require 'git_utils' require 'r10k_utils' require 'master_manipulator' test_name 'RK-242 '#'- C87652 - Specify the proxy in the r10k.yaml' confine(:to, :platform => ['el', 'sles']) #Init master_platform = fact_on(master, 'osfamily') master_certname = on(master, puppet('config', 'print', 'certname')).stdout.rstrip env_path = on(master, puppet('config print environmentpath')).stdout.rstrip r10k_fqp = get_r10k_fqp(master) git_repo_path = '/git_repos' git_repo_name = 'environments' git_control_remote = File.join(git_repo_path, "#{git_repo_name}.git") git_environments_path = '/root/environments' last_commit = git_last_commit(master, git_environments_path) git_provider = ENV['GIT_PROVIDER'] local_files_root_path = ENV['FILES'] || 'files' git_manifest_template_path = File.join(local_files_root_path, 'pre-suite', 'git_config.pp.erb') git_manifest = r10k_config_path = get_r10k_config_file_path(master) r10k_config_bak_path = "#{r10k_config_path}.bak" case master_platform when 'RedHat' pkg_manager = 'yum' when 'Suse' pkg_manager = 'zypper' end install_squid = "#{pkg_manager} install -y squid" remove_squid = "#{pkg_manager} remove -y squid" squid_log = "/var/log/squid/access.log" #In-line files r10k_conf = <<-CONF cachedir: '/var/cache/r10k' git: provider: '#{git_provider}' sources: control: basedir: "#{env_path}" remote: "#{git_control_remote}" forge: proxy: "http://#{master.hostname}:3128" CONF #Manifest site_pp_path = File.join(git_environments_path, 'manifests', 'site.pp') site_pp = create_site_pp(master_certname, ' include peonly') #Verification squid_log_regex = /CONNECT notify_message_regex = /I am in the production environment, this is a PE only module/ #Teardown teardown do step 'remove license file' on(master, 'rm -f /etc/puppetlabs/license.key') step 'Restore "git" Package' on(master, puppet('apply'), :stdin => git_manifest, :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2]) step 'Restore Original "r10k" Config' on(master, "mv #{r10k_config_bak_path} #{r10k_config_path}") clean_up_r10k(master, last_commit, git_environments_path) step 'Remove Squid' on(master, puppet("apply -e 'service {'squid' : ensure => stopped}'")) on(master, remove_squid) end #Setup step 'Stub the forge' stub_forge_on(master) step 'Backup Current "r10k" Config' on(master, "mv #{r10k_config_path} #{r10k_config_bak_path}") step 'Update the "r10k" Config' create_remote_file(master, r10k_config_path, r10k_conf) step 'Download license file from int-resources' curl_on(master, ' -o /etc/puppetlabs/license.key') step 'Checkout "production" Branch' git_on(master, 'checkout production', git_environments_path) step 'Inject New "site.pp" to the "production" Environment' inject_site_pp(master, site_pp_path, site_pp) step 'Copy Puppetfile to "production" Environment with PE only module' create_remote_file(master, "#{git_environments_path}/Puppetfile", 'mod "ztr-peonly"') step 'Push Changes' git_add_commit_push(master, 'production', 'add Puppetfile', git_environments_path) step 'Install and configure squid proxy' on(master, install_squid) step 'turn off the firewall' on(master, puppet("apply -e 'service {'iptables' : ensure => stopped}'")) step 'start squid proxy' on(master, puppet("apply -e 'service {'squid' : ensure => running}'")) #Tests step 'Deploy "production" Environment via r10k' on(master, "#{r10k_fqp} deploy environment -p") step 'Read the squid logs' on(master, "cat #{squid_log}") do |result| assert_match(squid_log_regex, result.stdout, 'Proxy logs did not indicate use of the proxy.') end agents.each do |agent| step "Run Puppet Agent" on(agent, puppet('agent', '--test', '--environment production'), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2]) do |result| assert_no_match(/Error:/, result.stderr, 'Unexpected error was detected!') assert_match(notify_message_regex, result.stdout, 'Expected message not found!') end end