Feature: Searching within a single index In order to use Thinking Sphinx's core functionality A developer Should be able to search on a single index Scenario: Searching with alternative index Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on alphas When I order by value And I use index alternative_core Then I should get 7 results Scenario: Searching with default index Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on alphas When I order by value And I use index alpha_core Then I should get 10 results Scenario: Searching without specified index Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on alphas When I order by value Then I should get 10 results Scenario: Deleting instances from the core index Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on alphas When I create a new alpha named eleven And I process the alpha_core index And I process the alternative_core index And I wait for Sphinx to catch up And I search for eleven Then I should get 1 result When I destroy alpha eleven And I wait for Sphinx to catch up And I search for eleven Then I should get 0 results