require 'devise' require 'refinerycms-core' # Attach authenticated system methods to the ::Refinery::ApplicationController require File.expand_path('../authenticated_system', __FILE__) [::Refinery::ApplicationController, ::Refinery::ApplicationHelper].each do |c| c.class_eval { include AuthenticatedSystem } end module Refinery module Authentication class Engine < ::Rails::Engine initializer "serve static assets" do |app| app.middleware.insert_after ::ActionDispatch::Static, ::ActionDispatch::Static, "#{root}/public" end config.autoload_paths += %W( #{config.root}/lib ) config.after_initialize do ::Refinery::Plugin.register do |plugin| = "refinery_users" plugin.version = %q{0.9.9} plugin.menu_match = /(refinery|admin)\/users$/ plugin.activity = { :class => User, :title => 'login' } plugin.url = {:controller => "/admin/users"} end end end class << self attr_accessor :root def root @root ||='../../', __FILE__)) end end end class << self attr_accessor :authentication_login_field def authentication_login_field @authentication_login_field ||= 'login' end end end ::Refinery.engines << 'authentication'