class CommitFilter::Model HASHTAG_REGEX = /(?:\s|^)(#(?!([0-9]?:\d+|\w+?_|_\w+?)(?:\s|$))([a-z0-9\-_]+))/i attr_accessor :workspace, :repository, :project_slug, :branch, :path, :author, :from, :to, :id, :hashtag attr_accessor :message, :story, :tasks, :hide_merge_commits, :logger, :issue_url, :repository_provider, :user_or_organization attr_accessor :repository_host, :group_by_rails_file_category attr_reader :errors, :commits_count, :last_revision, :first_revision, :previous_revision, :previous_revision_by_file def self.create(attributes = {}) resource = new(attributes) if resource.valid? begin resource.commits_by_file rescue Grit::Git::GitTimeout @errors ||= {} @errors['base'] = I18n.t('commit_filter.filters.create.errors.too_many_git_timeouts') end end resource end def initialize(attributes = {}) @commits_count, @previous_revision_by_file = 0, {} initialize_attributes(attributes) self end def repository_path; self.workspace.to_s + '/' + self.repository.to_s; end def valid? @valid = _valid? ? true : false end def commits_by_file return {} unless valid? return @files if @files if group_by_rails_file_category @files = { library: { paths: [/^lib\//, /^app\/mailers\//] }, model: { paths: [/^app\/models\//, /^db\//] }, controller: { paths: [/^app\/controllers\//] }, javascript: { paths: [/^app\/assets\/javascripts\//] }, view: { paths: [ /^app\/assets\/stylesheets\//, /^app\/views\//, /^app\/helpers\//, /^app\/presenters\//, /^public\// ] }, tests: { paths: [/^spec\//, /^features\//] }, configuration: { paths: [/^config\//] }, misc: { paths: [] } } else @files = {} end catch(:done) do commits do |page| page.each do |commit| add_commit_to_files(commit) if commit_attributes_match_criteria?(commit) end end end if group_by_rails_file_category @files.each {|category, setting| @files.delete(category) unless setting[:files].try(:any?) } end @files rescue Grit::NoSuchPathError @errors ||= {} @errors['base'] = I18n.t('commit_filter.filters.create.errors.repository_not_found') end def files_count; @previous_revision_by_file.keys.length; end private def initialize_attributes(attributes) default_attributes = { 'workspace' => CommitFilter.configuration.workspace, 'repository' => CommitFilter.configuration.repository, 'repository_provider' => CommitFilter.configuration.repository_provider, 'user_or_organization' => CommitFilter.configuration.user_or_organization, 'repository_host' => CommitFilter.configuration.repository_host, 'project_slug' => CommitFilter.configuration.project_slug, 'branch' => CommitFilter.configuration.branch, 'issue_url' => CommitFilter.configuration.issue_url, 'hide_merge_commits' => CommitFilter.configuration.hide_merge_commits } if CommitFilter.configuration.workspace_and_repository_from_rails_root workspace = Rails.root.to_s.split('/') default_attributes['repository'] = workspace.pop default_attributes['workspace'] = workspace.join('/') end attributes = default_attributes.merge(attributes) attributes['hide_merge_commits'] = false if attributes['hide_merge_commits'].to_s == '0' attributes['to'] ='%Y-%m-%d') if attributes['from'].present? && attributes['to'].blank? attributes.each {|attribute, value| self.send("#{attribute}=", value) } end def _valid? @errors ||= {} ['workspace', 'repository', 'branch'].each do |field| @errors[field] = I18n.t('commit_filter.filters.create.errors.cannot_be_blank') if self.send(field).blank? end if repository_provider == 'GitHub' @errors['user_or_organization'] = I18n.t('commit_filter.filters.create.errors.cannot_be_blank') if user_or_organization.blank? elsif repository_provider == '' ['repository_host', 'project_slug'].each do |field| @errors[field] = I18n.t('commit_filter.filters.create.errors.cannot_be_blank') if self.send(field).blank? end end if path.blank? && author.blank? && id.blank? && hashtag.blank? && message.blank? && story.blank? && tasks.blank? && from.blank? && to.blank? @errors['base'] = I18n.t('commit_filter.filters.create.errors.not_enough_criteria') end @errors.empty? end def repository_instance @repository_instance ||= end def commits offset = 0 if id.present? yield repository_instance.commits(id).select{|commit| == id } else while (page = try_two_times("Get commits from #{offset} to #{(offset + 100)}") { repository_instance.commits(self.branch, 100, offset) }).length > 0 yield page offset += 100 end end end def commit_attributes_match_criteria?(commit) if hide_merge_commits && commit.message.match(/^Merge branch /) false elsif ( (message != '' && commit.message.match(message)) || commit_message_includes_hashtag(commit.message) ) && (author.blank? || == author) && between_timespan?(commit.committed_date) true else @previous_revision ||= throw :done if from.present? && Time.parse(from) > commit.committed_date false end end def commit_message_includes_hashtag(commit_message) hashtag.present? && commit_message.scan(HASHTAG_REGEX).map(&:first).include?(hashtag) end def add_commit_to_files(commit) @previous_revision = nil return if hide_merge_commits && commit.message.match(/^Merge branch /) if commit.message.match(message) && (author.blank? || == author) && between_timespan?(commit.committed_date) @previous_revision = nil else @previous_revision ||= throw :done if from.present? && Time.parse(from) > commit.committed_date return end files = try_two_times("Commit(id: #{})#stats") { commit.stats } do |file_path| path.blank? || file_path.match(path) end return if files.none? @first_revision = @last_revision ||= @commits_count += 1 files.each {|file_path| add_commit_to_file(file_path, commit) } end def between_timespan?(timestamp) return true if from.blank? && to.blank? from_valid = from.present? && Time.parse(from) <= timestamp to_valid = to.present? && Time.parse(to) >= timestamp valid = if from.present? && to.present? && from_valid && to_valid true elsif (from.blank? || to.blank?) && ((from.present? && from_valid) || (to.present? && to_valid)) true else false end valid end def add_commit_to_file(file_path, commit) category = nil if group_by_rails_file_category category = :misc if file_path.match(/\//) @files.each do |current_category, setting| if setting[:paths].select{|part| file_path.match(part) }.any? category = current_category; break end end end end if commit.parents.any? @previous_revision_by_file[file_path] = else # e.g. first commit has no parents @previous_revision_by_file[file_path] = nil end @files[category][:files] ||= {} if category.present? files = category.present? ? @files[category][:files] : @files files[file_path] ||= [] files[file_path] << { id:, committed_at: commit.committed_date.strftime('%d.%m.%y %H:%M'), message: commit.message, author: } end # alternative for Integer#tries to log try number and sleep between def try_two_times(message = '') tries ||= 1 if CommitFilter.configuration.git_debug_logging "#{'%H:%M:%S')} #{message} (try ##{tries})" end yield rescue Grit::Git::GitTimeout => e if (tries += 1) == 2 sleep 2 retry else raise e end end end