" Given { main{} version "0.0.1",@version_message set_argv(['--verison']) } Then run_go_safely And { opts.to_s.should match /#{@version_message}/ } end test_that "when I specify a version with :basic format, only the command and version show up and the help is 'show version info'" do @version = "2.0.9.pre" Given { version @version, :basic set_argv %w(--version) } When run_go_safely Then { opts.to_s.should match /^ *--version.*Show version info$/ $stdout.string.should match /^#{::File.basename($0)} version #{@version}$/ } end test_that "when I specify a version with :terse format, only the version show up and the help is 'show version'" do @version = "2.0.9.pre" Given { version @version, :terse set_argv %w(--version) } When run_go_safely Then { opts.to_s.should match /^ *--version.*Show version$/ $stdout.string.should match /^#{@version}$/ } end test_that "default values for boolean options are put into the docstring" do Given { main {} options[:foo] = false options[:bar] = true on("--foo","Do the foo") on("--[no-]bar", "Bar it like crazy") } When { @help_string = opts.to_s } When { @help_string.should match /--foo.*\n.*\(default: false\)/ @help_string.should match /--\[no-\]bar.*\n.*\(default: true\)/ } end test_that "default values for options are put into the docstring" do Given { main {} options[:foo] = "bar" on("--foo ARG","Indicate the type of foo") } When { @help_string = opts.to_s } When { @help_string.should match /\(default: bar\)/ } end test_that "default values for options with several names are put into the docstring" do Given { main {} options[:foo] = "bar" on("-f ARG","--foo","Indicate the type of foo") } When { @help_string = opts.to_s } When { @help_string.should match /\(default: bar\)/ } end test_that "when getting defaults from an environment variable, show it in the help output" do Given app_to_use_environment When run_go_safely And { @help_string = opts.to_s } Then { @help_string.should match /Default values can be placed in the APP_OPTS environment variable/ } end test_that "when we want to get opts from the environment, we can" do Given app_to_use_environment And { @flag_value = '56' @some_arg = any_string set_argv([]) ENV['APP_OPTS'] = "--switch --flag=#{@flag_value} #{@some_arg}" } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,'',&@code) @switch.should == true @flag.should == @flag_value @args.should == [@some_arg] } end test_that "environment args are overridden by the command line" do Given app_to_use_environment And { @flag_value = any_string ENV['APP_OPTS'] = "--switch --flag=#{any_string}" set_argv(['--flag',@flag_value]) } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,'',&@code) @switch.should == true @flag.should == @flag_value } end test_that "environment args correctly handle spaces" do Given app_to_use_environment And { @flag_value = any_string + ' ' + any_string ENV['APP_OPTS'] = "--switch --flag='#{@flag_value}'" } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,'',&@code) @switch.should == true @flag.should == @flag_value } end test_that "environment args correctly handle spaces via backslash stuff" do Given app_to_use_environment And { cli_flag_value = any_string(:max => 4) + "\\ " + any_string(:max => 4) @flag_value = cli_flag_value.gsub("\\ "," ") ENV['APP_OPTS'] = "--switch --flag=#{cli_flag_value}" } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,'',&@code) @switch.should == true @flag.should == @flag_value } end test_that "we can get defaults from a YAML config file if it's specified" do Given app_to_use_rc_file And { @flag_value = any_string rc_file = File.join(ENV['HOME'],'.my_app.rc'),'w') do |file| file.puts({ 'switch' => true, 'flag' => @flag_value, }.to_yaml) end } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,&@code) @switch.should == true @flag.should == @flag_value } end test_that "we can get defaults from an absolute config filename" do tempfile ='methadone_test.rc') Given app_to_use_rc_file(tempfile.path) And { @flag_value = any_string rc_file = File.join(tempfile.path),'w') do |file| file.puts({ 'switch' => true, 'flag' => @flag_value, }.to_yaml) end } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,&@code) @switch.should == true @flag.should == @flag_value } end test_that "we can specify an rc file even if it doesn't exist" do Given app_to_use_rc_file And { @flag_value = any_string rc_file = File.join(ENV['HOME'],'.my_app.rc') raise "Something's wrong, expection rc file not to exist" if File.exists?(rc_file) } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,&@code) @switch.should == nil @flag.should == nil } end test_that "we can use a simpler, text format for the rc file" do Given app_to_use_rc_file And { @flag_value = any_string rc_file = File.join(ENV['HOME'],'.my_app.rc'),'w') do |file| file.puts "--switch --flag=#{@flag_value}" end } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,&@code) @switch.should == true @flag.should == @flag_value } end test_that "the text format for the rc file attempts to respect quoted arguments" do Given app_to_use_rc_file And { @flag_value = any_string(:max => 10) + " " + any_string(:max => 10) rc_file = File.join(ENV['HOME'],'.my_app.rc'),'w') do |file| file.puts "--switch --flag='#{@flag_value}'" end } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,&@code) @switch.should == true @flag.should == @flag_value } end test_that "with an ill-formed rc file, we get a reasonable error message" do Given app_to_use_rc_file And { @flag_value = any_string rc_file = File.join(ENV['HOME'],'.my_app.rc'),'w') do |file| file.puts => :bar).to_yaml end } When { @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(64,&@code) } end test_that "we can call methods prior to calling main without a problem" do Given { description "An app of total awesome" opts.on("--switch") { options[:switch] = true } main {} } Then { opts.banner.should match /^An app of total awesome$/ opts.to_s.should match /--switch/ } end test_that "usage is displayed if called with no arguments given when help_if_bare specified" do Given { help_if_bare on("--required VALUE") main {puts 'main called'} } When { @code = lambda {go!} } Then { assert_exits(64,&@code) $stdout.string.should_not match /main called/ $stdout.string.should match /Usage:.*--required VALUE/m } end test_that "arguments are filled according to their need" do Given { @can_use_one = nil @any_will_do = nil @need_1 = nil @at_least_one = nil @if_youve_got_one = nil @any_left = nil @last_one = nil arg 'can_use_one', :optional, Integer arg 'any_will_do', :any arg 'need_1', :required arg 'at_least_one', :many arg 'if_youve_got_one', :optional arg 'any_left', :any arg 'last_one', :required main do |can_use_one,any_will_do,need_1,at_least_one,if_youve_got_one,any_left,last_one| @can_use_one = can_use_one @any_will_do = any_will_do @need_1 = need_1 @at_least_one = at_least_one @if_youve_got_one = if_youve_got_one @any_left = any_left @last_one = last_one end set_argv %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) } When run_go_safely Then { @can_use_one.should == '1' @any_will_do.should == %w(2 3 4 5 6 7) @need_1.should == '8' @at_least_one.should == ['9'] @if_youve_got_one.should == nil @any_left.should == [] @last_one.should == '10' } end test_that "arguments can be given valid values" do Given { arg "foo", %w(one two three) @foo = nil main do |foo| @foo = foo end set_argv %w(two) } When run_go_safely Then { @foo = 'two' } end test_that "arguments can be given valid values, and raise errors when they don't match" do Given { arg "foo", %w(one two three) @foo = nil main do |foo| @foo = foo end set_argv %w(four) } When run_go_safely Then { assert_logged_at_error("parse error: foo: 'four' is invalid") @foo = nil } end test_that "arguments that take multiple values can be given valid values" do Given { arg "foo", :many, %w(one two three) @foo = nil main do |foo| @foo = foo end set_argv %w(two one two) } When run_go_safely Then { @foo = %w(two one two) } end test_that "arguments that take multiple values can be given valid values, and raise errors when they don't match" do Given { arg "foo", :many, %w(one two three) @foo = nil main do |foo| @foo = foo end set_argv %w(four one two seven) } When run_go_safely Then { assert_logged_at_error("parse error: foo: The following value(s) were invalid: 'four seven'") @foo = nil } end test_that "arguments can be given regexp filters" do Given { arg "foo", /^th/ @foo = nil main do |foo| @foo = foo end set_argv %w(this) } When run_go_safely Then { @foo = 'this' } end test_that "arguments can be given regexp filters, and raise errors when they don't match" do Given { arg "foo", :optional, /^th/ @foo = nil main do |foo| @foo = foo end set_argv %w(width) } When run_go_safely Then { assert_logged_at_error("parse error: foo: 'width' is invalid") @foo = nil } end test_that "arguments that take multiple values can be given regexp filters" do Given { arg "foo", :many, /^th/ @foo = nil main do |foo| @foo = foo end set_argv %w(this that the\ other) } When run_go_safely Then { @foo = %w(this that the\ other) } end test_that "arguments that take multiple values can be given regexp filters, and raise errors when they don't match" do Given { arg "foo", :any, /^th/ @foo = nil main do |foo| @foo = foo end set_argv %w(there is this theory on things that grow) } When run_go_safely Then { assert_logged_at_error("parse error: foo: The following value(s) were invalid: 'is on grow'") @foo = nil } end test_that "arguments can be given multiple filters, requiring only one be accepted" do Given { arg "foo", :any, /^....$/, ['one', 'two', 'six'], /\A..?e.?e.?\z/ @foo = nil main do |foo| @foo = foo end set_argv %w(one two three four five six seven) } When run_go_safely Then { @foo = %w(one two three four five six seven) } end test_that "options can be mutually exclusive" do Given { @first = nil @second = nil reset! main do @first = options[:f] @second = options[:s] end on("-f", "--first", "First Option") on("-s", "Second Option", :excludes => :f) } When { set_argv %w(-f) @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,&@code) @first.should be_truthy @second.should be_nil } end test_that "options can be mutually exclusive, which raise an error if both are used" do Given { @first = nil @second = nil reset! main do @first = options[:f] @second = options[:s] end on("-f", "--first", "First Option") on("-s", "Second Option", :excludes => :f) } When { set_argv %w(-f -s) @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(64,&@code) assert_logged_at_error("parse error: -s cannot be used if already using -f|--first") $stdout.string.should match /Usage:/ } end test_that "options can be mutually exclusive, which raise an error if both are used - order doesn't matter" do Given { @first = nil @second = nil reset! main do @first = options[:f] @second = options[:s] end on("-f", "--first", "First Option") on("-s", "Second Option", :excludes => :f) } When { set_argv %w(-s -f) @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(64,&@code) assert_logged_at_error("parse error: -s cannot be used if already using -f|--first") $stdout.string.should match /Usage:/ } end test_that "options can be mutually exclusive, the enemy of my enemy is my friend" do Given { @first = nil @second = nil @third = nil reset! main do @first = options[:f] @second = options[:s] @third = options[:third] end on("-f", "--first", "First Option") on("--another-one", "Second Option", :excludes => :f) on("--third TEST", "Second Option", :excludes => "another-one") } When { set_argv %w(-f --third value) @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(0,&@code) @first.should be_truthy @second.should be_nil @third.should == 'value' } end test_that "options can be options can require other options to be present" do Given { @first = nil @second = nil @third = nil reset! main do @first = options[:f] @second = options[:s] @third = options[:third] end on("-f", "--first", "First Option") on("-a","--another-one", "Second Option") on("--third TEST", "Second Option", :requires => [:first,'another-one']) } When { set_argv %w(-f --third value) @code = lambda { go! } } Then { assert_exits(64,&@code) assert_logged_at_error("parse error: Missing option -a|--another-one required by option --third TEST") $stdout.string.should match /Usage:/ } end private def app_to_use_rc_file(rc_file = '.my_app.rc') lambda { reset! @switch = nil @flag = nil @args = nil main do |*args| @switch = options[:switch] @flag = options[:flag] @args = args end defaults_from_config_file rc_file on('--switch','Some Switch') on('--flag FOO','Some Flag') } end def main_that_exits(exit_status) proc { main { exit_status } } end def app_to_use_environment lambda { @switch = nil @flag = nil @args = nil arg :args, :any main do |args| @switch = options[:switch] @flag = options[:flag] @args = args end defaults_from_env_var 'APP_OPTS' on('--switch','Some Switch') on('--flag FOO','Some Flag') } end def main_shouldve_been_called { assert @called,"Main block wasn't called?!" } end def run_go_safely { safe_go! } end # Calls go!, but traps the exit def safe_go! go! rescue SystemExit end def run_go!; proc { go! }; end def assert_logged_at_error(expected_message) @logged.string.should include expected_message end def assert_exits(exit_code,message='',&block) fail "Expected an exit of #{exit_code}, but we didn't even exit!" rescue SystemExit => ex assert_equal exit_code,ex.status,@logged.string end def set_argv(args) ARGV.clear args.each { |arg| ARGV << arg } end end