require 'simplecov' require 'webmock/rspec' SimpleCov.start # The SimpleCov.start must be issued before any of the application code is required! require 'cute' # Disabling all external requests WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true) class FakeG5KResponse < Hash MEDIA_TYPE = {'uid' => "1", 'id' => "1", 'user' => "test", 'items' => [{'uid' => "item1"},{'uid' => "item2"}], 'total' => [2], 'offset' => 2, 'links' => [{"rel" => "self","href" => "path", "type"=>"application/vnd.grid5000.collection+json"}, {"rel" => "parent","href" => "path", "type"=>"application/vnd.grid5000.collection+json"}], 'state' => "running", 'started_at' =>, 'created_at' =>, 'status' => "terminated", 'types' => ["deploy"], 'assigned_nodes' => ["node1","node2"], 'resources_by_type' => {"res" => "val1","subnets" => [""], "vlans"=>["4"]}, 'nodes' => {"node1" => {"hard"=> "alive", "soft"=>"busy"}} } def initialize(num_items = 2) MEDIA_TYPE.each { |key,value| self[key] = value} self['items'] = [] num_items.times.each{ self['items'].push(MEDIA_TYPE) } end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.fail_fast = true g5k_media_type = # Example using addressable templates # uri_sites = "https://{user}:{password}{version}/sites" config.before(:each) do stub_request(:any,/^https:\/\/.*\:.*\/.*/). to_return(:status => 200, :body => g5k_media_type.to_json, :headers => {}) stub_request(:any,/^https:\/\/\.*/). to_return(:status => 401) stub_request(:any,/^https:\/\/.*\:.*\/...\/sites\/non-found\/.*/). to_return(:status => 404) stub_request(:post, /^https:\/\/.*\:.*\/.*/). with(:body => hash_including("resources" => "/slash_22=1+{nonsense},walltime=01:00")). to_return(:status => 400, :body => "Oarsub failed: please verify your request syntax") stub_request(:post, /^https:\/\/.*\:.*\/.*/). with(:body => hash_including("environment" => "nonsense")). to_return(:status => 500, :body => "Invalid environment specification") end end