# Expand Json filter plugin for Embulk expand columns having json into multiple columns ## Overview * **Plugin type**: filter ## Configuration - **json_column_name**: a column name having json to be expanded (string, required) - **expanded_columns**: columns expanded into multiple columns (array of hash, required) - **name**: name of the column. you can define [JsonPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) style. - **type**: type of the column (see below) - **format**: format of the timestamp if type is timestamp ## Example ```yaml filters: - type: expand_json json_column_name: json_payload expanded_columns: - {name: "$.phone_numbers", type: string} - {name: "$.app_id", type: long} - {name: "$.point", type: double} - {name: "$.created_at", type: timestamp, format: "%Y-%m-%d"} - {name: "$.profile.anniversary.et", type: string} - {name: "$.profile.anniversary.voluptatem", type: string} - {name: "$.profile.like_words[1]", type: string} - {name: "$.profile.like_words[2]", type: string} - {name: "$.profile.like_words[0]", type: string} ``` ## Note - If the value evaluated by JsonPath is Array or Hash, the value is written as JSON. ## Dependencies - https://github.com/jayway/JsonPath - use to evaluate [JsonPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) - [Apache License Version 2.0](https://github.com/jayway/JsonPath/blob/master/LICENSE) ## Build ``` $ ./gradlew gem # -t to watch change of files and rebuild continuously ```