beforeEach(function() { I18n.locale = "en" }) describe("Basic translation functionality", function() { it("translates the phrase", function() { expect(I18n.translate("world")).toEqual("World") }) it("translates the phrase for the 'pl' locale", function() { I18n.locale = "pl" expect(I18n.translate("world")).toEqual("Świat") }) it("translates the phrase using I18n.t()", function() { expect(I18n.t("world")).toEqual("World") }) it("returns missing translation message when translation is not found", function() { expect(I18n.t("missing")).toMatch(/missing translation/) }) it("translates the phrase using scoped key with dots as separators", function() { expect(I18n.t("page.intro.heading")).toEqual("Heading") }) it("translates the phrase using dotted string scope param", function() { expect(I18n.t("heading", {scope: "page.intro"})).toEqual("Heading") }) it("translates the phrase using Array scope param", function() { expect(I18n.t("heading", {scope: ["page", "intro"]})).toEqual("Heading") }) it("supports interpolation during translation", function() { expect(I18n.t("hello", {name: "John"})).toEqual("Hello John!") }) }) describe("Global short functions", function() { it("translates the phrase using t() global function", function() { expect(t("world")).toEqual("World") }) it("localizes the number using l() global function", function() { expect(l("number", 1)).toEqual("1.000") }) }) describe("Default value fallback", function() { it("ignores defaultValue if translation is found", function() { expect(I18n.t("world", {defaultValue: "New World"})).toEqual("World") }) it("returns defaultValue if translation is not found", function() { expect(I18n.t("non-existing-key", {defaultValue: "New World"})).toEqual("New World") }) it("uses defaultValue to do another lookup if it starts with ':'", function() { expect(I18n.t("non-existing-key", {defaultValue: ":world"})).toEqual("World") }) it("allows an Array as defaultValue and keeps checking each of its keys for translation", function() { expect(I18n.t("non-existing-key", {defaultValue: [":missing", ":world"]})).toEqual("World") }) it("applies the same scope to the defaultValue as it does to the key", function() { expect(I18n.t("non-existing-key", {scope: "page", defaultValue: [":title"]})).toEqual("Title") }) }) describe("Locale fallback", function() { it("falls back to I18n.default_locale when there is no translation available for the requested locale", function() { I18n.locale = "pl" expect(I18n.t("title", {scope: "page"})).toEqual("Title") }) }) describe("Localization of numbers", function() { beforeEach(function() { I18n.locale = "pl" }) it("localizes numbers with default settings", function() { expect(I18n.toNumber(1)).toEqual("1,000") expect(I18n.toNumber(1234567)).toEqual("1 234 567,000") expect(I18n.toNumber(-1)).toEqual("-1,000") expect(I18n.toNumber(-1234567)).toEqual("-1 234 567,000") }) it("localizes numbers with custom options", function() { expect(I18n.toNumber(1234.19, {precision: 0})).toEqual("1 234") expect(I18n.toNumber(1234, {separator: '-'})).toEqual("1 234-000") expect(I18n.toNumber(1234, {delimiter: '-'})).toEqual("1-234,000") expect(I18n.toNumber(65, {precision: 4, strip_insignificant_zeros: true})).toEqual("65") expect(I18n.toNumber(1.2, {precision: 4, strip_insignificant_zeros: true})).toEqual("1,2") }) it("localizes numbers using localize() function", function() { expect(I18n.l("number", 1)).toEqual("1,000") expect(I18n.l("number", 1234567)).toEqual("1 234 567,000") expect(I18n.l("number", -1)).toEqual("-1,000") expect(I18n.l("number", -1234567)).toEqual("-1 234 567,000") }) }) describe("Localization of percentages", function() { beforeEach(function() { I18n.locale = "pl" }) it("localizes percentages with default settings", function() { expect(I18n.toPercentage(1234)).toEqual("1234,00%") }) it("localizes percentages with custom options", function() { expect(I18n.toPercentage(1234.19, {delimiter: "_", precision: 0})).toEqual("1_234%") }) it("localizes percentages using localize() function", function() { expect(I18n.l("percentage", 12)).toEqual("12,00%") }) }) describe("Localization of currencies", function() { beforeEach(function() { I18n.locale = "pl" }) it("localizes currencies with default settings", function() { expect(I18n.toCurrency(100.99)).toEqual("PLN 100,99") expect(I18n.toCurrency(1000.99)).toEqual("PLN 1 000,99") }) it("localizes currencies with custom options", function() { expect(I18n.toCurrency(1234.19, {precision: 0})).toEqual("PLN 1 234") expect(I18n.toCurrency(1234, {unit: "zł"})).toEqual("zł 1 234") expect(I18n.toCurrency(1234, {separator: "-", strip_insignificant_zeros: false})).toEqual("PLN 1 234-00") expect(I18n.toCurrency(1234, {delimiter: ""})).toEqual("PLN 1234") expect(I18n.toCurrency(1234, {format: "%n %u"})).toEqual("1 234 PLN") }) it("localizes currencies using localize() function", function() { expect(I18n.l("currency", 12)).toEqual("PLN 12") }) }) describe("Localization of human sizes", function() { beforeEach(function() { I18n.locale = "pl" }) it("localizes numbers in human sizes using pluralization rules", function() { kb = 1024 expect(I18n.toHumanSize(1)).toEqual("1bajt") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(5)).toEqual("5bajtów") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(12)).toEqual("12bajtów") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(22)).toEqual("22bajty") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(kb)).toEqual("1KB") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(kb * 1.5)).toEqual("1,5KB") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(kb * kb)).toEqual("1MB") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(kb * kb * 1.5)).toEqual("1,5MB") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(kb * kb * kb)).toEqual("1GB") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(kb * kb * kb * 1.5)).toEqual("1,5GB") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(kb * kb * kb * kb)).toEqual("1TB") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(kb * kb * kb * kb * 1.5)).toEqual("1,5TB") expect(I18n.toHumanSize(kb * kb * kb * kb * kb)).toEqual("1024TB") }) it("localizes numbers in human sizes using custom options", function() { expect(I18n.toHumanSize(1024 * 1.6, {precision: 0})).toEqual("2KB") }) }) describe("Date parsing", function() { beforeEach(function() { I18n.locale = "pl" }) it("parses dates", function() { expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0) actual = I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24") expect(actual.toString()).toEqual(expected.toString()) expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 15, 0) actual = I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24 00:15:00") expect(actual.toString()).toEqual(expected.toString()) expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 0, 15) actual = I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24 00:00:15") expect(actual.toString()).toEqual(expected.toString()) expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 15, 33, 44) actual = I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24 15:33:44") expect(actual.toString()).toEqual(expected.toString()) expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0) actual = I18n.parseDate(expected.getTime()) expect(actual.toString()).toEqual(expected.toString()) expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0) actual = I18n.parseDate("01/24/2009") expect(actual.toString()).toEqual(expected.toString()) expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 14, 33, 55) actual = I18n.parseDate(expected).toString() expect(actual).toEqual(expected.toString()) expected = new Date(2009, 0, 24, 15, 33, 44) actual = I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24T15:33:44") expect(actual.toString()).toEqual(expected.toString()) expected = new Date(Date.UTC(2009, 0, 24, 15, 33, 44)) actual = I18n.parseDate("2009-01-24T15:33:44Z") expect(actual.toString()).toEqual(expected.toString()) }) it("formats dates", function() { // 2009-04-26 19:35:44 (Sunday) var date = new Date(2009, 3, 26, 19, 35, 44) // short week day expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%a")).toEqual("nie") // full week day expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%A")).toEqual("niedziela") // short month expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%b")).toEqual("kwi") // full month expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%B")).toEqual("kwiecień") // day expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%d")).toEqual("26") // 24-hour expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%H")).toEqual("19") // 12-hour expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%I")).toEqual("07") // month expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%m")).toEqual("04") // minutes expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%M")).toEqual("35") // meridian expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%p")).toEqual("po południu") // seconds expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%S")).toEqual("44") // week day expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%w")).toEqual("0") // short year expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%y")).toEqual("09") // full year expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%Y")).toEqual("2009") // full date expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%d. %B %Y, godzina %H:%M")).toEqual("26. kwiecień 2009, godzina 19:35") }) it("formats dates without padding", function() { // 2009-04-26 19:35:44 (Sunday) var date = new Date(2009, 3, 9, 7, 8, 9) // 24-hour without padding expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%-H")).toEqual("7") // 12-hour without padding expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%-I")).toEqual("7") // minutes without padding expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%-M")).toEqual("8") // seconds without padding expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%-S")).toEqual("9") // short year without padding expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%-y")).toEqual("9") // month without padding expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%-m")).toEqual("4") // day without padding expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%-d")).toEqual("9") }) it("formats dates with padding", function() { // 2009-04-26 19:35:44 (Sunday) var date = new Date(2009, 3, 9, 7, 8, 9) // 24-hour expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%H")).toEqual("07") // 12-hour expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%I")).toEqual("07") // minutes expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%M")).toEqual("08") // seconds expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%S")).toEqual("09") // short year expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%y")).toEqual("09") // month expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%m")).toEqual("04") // day expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%d")).toEqual("09") }) it("formats dates with negative time zone", function() { var date = new Date(2009, 3, 26, 19, 35, 44) spyOn(date, "getTimezoneOffset").andReturn(345) expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%z")).toMatch(/^(\+|-)[\d]{4}$/) expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%z")).toEqual("-0545") }) it("formats dates with positive time zone", function() { var date = new Date(2009, 3, 26, 19, 35, 44) spyOn(date, "getTimezoneOffset").andReturn(-345) expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%z")).toMatch(/^(\+|-)[\d]{4}$/) expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%z")).toEqual("+0545") }) it("formats dates using hour12 values", function() { var date = new Date(2009, 3, 26, 19, 35, 44) expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%I")).toEqual("07") date = new Date(2009, 3, 26, 12, 35, 44) expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%I")).toEqual("12") date = new Date(2009, 3, 26, 0, 35, 44) expect(I18n.strftime(date, "%I")).toEqual("12") }) it("parses and formats a Ruby string", function() { // the `` string below is devoid of timezone information; this way this test can pass in different timezones expect(I18n.strftime(I18n.parseDate("Wed Sep 14 12:03:11 2011"), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")).toEqual("2011/09/14 12:03") }) it("localizes date strings", function() { expect(I18n.l("date.formats.default", "2009-11-29")).toEqual("29-11-2009") expect(I18n.l("date.formats.short", "2009-01-07")).toEqual("07 sty") expect(I18n.l("date.formats.long", "2009-01-07")).toEqual("styczeń 07, 2009") }) it("localizes time strings", function() { expect(I18n.l("time.formats.default", "2009-11-29 15:07:59")).toMatch("nie, 29 lis 2009 15:07:59") expect(I18n.l("time.formats.short", "2009-01-07 09:12:35")).toEqual("07 sty 09:12") expect(I18n.l("time.formats.long", "2009-11-29 15:07:59")).toEqual("listopad 29, 2009 15:07") }) }) describe("Pluralizations", function() { it("correctly pluralizes the English phrase", function() { I18n.locale = "en" expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 1})).toEqual("1 Contact") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 2})).toEqual("2 Contacts") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 22})).toEqual("22 Contacts") }) it("correctly pluralizes the French phrase", function() { I18n.locale = "fr" expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 0})).toEqual("0 contact") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 1})).toEqual("1 contact") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 2})).toEqual("2 contacts") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 5})).toEqual("5 contacts") }) it("correctly pluralizes the Polish phrase", function() { I18n.locale = "pl" expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 1})).toEqual("1 Kontakt") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 2})).toEqual("2 Kontakty") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 5})).toEqual("5 Kontaktów") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 12})).toEqual("12 Kontaktów") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 22})).toEqual("22 Kontakty") }) it("correctly pluralizes the Portuguese phrase", function() { I18n.locale = "pt" expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 0})).toEqual("0 Contato") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 1})).toEqual("1 Contato") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 2})).toEqual("2 Contatos") expect(I18n.t("contact", {count: 22})).toEqual("22 Contatos") }) })