# frozen_string_literal: true require_dependency "renalware/renal" module Renalware module Renal module Registry module PreflightChecks class PatientsQuery include ModalityScopes MODALITY_NAMES = %w(HD PD Transplant).freeze attr_reader :relation, :query_params def initialize(relation: nil, query_params: {}) @relation = relation || default_relation @query_params = query_params @query_params[:s] = "modality_descriptions_name ASC" if @query_params[:s].blank? end # The way I understand Ransack is that if you use a query like profile_esrf_gt # (that's the RenalProfile in this case as we are dealing with a Renal::Patient) # it will do the left out join itself onto renal_profiles. # At one point I did a manual join onto renal_profiles here like this # .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN renal_profiles ON renal_profiles.patient_id = patients.id") # but that only worked when there was no search predicate passed; when you pass eg # profile_esrf_gt it joins onto renal_profiles again and you get a duplicate join. # However using left_outer_joins here somehow prevents a duplicate join; # one join onto renal_profiles is there whether there is a renal_profile_esrf_gt present # or not. However it ONLY works if you use left_outer_joins BEFORE calling .ransack # - calling it afterwards (in #call below) still results in a duplicate join IF # renal_profile_esrf_gt is present in the query. # # I have to say, ransack eats up a lot of time and presents a lot of cognitive friction. # Building a custom form object would have shaved an hour off the writing (mainly # debugging) of this code. # # Update: moved loading of profile to #call. # Having it in #default_relation leads to a duplicate alias if sorting on esrf for # instance. Having to use .eager_load(:profile) in #call. However this creates n+1 # queries. Ransack again creating more confusion... def default_relation Renalware::Renal::Patient.all end def call search .result .merge(HD::Patient.with_profile) .eager_load(:profile) .extending(ModalityScopes) .preload(current_modality: [:description]) .with_current_modality_matching(MODALITY_NAMES) .where(where_conditions) end def search @search ||= relation.include(QueryablePatient).ransack(query_params) end def where_conditions <<-SQL.squish (patients.ethnicity_id is NULL) OR (renal_profiles.id IS NULL) OR (renal_profiles.prd_description_id IS NULL) OR (renal_profiles.first_seen_on IS NULL) OR (renal_profiles.document #>> '{comorbidities,ischaemic_heart_dis,status}' is null) SQL end # Putting this here for now so all incomplete data criteria is all in one place. # Build an array of symbols for all missing data identified by the above query def self.missing_data_for(patient) renal_profile = Renal.cast_patient(patient).profile missing = [] missing << :ethnicity if patient.ethnicity_id.blank? missing << :prd if renal_profile&.prd_description_id.blank? missing << :first_seen_on if renal_profile&.first_seen_on.blank? if renal_profile&.document&.comorbidities&.ischaemic_heart_dis&.status.blank? missing << :comorbidities_at_esrf end missing end module QueryablePatient extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do ransacker :hd_profile_unit_name, type: :string do Arel.sql("hospital_units.name") end ransacker :hd_profile_unit_id, type: :string do Arel.sql("hospital_units.id") end end end end end end end end