require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/application/lookup' require 'puppet/pops/lookup' describe Puppet::Application::Lookup do def run_lookup(lookup) capture = saved_stdout = $stdout begin $stdout = capture expect { lookup.run_command }.to exit_with(0) ensure $stdout = saved_stdout end # Drop end of line and an optional yaml end of document capture.string.gsub(/\n(\.\.\.\n)?\Z/m, '') end context "when running with incorrect command line options" do let (:lookup) { Puppet::Application[:lookup] } it "errors if no keys are given via the command line" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' expected_error = "No keys were given to lookup." expect { lookup.run_command }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, expected_error) end it "does not allow invalid arguments for '--merge'" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.options[:merge] = 'something_bad' allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['atton', 'kreia']) expected_error = "The --merge option only accepts 'first', 'hash', 'unique', or 'deep'\nRun 'puppet lookup --help' for more details" expect { lookup.run_command }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, expected_error) end it "does not allow deep merge options if '--merge' was not set to deep" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.options[:merge_hash_arrays] = true lookup.options[:merge] = 'hash' allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['atton', 'kreia']) expected_error = "The options --knock-out-prefix, --sort-merged-arrays, and --merge-hash-arrays are only available with '--merge deep'\nRun 'puppet lookup --help' for more details" expect { lookup.run_command }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, expected_error) end end context "when running with correct command line options" do let (:lookup) { Puppet::Application[:lookup] } it "calls the lookup method with the correct arguments" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.options[:render_as] = :s; lookup.options[:merge_hash_arrays] = true lookup.options[:merge] = 'deep' allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['atton', 'kreia']) allow(lookup).to receive(:generate_scope).and_yield('scope') expected_merge = { "strategy" => "deep", "sort_merged_arrays" => false, "merge_hash_arrays" => true } expect(Puppet::Pops::Lookup).to receive(:lookup).with(['atton', 'kreia'], nil, nil, false, expected_merge, anything).and_return('rand') expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql("rand") end %w(first unique hash deep).each do |opt| it "accepts --merge #{opt}" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.options[:merge] = opt lookup.options[:render_as] = :s allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['atton', 'kreia']) allow(lookup).to receive(:generate_scope).and_yield('scope') allow(Puppet::Pops::Lookup).to receive(:lookup).and_return('rand') expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql("rand") end end it "prints the value found by lookup" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.options[:render_as] = :s allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['atton', 'kreia']) allow(lookup).to receive(:generate_scope).and_yield('scope') allow(Puppet::Pops::Lookup).to receive(:lookup).and_return('rand') expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql("rand") end end context 'when given a valid configuration' do let (:lookup) { Puppet::Application[:lookup] } # There is a fully configured 'sample' environment in fixtures at this location let(:environmentpath) { File.absolute_path(File.join(my_fixture_dir(), '../environments')) } let(:facts) {"facts", {}) } let(:node) {"testnode", :facts => facts, :environment => 'production') } let(:expected_json_hash) { { 'branches' => [ { 'branches'=> [ { 'key'=>'lookup_options', 'event'=>'not_found', 'type'=>'data_provider', 'name'=>'Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)' }, { 'branches'=> [ { 'branches'=> [ { 'key' => 'lookup_options', 'value' => {'a'=>'first'}, 'event'=>'found', 'type'=>'path', 'original_path'=>'common.yaml', 'path'=>"#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" } ], 'type'=>'data_provider', 'name'=>'Hierarchy entry "Common"' } ], 'type'=>'data_provider', 'name'=>'Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)' } ], 'key'=>'lookup_options', 'type'=>'root' }, { 'branches'=> [ { 'key'=>'a', 'event'=>'not_found', 'type'=>'data_provider', 'name'=>'Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)' }, { 'branches'=> [ { 'branches'=> [ { 'key'=>'a', 'value'=>'This is A', 'event'=>'found', 'type'=>'path', 'original_path'=>'common.yaml', 'path'=>"#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" } ], 'type'=>'data_provider', 'name'=>'Hierarchy entry "Common"' } ], 'type'=>'data_provider', 'name'=>'Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)' } ], 'key'=>'a', 'type'=>'root' } ] } } let(:expected_yaml_hash) { { :branches => [ { :branches=> [ { :key=>'lookup_options', :event=>:not_found, :type=>:data_provider, :name=>'Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)' }, { :branches=> [ { :branches=> [ { :key => 'lookup_options', :value => {'a'=>'first'}, :event=>:found, :type=>:path, :original_path=>'common.yaml', :path=>"#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" } ], :type=>:data_provider, :name=>'Hierarchy entry "Common"' } ], :type=>:data_provider, :name=>'Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)' } ], :key=>'lookup_options', :type=>:root }, { :branches=> [ { :key=>'a', :event=>:not_found, :type=>:data_provider, :name=>'Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)' }, { :branches=> [ { :branches=> [ { :key=>'a', :value=>'This is A', :event=>:found, :type=>:path, :original_path=>'common.yaml', :path=>"#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" } ], :type=>:data_provider, :name=>'Hierarchy entry "Common"' } ], :type=>:data_provider, :name=>'Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)' } ], :key=>'a', :type=>:root } ] } } around(:each) do |example| # Initialize settings to get a full compile as close as possible to a real # environment load Puppet.settings.initialize_global_settings loader =, []) Puppet.override(:environments => loader) do end end it '--explain produces human readable text by default and does not produce output to debug logger' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain] = true allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['a']) logs = [] Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination( do expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql(<<-EXPLANATION.chomp) Searching for "lookup_options" Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "lookup_options" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "lookup_options" value: { "a" => "first" } Searching for "a" Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "a" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "a" value: "This is A" EXPLANATION end expect(logs.any? { |log| log.level == :debug }).to be_falsey end it '--debug using multiple interpolation functions produces output to the logger' do lookup.options[:node] = node allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['ab']) Puppet.debug = true logs = [] begin Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination( do expect { lookup.run_command }.to output(<<-VALUE.unindent).to_stdout --- This is A and This is B ... VALUE end rescue SystemExit => e expect(e.status).to eq(0) end logs = { |log| log.level == :debug }.map { |log| log.message } expect(logs).to include(/Found key: "ab" value: "This is A and This is B"/) end it '--explain produces human readable text by default and --debug produces the same output to debug logger' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain] = true allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['a']) Puppet.debug = true logs = [] Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination( do expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql(<<-EXPLANATION.chomp) Searching for "lookup_options" Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "lookup_options" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "lookup_options" value: { "a" => "first" } Searching for "a" Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "a" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "a" value: "This is A" EXPLANATION end logs = { |log| log.level == :debug }.map { |log| log.message } expect(logs).to include(<<-EXPLANATION.chomp) Lookup of 'a' Searching for "lookup_options" Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "lookup_options" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "lookup_options" value: { "a" => "first" } Searching for "a" Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "a" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "a" value: "This is A" EXPLANATION end it '--explain-options produces human readable text of a hash merge' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain_options] = true expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql(<<-EXPLANATION.chomp) Merge strategy hash Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "lookup_options" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "lookup_options" value: { "a" => "first" } Merged result: { "a" => "first" } EXPLANATION end it '--explain-options produces human readable text of a hash merge and --debug produces the same output to debug logger' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain_options] = true Puppet.debug = true logs = [] Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination( do expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql(<<-EXPLANATION.chomp) Merge strategy hash Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "lookup_options" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "lookup_options" value: { "a" => "first" } Merged result: { "a" => "first" } EXPLANATION logs = { |log| log.level == :debug }.map { |log| log.message } expect(logs).to include(<<-EXPLANATION.chomp) Lookup of '__global__' Merge strategy hash Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "lookup_options" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "lookup_options" value: { "a" => "first" } Merged result: { "a" => "first" } EXPLANATION end end it '--explain produces human readable text of a hash merge when using both --explain and --explain-options' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain] = true lookup.options[:explain_options] = true allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['a']) expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql(<<-EXPLANATION.chomp) Searching for "lookup_options" Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "lookup_options" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "lookup_options" value: { "a" => "first" } Searching for "a" Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "a" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Hierarchy entry "Common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common.yaml" Found key: "a" value: "This is A" EXPLANATION end it 'can produce a yaml explanation' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain] = true lookup.options[:render_as] = :yaml allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['a']) output = run_lookup(lookup) expect(Puppet::Util::Yaml.safe_load(output, [Symbol])).to eq(expected_yaml_hash) end it 'can produce a json explanation' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain] = true lookup.options[:render_as] = :json allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['a']) output = run_lookup(lookup) expect(JSON.parse(output)).to eq(expected_json_hash) end it 'can access values using dotted keys' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:render_as] = :json allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['']) output = run_lookup(lookup) expect(JSON.parse("[#{output}]")).to eq(['the value']) end it 'can access values using quoted dotted keys' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:render_as] = :json allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['""']) output = run_lookup(lookup) expect(JSON.parse("[#{output}]")).to eq(['the value']) end it 'can access values using mix of dotted keys and quoted dotted keys' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:render_as] = :json allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['""."two.three".1']) output = run_lookup(lookup) expect(JSON.parse("[#{output}]")).to eq(['second value']) end context 'the global scope' do include PuppetSpec::Files it "is unaffected by global variables unless '--compile' is used" do # strict mode is off so behavior this test is trying to check isn't stubbed out Puppet[:strict_variables] = false Puppet[:strict] = :warning lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:render_as] = :s allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['c']) expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql("This is") end it "is affected by global variables when '--compile' is used" do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:compile] = true lookup.options[:render_as] = :s allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['c']) expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql("This is C from site.pp") end it 'receives extra facts in top scope' do file_path = file_containing('facts.yaml', <<~CONTENT) --- cx: ' C from facts' CONTENT lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path lookup.options[:render_as] = :s allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['c']) expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql("This is C from facts") end it 'receives extra facts in the facts hash' do file_path = file_containing('facts.yaml', <<~CONTENT) --- cx: ' G from facts' CONTENT lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path lookup.options[:render_as] = :s allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['g']) expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql("This is G from facts in facts hash") end describe 'when retrieving given facts' do before do lookup.options[:node] = node allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['g']) end it 'loads files with yaml extension as yaml on first try' do file_path = file_containing('facts.yaml', <<~CONTENT) --- cx: ' G from facts' CONTENT lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path expect(Puppet::Util::Yaml).to receive(:safe_load_file).with(file_path, []).and_call_original run_lookup(lookup) end it 'loads files with yml extension as yaml on first try' do file_path = file_containing('facts.yml', <<~CONTENT) --- cx: ' G from facts' CONTENT lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path expect(Puppet::Util::Yaml).to receive(:safe_load_file).with(file_path, []).and_call_original run_lookup(lookup) end it 'loads files with json extension as json on first try' do file_path = file_containing('facts.json', <<~CONTENT) { "cx": " G from facts" } CONTENT lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path expect(Puppet::Util::Json).to receive(:load_file).with(file_path, {}).and_call_original run_lookup(lookup) end it 'detects file format accordingly even with random file extension' do file_path = file_containing('facts.txt', <<~CONTENT) { "cx": " G from facts" } CONTENT lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path expect(Puppet::Util::Json).to receive(:load_file_if_valid).with(file_path).and_call_original expect(Puppet::Util::Yaml).not_to receive(:safe_load_file_if_valid).with(file_path) run_lookup(lookup) end it 'detects file without extension as json due to valid contents' do file_path = file_containing('facts', <<~CONTENT) { "cx": " G from facts" } CONTENT lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path expect(Puppet::Util::Json).to receive(:load_file_if_valid).with(file_path).and_call_original expect(Puppet::Util::Yaml).not_to receive(:safe_load_file_if_valid).with(file_path) run_lookup(lookup) end it 'detects file without extension as yaml due to valid contents' do file_path = file_containing('facts', <<~CONTENT) --- cx: ' G from facts' CONTENT lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path expect(Puppet::Util::Json.load_file_if_valid(file_path)).to be_nil expect(Puppet::Util::Yaml).to receive(:safe_load_file_if_valid).with(file_path).and_call_original run_lookup(lookup) end it 'raises error due to invalid contents' do file_path = file_containing('facts.yml', <<~CONTENT) INVALID CONTENT CONTENT lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path expect { lookup.run_command }.to raise_error(/Incorrectly formatted data in .+ given via the --facts flag \(only accepts yaml and json files\)/) end it "fails when a node doesn't have facts" do lookup.options[:node] = "bad.node" allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['c']) expected_error = "No facts available for target node: #{lookup.options[:node]}" expect { lookup.run_command }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, expected_error) end it 'raises error due to missing trusted information facts in --facts file' do file_path = file_containing('facts.yaml', <<~CONTENT) --- fqdn: CONTENT lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path expect { lookup.run_command }.to raise_error(/When overriding any of the hostname,domain,fqdn,clientcert facts with #{file_path} given via the --facts flag, they must all be overridden./) end it 'does not fail when all trusted information facts are provided via --facts file' do file_path = file_containing('facts.yaml', <<~CONTENT) --- fqdn: hostname: some.hostname domain: some.domain clientcert: some.clientcert CONTENT lookup.options[:fact_file] = file_path expect { lookup.run_command }.to exit_with(0) .and output(/This is in facts hash/).to_stdout end end end context 'using a puppet function as data provider' do let(:node) {"testnode", :facts => facts, :environment => 'puppet_func_provider') } it "works OK in the absense of '--compile'" do # strict mode is off so behavior this test is trying to check isn't stubbed out Puppet[:strict_variables] = false Puppet[:strict] = :warning lookup.options[:node] = node allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['c']) lookup.options[:render_as] = :s expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql("This is C from data.pp") end it "global scope is affected by global variables when '--compile' is used" do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:compile] = true lookup.options[:render_as] = :s allow(lookup.command_line).to receive(:args).and_return(['c']) expect(run_lookup(lookup)).to eql("This is C from site.pp") end end end end