# fluentd-ui [![build status](https://circleci.com/gh/fluent/fluentd-ui.png?style=shield&circle-token=a739a52ae9ae6774ab2192d4236a5f93ac29e11e)](https://circleci.com/gh/fluent/fluentd-ui) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/fluentd-ui.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/fluentd-ui) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/fluent/fluentd-ui/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/fluent/fluentd-ui) fluentd-ui is a browser-based [fluentd](http://fluentd.org/) and [td-agent](http://docs.treasuredata.com/articles/td-agent) manager that supports following operations. * Install, uninstall, and upgrade Fluentd plugins * start/stop/restart fluentd process * Configure Fluentd settings such as config file content, pid file path, etc * View Fluentd log with simple error viewer # Getting Started ```console $ gem install -V fluentd-ui $ fluentd-ui start ``` Open `http://localhost:9292/` by your browser.
The default account is username="admin" and password="changeme" ![fluentd-ui](./docs/screenshots/fluentd-ui.gif) ## To Ubuntu 14.04 user (installed ruby by apt-get) You also need to install these packages: - build-essential - libssl-dev - ruby-dev ## To the developer $ git clone https://github.com/treasure-data/fluentd-ui $ cd fluentd-ui $ bundle install $ bundle exec rails s Also you need a phantomjs for test. $ npm install -g phantomjs Or, $ brew install phantomjs NOTE: `phantomjs` executable binary should be located under your `$PATH`. # Building fluentd-ui.gem fluentd-ui has the same tasks of `bundle gem foobar; cd foobar; rake -T`. $ bundle exec rake build fluentd-ui X.X.X built to pkg/fluentd-ui-X.X.X.gem. $ bundle exec rake release # Push to rubygems.org # Screenshots (v0.3.9) ## Dashboard ![dashboard](./docs/screenshots/dashboard.gif) ## Setting ![setting](./docs/screenshots/setting.gif) ### in_tail setting ![in_tail](./docs/screenshots/in_tail.gif) ## Plugin ![plugin](./docs/screenshots/plugin.gif) ![ss01](./docs/screenshots/01.png) ![ss02](./docs/screenshots/02.png) ![ss03](./docs/screenshots/03.png) ![ss04](./docs/screenshots/04.png) ![ss05](./docs/screenshots/05.png)