- if email_template.present? %p The following #{link_to(email_template, effective_email_templates.edit_admin_email_template_path(email_template), target: '_blank')} email will be sent: = form.hidden_field :content_type, value: email_content_type - uid = effective_bootstrap_unique_id - expanded = form.object.cc.present? || form.object.bcc.present? - if form.object.new_record? && form.object.errors.blank? .row .col-md-10 = form.select :from, mailer_froms_collection(), label: 'From', value: email_from .col-md-2.my-4 %a{href: "#acts-as-email-notification-collapse-#{uid}", 'data-toggle': 'collapse', role: 'button', 'aria-expanded': expanded, 'aria-controls': "acts-as-email-notification-collapse-#{uid}"} more... .collapse{id: "acts-as-email-notification-collapse-#{uid}", class: ('show' if expanded)} = form.text_field :cc, label: 'CC', value: email_cc = form.text_field :bcc, label: 'BCC', value: email_bcc = form.text_field :subject, label: 'Subject', value: email_subject - if email_content_type == 'text/html' = form.article_editor :body, label: 'Body', mode: :email, value: email_body - else = form.text_area :body, label: 'Body', rows: 10, value: email_body - else .row .col-md-10 = form.select :from, mailer_froms_collection(), label: 'From' .col-md-2.my-4 %a{href: "#acts-as-email-notification-collapse-#{uid}", 'data-toggle': 'collapse', role: 'button', 'aria-expanded': expanded, 'aria-controls': "acts-as-email-notification-collapse-#{uid}"} more... .collapse{id: "acts-as-email-notification-collapse-#{uid}", class: ('show' if expanded)} = form.text_field :cc, label: 'CC' = form.text_field :bcc, label: 'BCC' = form.text_field :subject, label: 'Subject' - if email_content_type == 'text/html' = form.article_editor :body, label: 'Body', mode: :email - else = form.text_area :body, label: 'Body', rows: 10 - if email_variables.present? = card do %p The available variables are: %ul - email_variables.each do |variable| %li {{ #{variable} }} %small.text-muted Please contact us to add additional variables