module Vagrant module Provisioners # This class implements provisioning via chef-solo. class ChefSolo < Chef def prepare share_cookbook_folders share_role_folders end def provision! verify_binary("chef-solo") chown_provisioning_folder setup_json setup_solo_config run_chef_solo end def share_cookbook_folders host_cookbook_paths.each_with_index do |cookbook, i| env.config.vm.share_folder("v-csc-#{i}", cookbook_path(i), cookbook) end end def share_role_folders host_role_paths.each_with_index do |role, i| env.config.vm.share_folder("v-csr-#{i}", role_path(i), role) end end def setup_solo_config setup_config("chef_solo_solo", "solo.rb", { :node_name => env.config.chef.node_name, :provisioning_path => env.config.chef.provisioning_path, :cookbooks_path => cookbooks_path, :recipe_url => env.config.chef.recipe_url, :roles_path => roles_path, }) end def run_chef_solo command = "cd #{env.config.chef.provisioning_path} && sudo -E chef-solo -c solo.rb -j dna.json" I18n.t("vagrant.provisioners.chef.running_solo") vm.ssh.execute do |ssh| ssh.exec!(command) do |channel, type, data| ssh.check_exit_status(data, command) if type == :exit_status"#{data}: #{type}") if type != :exit_status end end end def host_folder_paths(paths) # Convert single cookbook paths such as "cookbooks" or [:vm, "cookbooks"] # into a proper array representation. paths = [paths] if paths.is_a?(String) || paths.first.is_a?(Symbol) paths.inject([]) do |acc, path| path = [:host, path] if !path.is_a?(Array) type, path = path acc << File.expand_path(path, env.root_path) if type == :host acc end end def folder_path(*args) File.join(env.config.chef.provisioning_path, args.join("-")) end def folders_path(folders, folder) # Convert single cookbook paths such as "cookbooks" or [:vm, "cookbooks"] # into a proper array representation. folders = [folders] if folders.is_a?(String) || folders.first.is_a?(Symbol) # Convert each path to the proper absolute path depending on if the path # is a host path or a VM path result = [] folders.each_with_index do |path, i| path = [:host, path] if !path.is_a?(Array) type, path = path result << folder_path(folder, i) if type == :host result << folder_path(path) if type == :vm end # We're lucky that ruby's string and array syntax for strings is the # same as JSON, so we can just convert to JSON here and use that result = result[0].to_s if result.length == 1 result end def host_cookbook_paths host_folder_paths(env.config.chef.cookbooks_path) end def host_role_paths host_folder_paths(env.config.chef.roles_path) end def cookbook_path(i) folder_path("cookbooks", i) end def role_path(i) folder_path("roles", i) end def cookbooks_path folders_path(env.config.chef.cookbooks_path, "cookbooks").to_json end def roles_path folders_path(env.config.chef.roles_path, "roles").to_json end end end end