module RapidRack RSpec.describe Engine, type: :feature do let(:opts) { YAML.load_file('spec/dummy/config/rapidconnect.yml') } let(:issuer) { opts['issuer'] } let(:audience) { opts['audience'] } let(:url) { opts['url'] } let(:secret) { opts['secret'] } let(:receiver_class) { 'TestReceiver' } let(:handler) { nil } let(:app) { Rails.application } # Unfortunately the neatest way to get access to a routed application in # the engine. let(:engine_app) { RapidRack::Engine.routes.routes.routes[0].app } subject { last_response } before do error_handler = handler.try(:constantize).try(:new) || engine_app engine_app.instance_variable_set(:@error_handler, error_handler) engine_app.instance_variable_set(:@receiver, receiver_class.constantize) end it_behaves_like 'an authenticator' context 'full integration' do let(:receiver_class) do build_class do include DefaultReceiver include RedisRegistry def map_attributes(_env, attrs) { targeted_id: attrs['edupersontargetedid'], email: attrs['mail'], name: attrs['displayname'] } end def subject(_env, attrs) identifier = attrs.slice(:targeted_id) TestSubject.find_or_initialize_by(identifier).tap do |subject| subject.update_attributes!(attrs) end end end end let(:attrs) do { cn: 'Test User', displayname: 'Test User X', surname: 'User', givenname: 'Test', mail: '', o: 'Test Org', edupersonscopedaffiliation: '', edupersonprincipalname: '', edupersontargetedid: "#{issuer}!#{audience}!abcd" } end let(:valid_claims) do { aud: audience, iss: issuer, iat:, typ: 'authnresponse', nbf: 1.minute.ago, exp: 2.minutes.from_now, jti: 'accept', :'' => attrs } end let(:receiver) { } let(:assertion) { } let(:claims) { valid_claims } let(:session) { {} } def run post '/auth/jwt', assertion: assertion end it 'creates the subject' do expect { run }.to change(TestSubject, :count).by(1) end it 'redirects to /' do run expect(last_response).to be_redirect expect(last_response['Location']).to eq('/') end it 'sets the session' do run expect(last_request.session[:subject_id]).to eq( end end context '#authenticator' do before do expect_any_instance_of(RapidRack::Engine) .to receive(:configuration).at_least(:once).and_return(configuration) end subject { RapidRack::Engine.authenticator } context 'in development mode' do let(:configuration) { { development_mode: true } } it { eq('RapidRack::MockAuthenticator') } end context 'in test mode' do let(:configuration) { { test_mode: true } } it { eq('RapidRack::TestAuthenticator') } end context 'with no mode' do let(:configuration) { {} } it { eq('RapidRack::Authenticator') } end end end end