3.0 enable_economizer_control f8cc920d-8ae3-411a-922f-e6fed3223c4d ebeb626e-1040-44a2-a180-cddf660cf7d0 20210423T161942Z ECE70A70 EnableEconomizerControl Enable Economizer Control There is currently not a functioning air side economizer enabled in the building. Air side economizers use cold outside air to either assist the mechanical cooling system, or if the air is cold enough, provide all of the cooling for a facility. In order for an air side economizer to function properly, all of the outside air damper actuators need to have modulating capabilities. In addition to that, new control sequences need to be written into the building automation control system to enable the air-side economizer when outside air temperatures are below 60?F-65?F and the interior space temperatures are calling for cooling. The building would realize the following operational benefits by utilizing an air-side economizer: -Reduction in cooling system energy use -Reduction in mechanical cooling system run time -Possible improvement in indoor air quality This measure will enable economizer control for one or all of the air loops in the building. The choice list will have the following choices: No Economizer, Fixed Dry Bulb, Fixed Enthalpy, Differential Dry Bulb, Differential Enthalpy, Fixed Dew Point and Dry Bulb, Differential Dew Point and Dry Bulb, and Electronic Enthalpy. The default choice for each system will be the initial system condition. The measure will also have optional user argument fields for Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature, Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy, Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature, Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature. These user arguments get applied to every system in the project. If the HVAC system does not have an OS:AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, then the runner sends an info message to the user that the model was not changed. The cost arguments are user arguments that start with a default of $0. economizer_type Economizer Control Type Choice true false FixedDryBulb FixedDryBulb NoEconomizer NoEconomizer NoChange NoChange econoMaxDryBulbTemp Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature (F). Double true false 69 econoMinDryBulbTemp Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature (F). Double true false -148 HVAC.Ventilation Measure Type ModelMeasure string Uses SketchUp API false boolean 0320_ModelWithHVAC_01.osm osm test 4A5352A1 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 README.md md readme CF61C43C LICENSE.md md license A21A3ED2 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script F5A5B16C measure_Test.rb rb test 08FB3A6E