class KuberKit::EnvFileReader::ArtifactFileReader < KuberKit::EnvFileReader::AbstractEnvFileReader include KuberKit::Import[ "core.artifact_store" ] def read(shell, env_file) artifact = artifact_store.get(env_file.artifact_name) file_parts = [artifact.cloned_path, env_file.file_path].compact file_path = File.join(*file_parts) read_file(shell, file_path) end private def read_file(shell, file_path) result = {} content = end # Parser is based on: # class Parser LINE = / (?:^|\A) # beginning of line \s* # leading whitespace (?:export\s+)? # optional export ([\w\.]+) # key (?:\s*=\s*?|:\s+?) # separator ( # optional value begin \s*'(?:\\'|[^'])*' # single quoted value | # or \s*"(?:\\"|[^"])*" # double quoted value | # or [^\#\r\n]+ # unquoted value )? # value end \s* # trailing whitespace (?:\#.*)? # optional comment (?:$|\z) # end of line /x class << self def call(string, is_load = false) new(string, is_load).call end end def initialize(string, is_load = false) @string = string @hash = {} @is_load = is_load end def call # Convert line breaks to same format lines = @string.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n") # Process matches lines.scan(LINE).each do |key, value| @hash[key] = parse_value(value || "") end @hash end private def parse_value(value) # Remove surrounding quotes value = value.strip.sub(/\A(['"])(.*)\1\z/m, '\2') if Regexp.last_match(1) == '"' value = unescape_characters(expand_newlines(value)) end value end def unescape_characters(value) value.gsub(/\\([^$])/, '\1') end def expand_newlines(value) value.gsub('\n', "\n").gsub('\r', "\r") end end end