# frozen_string_literal: true require "rubygems" require "active_type" require "activerecord-import" require "ahoy" require "autoprefixer-rails" require "chosen-rails" require "simple_form" require "client_side_validations" require "client_side_validations/simple_form" require "clipboard/rails" require "cocoon" require "devise" require "delayed_job_active_record" require "delayed_job_web" require "dotenv-rails" require "dumb_delegator" require "email_validator" require "enumerize" require "font-awesome-sass" require "foundation-rails" require "friendly_id" require "hashdiff" require "httparty" require "jbuilder" require "jquery-rails" require "jquery-ui-rails" require "jquery-datatables-rails" require "kaminari" require "liquid" require "naught" require "nested_form" require "nokogiri" require "paper_trail" require "paranoia" require "pg" require "puma" require "pundit" require "ransack" require "record_tag_helper" require "pandoc-ruby" require "rack/attack" require "ruby-hl7" require "sass-rails" require "scenic" require "slim-rails" require "trix" require "underscore-rails" require "validates_timeliness" require "virtus" require "wicked_pdf" require "wisper" require "wisper/activejob" require "rails-assets-foundation-datepicker" require "rails-assets-select2" require "rails-assets-moment" require "rails-assets-mousetrap" require "byebug" if ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "development" module Renalware # Don't have prefix method return anything. # This will keep Rails Engine from generating all table prefixes with the engines name def self.table_name_prefix; end class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Renalware # Define a attr on the Engine's eigenclass so a host application # can set an exception handler instance. It must accept a .notify(excetion) method. # We use the exception handler when logging errors in background jobs only. # Errors in the UI are bubbled up and handled in the host app in the usual way. class << self attr_writer :exception_notifier def exception_notifier @exception_notifier ||= NullExceptionNotifier.new end end config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib/**/"] config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/app/validators/concerns) config.generators do |gens| gens.test_framework :rspec gens.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, dir: "../../spec/factories" end initializer :add_locales do |app| app.config.i18n.load_path += Dir[config.root.join("config", "locales", "**", "*.{rb,yml}")] app.config.i18n.default_locale = "en-GB" app.config.i18n.fallbacks = [:en] end # In production use lograge to help us tame a verbose logs/production.log. # Note that the timestamp will be added before the lograge output by whatever Rails # LogFormatter is being used (see the app's production.rb) e.g. # config.log_formatter = ::Logger::Formatter.new # So bear in mind both log_formatter and lograge are involved in logging. # Note exceptions will still be logged including the stacktrace. initializer :use_lograge_in_production do |app| unless Rails.env.development? require "lograge" app.config.lograge.enabled = true # Ignore session expiry JS polling as these calls fill up the log and we don't # need to see them. 100 users with an active session polling every minute will add # up to fair number of log entries. app.config.lograge.ignore_actions = [ "Renalware::SessionTimeoutController#has_user_timed_out" ] end end config.middleware.use Rack::Attack initializer :rack_attack do # Throttle login attempts for a given username parameter to 10 reqs/minute Rack::Attack.throttle("login attempts per username", limit: 10, period: 60.seconds) do |req| # Return the username as a discriminator on POST login requests req.params["user"]["username"] if req.path == "/users/sign_in" && req.post? end end initializer :assets do |app| app.config.assets.precompile += %w(renalware/print/pathology_request_forms.css) app.config.assets.precompile += %w(renalware/modernizr.js) app.config.assets.precompile += %w(renalware/iframeResizer.contentWindow.js) app.config.assets.precompile += %w(renalware/pdf.css renalware/watermark.css) app.config.assets.precompile += %w(renalware/protocol_pdf.css) app.config.assets.precompile += %w(renalware/hd_diary_pdf.css) app.config.assets.precompile += %w(renalware/table_pdf.css) app.config.assets.precompile += %w( renalware/nhs_a4_letter_logo_blue.png renalware/nhs_a4_letter_logo_black.png renalware/NHS-Black.jpg renalware/favicon/manifest.json renalware/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png renalware/favicon/favicon-32x32.png renalware/favicon/favicon-16x16.png renalware/favicon/favicon.ico renalware/favicon/android-chrome-192x192.png renalware/favicon/android-chrome-512x512.png renalware/favicon/mstile-150x150.png renalware/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg renalware/clippy.svg renalware/print-button-example.png ) app.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join(config.root, "vendor", "assets", "javascripts", "renalware") end initializer :append_migrations do |app| # Prevent duplicate migrations if we are db:migrating at the engine level (eg when # running tests) rather than the host app running_in_dummy_app = Dir.pwd.ends_with?("dummy") running_outside_of_engine = app.root.to_s.match(root.to_s + File::SEPARATOR).nil? if running_in_dummy_app || running_outside_of_engine engine_migration_paths = config.paths["db/migrate"] app_migration_paths = app.config.paths["db/migrate"] engine_migration_paths.expanded.each do |expanded_path| app_migration_paths << expanded_path end end end initializer :resolve_scenic_views_inside_engine do |app| # Set app.config.paths["db/views"] to the engine's db/views path so (our monkey-patched) # scenic will load views from the engine (otherwise not supported unless manually copies in # a rake task, which I am keen to avoid) # See lib/core_extensions/scenic.rb %w(views functions triggers).each do |db_thing| dir = Rails.root.join(config.root, "db", db_thing) app.config.paths.add("db/#{db_thing}", with: dir) end end initializer :general do |app| app.config.time_zone = "London" app.config.active_record.time_zone_aware_types = [:datetime] app.config.active_record.dump_schemas = :all app.config.exceptions_app = Engine.routes unless Rails.env.development? app.config.action_mailer.preview_path = Engine.root.join("app", "mailers", "renalware") app.config.action_mailer.deliver_later_queue_name = "mailers" app.config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job end end end