# EdifactRails This gem parses EDIFACT or TRADACOMS input, and converts it into a ruby array structure for whatever further processing or validation you desire. It does not handle validation itself. This gem is heavily inspired by and attempts to output similar results as [edifact_parser](https://github.com/pvdvreede/edifact_parser), credits to [pvdvreede](https://github.com/pvdvreede) ## Requirements This gem requires Ruby 3.0+. This gem has been tested on the following ruby versions: * 3.0.6 * 3.1.2 * 3.2.2 ## Getting started In your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'edifact_rails', '~> 1.1' ``` Otherwise: ``` gem install edifact_rails ``` ## Usage If you don't have the gem in your `Gemfile`, you will need to: ```ruby require 'edifact_rails' ``` You can pass either the path to your EDIFACT (or TRADACOMS) file, or a document (or snippet) as a string: ```ruby ruby_array = EdifactRails.parse_file("your/file/path") ``` ```ruby ruby_array = EdifactRails.parse("LIN+1+1+0764569104:IB'QTY+1:25'") ``` You can pull just the special characters from the UNA segment (or the defaults if no UNA segment is present): ```ruby una_special_characters = EdifactRails.una_special_characters(your_string_input) # una_special_characters => { component_data_element_seperator: ":", data_element_seperator: "+", escape_character: "?", segment_seperator: "'" } ``` ## Output ### EDIFACT This example EDIFACT file: ``` UNA:+.? ' UNB+UNOA:3+TESTPLACE:1+DEP1:1+20051107:1159+6002' UNH+SSDD1+ORDERS:D:03B:UN:EAN008' BGM+220+BKOD99+9' DTM+137:20051107:102' NAD+BY+5412345000176::9' NAD+SU+4012345000094::9' LIN+1+1+0764569104:IB' QTY+1:25' FTX+AFM+1++XPath 2.0 Programmer?'s Reference' LIN+2+1+0764569090:IB' QTY+1:25' FTX+AFM+1++XSLT 2.0 Programmer?'s Reference' LIN+3+1+1861004656:IB' QTY+1:16' FTX+AFM+1++Java Server Programming' LIN+4+1+0596006756:IB' QTY+1:10' FTX+AFM+1++Enterprise Service Bus' UNS+S' CNT+2:4' UNT+22+SSDD1' UNZ+1+6002' ``` Will be returned as: ```ruby [ ["UNB", ["UNOA", 3], ["TESTPLACE", 1], ["DEP1", 1], [20051107, 1159], [6002]], ["UNH", ["SSDD1"], ["ORDERS", "D", "03B", "UN", "EAN008"]], ["BGM", [220], ["BKOD99"], [9]], ["DTM", [137, 20051107, 102]], ["NAD", ["BY"], [5412345000176, nil, 9]], ["NAD", ["SU"], [4012345000094, nil, 9]], ["LIN", [1], [1], ["0764569104", "IB"]], ["QTY", [1, 25]], ["FTX", ["AFM"], [1], [], ["XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference"]], ["LIN", [2], [1], ["0764569090", "IB"]], ["QTY", [1, 25]], ["FTX", ["AFM"], [1], [], ["XSLT 2.0 Programmer's Reference"]], ["LIN", [3], [1], [1861004656, "IB"]], ["QTY", [1, 16]], ["FTX", ["AFM"], [1], [], ["Java Server Programming"]], ["LIN", [4], [1], ["0596006756", "IB"]], ["QTY", [1, 10]], ["FTX", ["AFM"], [1], [], ["Enterprise Service Bus"]], ["UNS", ["S"]], ["CNT", [2, 4]], ["UNT", [22], ["SSDD1"]], ["UNZ", [1], [6002]] ] ``` ### TRADACOMS This TRADACOMS file: ``` STX=ANA:1+5000169000001:DAVEY PLC+5060073022052:Blackwood Limited+230102:050903+3800++ORDHDR' MHD=1+ORDHDR:9' TYP=0430+NEW-ORDERS' SDT=5060073022052:005096+BLACKWOOD LTD' CDT=5000169000001:WINDRAKER LTD' FIL=3800+1+230102' MTR=14' MHD=4+ORDERS:9' CLO=:777:BLACKWOOD D' ORD=B1102300::230102++N' DIN=230103+++PM' OLD=1+:5000169475119+5000169847442+:047836+12+68++++WR TStem Broccoli Spears' DNB=1+1++::128:KENYA/JOR/UK:142::202:060123' OLD=2+:5000169073643+5000169159491+:085482+16+15++++WR Asparagus:IFCO 410' DNB=2+1++108:200:128:?+?+?+:142::202:080123' OLD=3+:5000169073629+5000169048726+:085486+12+28++++WR Fine Asparagus' DNB=3+1++108:225:128:THAI/peru:142::202:070123' OTR=3' MTR=12' MHD=5+ORDTLR:9' OFT=3' MTR=3' END=5 ``` Will be returned as: ```ruby [ ['STX', ['ANA', 1], [5000169000001, 'DAVEY PLC'], [5060073022052, 'Blackwood Limited'], [230102, '050903'], [3800], [], ['ORDHDR']], ['MHD', [1], ['ORDHDR', 9]], ['TYP', ['0430'], ['NEW-ORDERS']], ['SDT', [5060073022052, '005096'], ['BLACKWOOD LTD']], ['CDT', [5000169000001, 'WINDRAKER LTD']], ['FIL', [3800], [1], [230102]], ['MTR', [14]], ['MHD', [4], ['ORDERS', 9]], ['CLO', [nil, 777, 'BLACKWOOD D']], ['ORD', ['B1102300', nil, 230102], [], ['N']], ['DIN', [230103], [], [], ['PM']], ['OLD', [1], [nil, 5000169475119], [5000169847442], [nil, '047836'], [12], [68], [], [], [], ['WR TStem Broccoli Spears']], ['DNB', [1], [1], [], [nil, nil, 128, 'KENYA/JOR/UK', 142, nil, 202, '060123']], ['OLD', [2], [nil, 5000169073643], [5000169159491], [nil, '085482'], [16], [15], [], [], [], ['WR Asparagus', 'IFCO 410']], ['DNB', [2], [1], [], [108, 200, 128, '+++', 142, nil, 202, '080123']], ['OLD', [3], [nil, 5000169073629], [5000169048726], [nil, '085486'], [12], [28], [], [], [], ['WR Fine Asparagus']], ['DNB', [3], [1], [], [108, 225, 128, 'THAI/peru', 142, nil, 202, '070123']], ['OTR', [3]], ['MTR', [12]], ['MHD', [5], ['ORDTLR', 9]], ['OFT', [3]], ['MTR', [3]], ['END', [5]] ] ```