o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1391433988.464098: @value"2{I" class:EFI"ProcessedAsset;FI"logical_path;FI"mustache.js;TI" pathname;FI"_/Users/gawlim/workspace/gem_repos/engines/rails_info/vendor/assets/javascripts/mustache.js;TI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;FI"2013-05-14T16:13:57+02:00;FI" length;Fiã.I" digest;F"%d0398d3e649d3a1c1a9530e210194c6aI" source;FI"ã./* mustache.js — Logic-less templates in JavaScript See http://mustache.github.com/ for more info. */ var Mustache = function() { var regexCache = {}; var Renderer = function() {}; Renderer.prototype = { otag: "{{", ctag: "}}", pragmas: {}, buffer: [], pragmas_implemented: { "IMPLICIT-ITERATOR": true }, context: {}, render: function(template, context, partials, in_recursion) { // reset buffer & set context if(!in_recursion) { this.context = context; this.buffer = []; // TODO: make this non-lazy } // fail fast if(!this.includes("", template)) { if(in_recursion) { return template; } else { this.send(template); return; } } // get the pragmas together template = this.render_pragmas(template); // render the template var html = this.render_section(template, context, partials); // render_section did not find any sections, we still need to render the tags if (html === false) { html = this.render_tags(template, context, partials, in_recursion); } if (in_recursion) { return html; } else { this.sendLines(html); } }, /* Sends parsed lines */ send: function(line) { if(line !== "") { this.buffer.push(line); } }, sendLines: function(text) { if (text) { var lines = text.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { this.send(lines[i]); } } }, /* Looks for %PRAGMAS */ render_pragmas: function(template) { // no pragmas if(!this.includes("%", template)) { return template; } var that = this; var regex = this.getCachedRegex("render_pragmas", function(otag, ctag) { return new RegExp(otag + "%([\\w-]+) ?([\\w]+=[\\w]+)?" + ctag, "g"); }); return template.replace(regex, function(match, pragma, options) { if(!that.pragmas_implemented[pragma]) { throw({message: "This implementation of mustache doesn't understand the '" + pragma + "' pragma"}); } that.pragmas[pragma] = {}; if(options) { var opts = options.split("="); that.pragmas[pragma][opts[0]] = opts[1]; } return ""; // ignore unknown pragmas silently }); }, /* Tries to find a partial in the curent scope and render it */ render_partial: function(name, context, partials) { name = this.trim(name); if(!partials || partials[name] === undefined) { throw({message: "unknown_partial '" + name + "'"}); } if(typeof(context[name]) != "object") { return this.render(partials[name], context, partials, true); } return this.render(partials[name], context[name], partials, true); }, /* Renders inverted (^) and normal (#) sections */ render_section: function(template, context, partials) { if(!this.includes("#", template) && !this.includes("^", template)) { // did not render anything, there were no sections return false; } var that = this; var regex = this.getCachedRegex("render_section", function(otag, ctag) { // This regex matches _the first_ section ({{#foo}}{{/foo}}), and captures the remainder return new RegExp( "^([\\s\\S]*?)" + // all the crap at the beginning that is not {{*}} ($1) otag + // {{ "(\\^|\\#)\\s*(.+)\\s*" + // #foo (# == $2, foo == $3) ctag + // }} "\n*([\\s\\S]*?)" + // between the tag ($2). leading newlines are dropped otag + // {{ "\\/\\s*\\3\\s*" + // /foo (backreference to the opening tag). ctag + // }} "\\s*([\\s\\S]*)$", // everything else in the string ($4). leading whitespace is dropped. "g"); }); // for each {{#foo}}{{/foo}} section do... return template.replace(regex, function(match, before, type, name, content, after) { // before contains only tags, no sections var renderedBefore = before ? that.render_tags(before, context, partials, true) : "", // after may contain both sections and tags, so use full rendering function renderedAfter = after ? that.render(after, context, partials, true) : "", // will be computed below renderedContent, value = that.find(name, context); if (type === "^") { // inverted section if (!value || that.is_array(value) && value.length === 0) { // false or empty list, render it renderedContent = that.render(content, context, partials, true); } else { renderedContent = ""; } } else if (type === "#") { // normal section if (that.is_array(value)) { // Enumerable, Let's loop! renderedContent = that.map(value, function(row) { return that.render(content, that.create_context(row), partials, true); }).join(""); } else if (that.is_object(value)) { // Object, Use it as subcontext! renderedContent = that.render(content, that.create_context(value), partials, true); } else if (typeof value === "function") { // higher order section renderedContent = value.call(context, content, function(text) { return that.render(text, context, partials, true); }); } else if (value) { // boolean section renderedContent = that.render(content, context, partials, true); } else { renderedContent = ""; } } return renderedBefore + renderedContent + renderedAfter; }); }, /* Replace {{foo}} and friends with values from our view */ render_tags: function(template, context, partials, in_recursion) { // tit for tat var that = this; var new_regex = function() { return that.getCachedRegex("render_tags", function(otag, ctag) { return new RegExp(otag + "(=|!|>|\\{|%)?([^\\/#\\^]+?)\\1?" + ctag + "+", "g"); }); }; var regex = new_regex(); var tag_replace_callback = function(match, operator, name) { switch(operator) { case "!": // ignore comments return ""; case "=": // set new delimiters, rebuild the replace regexp that.set_delimiters(name); regex = new_regex(); return ""; case ">": // render partial return that.render_partial(name, context, partials); case "{": // the triple mustache is unescaped return that.find(name, context); default: // escape the value return that.escape(that.find(name, context)); } }; var lines = template.split("\n"); for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { lines[i] = lines[i].replace(regex, tag_replace_callback, this); if(!in_recursion) { this.send(lines[i]); } } if(in_recursion) { return lines.join("\n"); } }, set_delimiters: function(delimiters) { var dels = delimiters.split(" "); this.otag = this.escape_regex(dels[0]); this.ctag = this.escape_regex(dels[1]); }, escape_regex: function(text) { // thank you Simon Willison if(!arguments.callee.sRE) { var specials = [ '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\' ]; arguments.callee.sRE = new RegExp( '(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g' ); } return text.replace(arguments.callee.sRE, '\\$1'); }, /* find `name` in current `context`. That is find me a value from the view object */ find: function(name, context) { name = this.trim(name); // Checks whether a value is thruthy or false or 0 function is_kinda_truthy(bool) { return bool === false || bool === 0 || bool; } var value; // check for dot notation eg. foo.bar if(name.match(/([a-z_]+)\./ig)){ value = is_kinda_truthy(this.walk_context(name, context)); } else{ if(is_kinda_truthy(context[name])) { value = context[name]; } else if(is_kinda_truthy(this.context[name])) { value = this.context[name]; } } if(typeof value === "function") { return value.apply(context); } if(value !== undefined) { return value; } // silently ignore unkown variables return ""; }, walk_context: function(name, context){ var path = name.split('.'); // if the var doesn't exist in current context, check the top level context var value_context = (context[path[0]] != undefined) ? context : this.context; var value = value_context[path.shift()]; while(value != undefined && path.length > 0){ value_context = value; value = value[path.shift()]; } // if the value is a function, call it, binding the correct context if(typeof value === "function") { return value.apply(value_context); } return value; }, // Utility methods /* includes tag */ includes: function(needle, haystack) { return haystack.indexOf(this.otag + needle) != -1; }, /* Does away with nasty characters */ escape: function(s) { s = String(s === null ? "" : s); return s.replace(/&(?!\w+;)|["'<>\\]/g, function(s) { switch(s) { case "&": return "&"; case '"': return '"'; case "'": return '''; case "<": return "<"; case ">": return ">"; default: return s; } }); }, // by @langalex, support for arrays of strings create_context: function(_context) { if(this.is_object(_context)) { return _context; } else { var iterator = "."; if(this.pragmas["IMPLICIT-ITERATOR"]) { iterator = this.pragmas["IMPLICIT-ITERATOR"].iterator; } var ctx = {}; ctx[iterator] = _context; return ctx; } }, is_object: function(a) { return a && typeof a == "object"; }, is_array: function(a) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(a) === '[object Array]'; }, /* Gets rid of leading and trailing whitespace */ trim: function(s) { return s.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ""); }, /* Why, why, why? Because IE. Cry, cry cry. */ map: function(array, fn) { if (typeof array.map == "function") { return array.map(fn); } else { var r = []; var l = array.length; for(var i = 0; i < l; i++) { r.push(fn(array[i])); } return r; } }, getCachedRegex: function(name, generator) { var byOtag = regexCache[this.otag]; if (!byOtag) { byOtag = regexCache[this.otag] = {}; } var byCtag = byOtag[this.ctag]; if (!byCtag) { byCtag = byOtag[this.ctag] = {}; } var regex = byCtag[name]; if (!regex) { regex = byCtag[name] = generator(this.otag, this.ctag); } return regex; } }; return({ name: "mustache.js", version: "0.4.0-dev", /* Turns a template and view into HTML */ to_html: function(template, view, partials, send_fun) { var renderer = new Renderer(); if(send_fun) { renderer.send = send_fun; } renderer.render(template, view || {}, partials); if(!send_fun) { return renderer.buffer.join("\n"); } } }); }(); ;TI"dependency_digest;F"%65f2172b57d070fe4dbc7aff6390c68dI"required_paths;F[I"_/Users/gawlim/workspace/gem_repos/engines/rails_info/vendor/assets/javascripts/mustache.js;TI"dependency_paths;F[{I" path;FI"_/Users/gawlim/workspace/gem_repos/engines/rails_info/vendor/assets/javascripts/mustache.js;TI" mtime;FI"2013-05-14T16:13:57+02:00;FI" digest;F"%134f1bde8e6f29c3aa28eb48f6cef6e9I" _version;F"%6776f581a4329e299531e1d52aa59832