/** * socialbutton.js - * * Copyright (C) 2011 by MATSUOKA Kohei * You can distribute it under GPL. */ /** * SYNOPSIS * * you can set options at socialbutton.rb * * $tDiary.plugin.socialbutton.enables = * ['twitter', 'hatena', 'facebook_like', 'evernote']; * * $tDiary.plugin.socialbutton.options = { * twitter: { via: 'machu' } * }; * */ $(function() { // load config from tDiary plugin (socialbutton.rb) var config = $tDiary.plugin.socialbutton; // set options for jQuery.socialbutton var callbacks = { twitter: function(url, title) { var link = url; var pos = 0; if ((pos = url.indexOf('#')) > 0) { link = url.substr(0, pos) } return { url: link, text: title, button: 'horizontal', lang: $('html').attr('lang').substr(0,2) }; }, hatena: function(url, title) { return { url: url, title: title, button: 'standard' }; }, facebook_like: function(url, title) { return { url: url, button: 'button_count', locale: $('html').attr('lang').replace('-', '_') }; }, evernote: function(url, title) { return { url: url, title: title, button: 'article-clipper-jp' }; }, google_plusone: function(url, title) { return { href: url, size: 'medium', lang: $('html').attr('lang') }; }, pinterest: function(url, title) { return { url: url, media: $('p img:first', $('div.section h3 a[name=' + url.substr(-3) + ']').parent().parent()).attr('src'), description: title, button: 'horizontal', }; }, }; function socialbutton(target) { $('.socialbuttons').css('height', '1em') var bottom = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop(); $($tDiary.blogkit ? '.day' : '.day .section') .filter(function() { return bottom > $(this).offset().top; }) .filter(function() { return $(this).find('.socialbutton').size() == 0 }) .each(function() { var anchor = $(this).find('h3 a'); if ($tDiary.blogkit) { var link = $(this).children('h2').find('a:first').get(0); var url = link ? link.href : document.URL; var title = $(this).children('h2').find('.title').text(); } else if (anchor.size() == 0) { // The section may not have an anchor on etdiary style. // https://github.com/tdiary/tdiary-contrib/issues/59 var url = ($(this).parents('.day').find('h2 a:first').get(0)||'').href; var title = $(this).parents('.day').find('h2 .title').text(); } else { var url = anchor.get(0).href; var title = anchor.attr('title'); } if (url && title) { // console.debug('loading socialbutton: ' + title); var socialbuttons = $(this).find('.socialbuttons'); append_button(url, title, socialbuttons); } }); } function append_button(url, title, socialbuttons) { $.each(config.enables, function(i, service) { var options = callbacks[service](url, title.replace(/"/g, '"')); $.extend(options, config.options[service]); $('
') .css("float", "left") .css("margin-right", "0.5em") .appendTo(socialbuttons) .socialbutton(service, options); }); } $(window).bind('scroll', function(event) { socialbutton(document); }); socialbutton(document); });