require 'spec_helper' require 'rack/mock' def request(app, path) end describe Dragonfly::App do describe ".instance" do it "should create a new instance if it didn't already exist" do app = Dragonfly::App.instance(:images) app.should be_a(Dragonfly::App) end it "should return an existing instance if called by name" do app = Dragonfly::App.instance(:images) Dragonfly::App.instance(:images).should == app end it "should also work using square brackets" do Dragonfly[:images].should == Dragonfly::App.instance(:images) end end describe ".new" do it "should not be callable" do lambda{ }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "mime types" do describe "#mime_type_for" do before(:each) do @app = test_app end it "should return the correct mime type for a symbol" do @app.mime_type_for(:png).should == 'image/png' end it "should work for strings" do @app.mime_type_for('png').should == 'image/png' end it "should work with uppercase strings" do @app.mime_type_for('PNG').should == 'image/png' end it "should work with a dot" do @app.mime_type_for('.png').should == 'image/png' end it "should return nil if not known" do @app.mime_type_for(:mark).should be_nil end it "should allow for configuring extra mime types" do @app.register_mime_type 'mark', 'application/mark' @app.mime_type_for(:mark).should == 'application/mark' end it "should override existing mime types when registered" do @app.register_mime_type :png, 'ping/pong' @app.mime_type_for(:png).should == 'ping/pong' end it "should have a per-app mime-type configuration" do other_app = Dragonfly[:other_app] @app.register_mime_type(:mark, 'first/one') other_app.register_mime_type(:mark, 'second/one') @app.mime_type_for(:mark).should == 'first/one' other_app.mime_type_for(:mark).should == 'second/one' end end end describe "remote_url_for" do before(:each) do @app = test_app @app.datastore = end it "should raise an error if the datastore doesn't provide it" do lambda{ @app.remote_url_for('some_uid') }.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end it "should correctly call it if the datastore provides it" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:url_for).with('some_uid', :some => :opts).and_return 'http://egg.head' @app.remote_url_for('some_uid', :some => :opts).should == 'http://egg.head' end end describe "#store" do before(:each) do @app = test_app end it "should allow just storing content" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:store).with(a_temp_object_with_data("HELLO"), {})"HELLO") end it "should allow storing using a TempObject" do temp_object ="HELLO") @app.datastore.should_receive(:store).with(temp_object, {}) end it "should allow storing with extra stuff" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:store).with do |temp_object, opts| == 'HELLO' temp_object.meta.should == {:egg => :head} opts[:option].should == :blarney end"HELLO", :meta => {:egg => :head}, :option => :blarney) end it "should still pass in meta in the opts arg, for deprecated use of meta" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:store).with do |temp_object, opts| opts[:meta].should == {:egg => :head} end"HELLO", :meta => {:egg => :head}, :option => :blarney) end end describe "url_for" do before(:each) do @app = test_app @job = @app.fetch('eggs') end it "should give the server url by default" do @app.url_for(@job).should =~ %r{^/\w+$} end it "should allow configuring" do @app.configure do |c| c.define_url do |app, job, opts| "doogies" end end @app.url_for(@job).should == 'doogies' end it "should yield the correct dooberries" do @app.define_url do |app, job, opts| [app, job, opts] end @app.url_for(@job, {'chuddies' => 'margate'}).should == [@app, @job, {'chuddies' => 'margate'}] end end describe "reflection methods" do before(:each) do @app = test_app.configure do |c| c.processor.add(:milk){} c.generator.add(:butter){} c.analyser.add(:cheese){} c.job(:bacon){} end end it "should return processor methods" do @app.processor_methods.should == [:milk] end it "should return generator methods" do @app.generator_methods.should == [:butter] end it "should return analyser methods" do @app.analyser_methods.should == [:cheese] end it "should return job methods" do @app.job_methods.should == [:bacon] end end describe "inspect" do it "should give a neat output" do Dragonfly[:hello].inspect.should == "" end end end